/dbg/ - Dirty Bomb General

>Is it p2w?
Not really desu
>How the loadout system works:
>Loadout/weapon/augment charts
>How do I get this game?
>Join our steam group and play with us:
>Wanna play competitive?
Ask reddit for cups, ranked matchmaking is dead and you shouldn't play it
>Tweaks and HUD customization
>Singleplayer map practice and testing commands
>Aim/reflex training:
>Official Dirty Bomb Discord (see /dbg/ Discord for /dbg/ Discord:
no one uses it anymore
>/dbg/ Discord:

Fanart edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Post webms



>Post webms



>someone doing a little too well for their level
>check profile

I see some things don't change between games.

>it's a team actually bottleneck themselves and try to brute force through the literal meatgrinder for 10 minutes episode

When does this cattle get a thought like this in their heads:
"Huh... It seems as if i have done nothing but die 20 times while trying to push through route A, when there are three more routes completely clear of any enemies. Maybe I should try one of the other ones."

Here's actually what really grinds my gears
>flank enemy meatgrinder
>kill 4-5 of them, team gets the stragglers
>entire enemy team is dead with only 1-2 people on our team dead
>team waits for enemies to spawn and come back

This happens in min lvl 20

>point is 100% clear everyone is alive
>they still stay back in their little safe-space butthole full of health and ammo stations until the enemy team respawns
>get killed mid-plant by respawned enemy because there isn't a single team mate anywhere nearby
>we lose
>next round it's another 6 votes for chapel/underground right off the bat guaranteed to all be by the underage shit skid faggots who just lost
>2 vassilis 2 auras

Did I miss any post from this guy?


nigga Aura is great for taking positions and ground control, too bad shitters cant play her properly

Oh look, another guy who hates freedom, privacy and america!



What is the highest killcount you've had in execution?


Did anyone but you in your team kill anything?

Your new is showing.

What is the best map and why is it Trainyard?

heh >:D

i like chapel because of all the awesome and useful movement tricks
i don't think any other map has as many at every stage of the map

I really hope when the updated maps are released they have some of Brink's aesthetic.


>Your new is showing.
I'm not sure about what this expression means, but I hope that you do not think that there is anyone new in /dbg/...




Obviously got all his exp from suicide proxying and dropping down aura station with stacked teams.

Jesus christ


Dirty Bomb had 13k players on the free beta launch, GITS didn't even make it to 5k. If you seriously think those numbers are going to last longer than a month, you are delusional.

mad cuz playing ded game xD

SD had better get their shit together

>Kira mains

> tfw you will never watch Gay Sex With HATS ON with Animebutt99 ;_;

trying too hard my man

though the resolution did make laugh a bit

What the fuck is wrong with using SteamID instead of having to log-on to a 3rd party account.
This shit

You can also play it on nexon launcher with the same account. It uses NX currency for microtransactions and you have a unique display name (different than your steam name). The pre-alpha was purely on nexon launcher so they needed a way to connect the accounts.

I picked the wrong operative. Sprint guy thinking this was a fast-paced shooter.
How do I reroll?


You get a new 'operative license' as a level up reward after couple of games.

Time to become a shotgun shitter mouse1+jump on the same key mememachine.

post tits

What tits?

The Aimee Cups!

Holy shit is this Zorla Lau?

zorla is an ugly pizza face with a 10 year old body

>those hands

Think of all the handjobs you could be getting.

>shows skin
>pants cover the midriff

Ghost in the Shell was also shit.
What are some good shooters while waiting for missions in Dirty Bomb?


>15 minutes until Humble Bundle Gen 2 cards become available


You wish

They won't do another Humble Bundle before they have working casual MM.

A cute bump!



>he shares his private information on steam profile


It's my smurf, not my throwaway account.

>mfw doctor described my penis as "wide"

>tfw buttanime99 probably a bigger dong than me

Something that isn't filled with nothing but meme custom servers and isn't locked to low resolutions only

But i dont have a dong user

Post a front view of yourself with or without panties on

raz doesn't post anymore guys
it's over
we're dying
i can already see the light desu

Except I'm not 99 either user.
What, do you want it or something?

Dont think i will do that not even if Raz posts a pic with just panties on

probably necked herself

why did they get rid of his best kek-10 card?
The newer one has fucking double time instead of drilled.

Double time is p.good though.
It's a game about speed, every slowdown counts.
>inb4 reload canceling

reload cancelling
double time is dogshit and whenever possible i try to replace it with iron if the loadout is otherwise good
cancelling with the same button is slower than a reload cancel

So you're mad SD caught on to your tricks, and don't have a legit argument...

i know that reload cancelling is a serious exploit as explained on the sd forums :^^)

Just wait until they remove it :^)

Double time used to be fine when you could still cancel by sprinting. Now it's just a nuisance because it's a reflex for me to not sprint while reloading, and when I encounter an enemy mid reload, I can cancel and unload the rest of my mag. So yes, DT is shit and you should never pick it.

I do~


Sneks have split tongues, silly

no wonder why these threads are so debo.
subztance and the NA dirty bomb crew was what made these threads worth browsing.

back at ya 99~

this tbqh

Ghost in the shell is shit and you should know better for trying it.
Overwatch isn't terrible/unplayable but you need to pay. Luccio is good for practicing headshots in DB and Soldier 76 is good for practicing tracking and headshots since it's basically all he does.

CS:Source is decent for the weapon mechanics. I just kinda play singleplayer FPS games like STALKER.


All he ever did was post the same 2 shitposts over and over again, first [random bragging-that-totally-doesn't-make-me-look-pathetic-i-promise] and then "kys" to everyone who responded.

subs doesnt say kys though. im friends with him and he said himself that he would just lurk unless posting a screeneebeany.

>t. "I AM A GOD ;_;" subs

>being friends with a mexican

Good night /dbg/ :3




sleepu so please bumpu

new maps when?
tools for player map creation when?

6-9 months

>workshop maps

Hopefully fucking never ever.

>implying workshop maps would be a bad thing
why would you see this as a bad thing?

Yeah they sure helped out every single game that's had them.
>tons of shitty maps made with preset assets moved into shitty positions
>3-4 actually good maps that nobody will ever play because 2FORT_ORANGE_MARIOKART_NUKETOWN_PRISON_ESCAPE is available.