Wanna buy a mech pak (tm)? Maybe compete in the highest skill tournament in e-sports (60% forfeits)? How about some townhalls, or roundtables, dev vlogs, or anything?
Jonathan Gomez
I still want to know how that man aged 10 years in just under three.
Cameron Price
Whatever are you talking about, goy? Grab some cycloses and shit already!
>leaderboards have all sorts of data >more or less useless since 1 game abberations fuck up proper stats
Ryder Bennett
You're out in the club with your sibko, and this fucking thing slaps your object of affection's ass.
What do you do?
Mason Collins
Is this the maximum 6 player tabletop gaming thread?
James Smith
Have 20 clones of old men rush it with C4.
Liam Jenkins
I don't know who gave you that idea.
Dylan Jones
So, tell me, what exactly is it about the Pretty Baby that's bad?
Theoretically one could run 3x SRM6 + 2x ERPPC/ LPL + XL360-375 on it and have adequate heatsinks or the speed of a clan heavy when tweaked, on an 80 ton assault.
It also kept it's structure quirks, so it's got 75 CT and 52 LT/ RT structure.
Lucas Peterson
>3x SRM6 >IS XL >on a barn door I have identified the problem
Gabriel Perez
I've played the non-hero awesomes, and I still find that I lose my CT more often than I lose my side torsos.
Also, the Awesome seems to be smaller than the Cataphract, and has the same torso size as the wankhammer.
Wyatt Sullivan
Bentley Ward
Brayden Howard
Man Hawken is fucked up on console. Why did the devs think the Nief was a good idea?
Benjamin Bennett
>Why did the devs think
You really think there was thinking involved in that decision?
Ryan Green
Fuck these retarded fucking faggots and their aids garbage map picks and fucking shit plays
Everyone should just fucking kill themselves because thats what theyre doing ingame too.
Angel Garcia
William Cook
Mason Myers
Josiah Sullivan
Carter Jones
Is it me you're looking for?
MWO leaderboards just changed over, looks like they're doing stats by month now.
Robert Ward
Jose Evans
>now That was the plan from the beginning. Reset every month. Did you honestly think they'd let you see how few and terrible the Gold Men really are?
Easton Adams
They're keeping records, so you'll be able to see how precisely shitty someone is each month.
Ryan Moore
nth for punching insects and rolling half a dozen 10's in a row
Attention, mutants. It is highly recommended that you read page 13: caste descriptions, so you get a better understanding of what your characters' past lives were like.
This message brought to you by the Better Roleplaying Association.
Thomas Ramirez
Kongdrops happening
Thomas Nelson
>where decals will eventually end up
Jackson Sanders
keeping snakes as pets should be illegal NOT EVEN POTTY TRAINED, WOW.
Christian Green
Zachary Richardson
>it's a "gamer girl sitting all the fuck the way back with lrms and complains about noone doing the objective in domination" episode
Thomas Brown
Did you run into jemima?
Ryan Bennett
nah she had some weeb name, think it started as Kitsurugi
Angel Roberts
Wanna buy a mech pak (tm), goy?
Bentley Torres
what're you selling?
Luis Green
show me your wares, merchant.
Eli Richardson
I'm going into battle and I need your strongest mechpack, mech seller!
Jack White
Only 149.95 dorrah. Gold version is available for 500 dorrah.
Carson Cox
My mechpacks are too meta for you mechwarrior, you can not handle my mechpacks.
William Nguyen
I can definitely see this being the next mechpack. It'll be the Christmas mech and make them so much money.
Tyler Ramirez
Bushwacker for Christmas. The MadCat will be teased at MechCon along with some other shit. Imperius will still bitch, moan, and complain.
Cooper Davis
Nathaniel Bennett
Could see this happening yeah.
I'd grab deal both of them probably.
William Martinez
But what kind of variants would they make up for them?
Ryan Torres
For the Bushwacker or Mk. II?
Levi Rogers
Both, neither have enough variants for even the 3 minimum, let alone the 6 variants minimum they do these days.
Caleb Powell
The Bushwacker only needs one more variant, and they'll just make like an "X3", and a Hero like they have before. It'll probably offer ECM, or something stupid like a laser centric build. It just has to have a slightly different hardpoint spread from the other two. It doesn't need a "reinforcements" add-on like the Clan packs, it'll be just like the Marauder, Warhammer, Rifleman, Archer packs.
As for the Mk. II they'll either have to be really creative, or the time line jump is going to be... interesting, to say the least.
Luke Foster
>tfw spiderlings infest Toad, who then gives birth to a master race of spider frogs.
Am I the only one who doesn't care about yet another medium mech?
Luke Clark
>Bushwacker >Mad Cat mk2 Why do people care about twose two mechs so much?
Ian Miller
Nah. I'm pretty done with Piggy Mediums myself. They're consistently shit. But there's enough MW3&4 gOld men and Sean Lang's out there that they'll shit their pants for it.
Eli Gomez
Cooper Parker
Because they're badass
Carson Adams
Why should it be illegal when they're so cute
Ayden Bell
Do you not like them?
Zachary White
But the Bushwacker is just a shitmech, and the Madman 2 is just a bigger and slower TBR and it would have crippled JJs in mwo.
Thomas Rogers
>gladiator academy is dead.
Adrian Jackson
Bushwacker will get stupid quirks, and people will buy it in droves even if it is a shitmech.
Jace Russell
The Bushwacker isn't really a shitmech, it would perform alright. A 4M variant would be likely, and 1B per side torso is good enough for a 55 tonner.
Mad Cat MK II doesn't have to take the JJs, could take a big Clan XL engine, and has plenty of great hardpoints.
Jack Ross
Different user, but no, I don't. The Bushwacker would never be like it was in MW3, and the Mad cat mk2 is just an inferior version of the Blood Asp.
Hunter Cox
The bushwacker would benefit from having an incredibly small profile it would probably be about the size of a 45 tonner were 50 tonner that was one of its major quirks in tabletop.