How do you justify a V8 in your dd when your commutes are like this?
How do you justify a V8 in your dd when your commutes are like this?
>bill of needs
I can't, but I don't need to
>ty based freedumbs
You just say "fuck you I like it" and you look into alternate routes.
When the traffic clears up you can go extra vroom vroom
>muh freedumbs
>euro 4 banger detected
I 4banged ur mum
I'd probably smoke you in my DD, and I also have an SUV, but I'm not retard, so I don't commute in it.
And no, none of my cars is 4 (or 3) cylinder, but I intend to buy one, because why waste a good car for stop&go traffic.
>wtf r u talkieing about, all u need iz one car lol
I like the freedom of choice :^)
get rekt, ameritard, mum says you left without paying
>smoke you
10.6 1/4 mile, not even tuned m8
V8s are the best faggot
Why should anyone have to justify what they drive, ever?
Usually people:
a. drive what they want to
b. drive what they can afford
c. drive what is available to them (family car, inherited car)
d. drive whatever best fits their budget and don't really care about cars outside of having reliable transportation
V8s are better at low rpm gentle pulling along. If anything they're more appropriate than your twitchy high strung three and four cylinder stuff.
I can't. I don't live in a town where the traffic is like this, but if I did and I didn't have an immediate road to freedom, I'd never own a v8. Its dumb to drive a gas guzzler in this crap
my commute looks like that so i drive a i4 or a 1 or 2 cyl bike
save the v8 for hauling shit
I'm Australian and v8s do whatever the fuck they please on intercity highways
That's just faggotry.
there's gentle cruising and there's gridlock
you need torque to pull all that burgers.
That's an inline 6
rollin coal is for fags tho
I don't feel that I need to. So I don't.
I actually have access to a bike trail in my neighborhood that leads to my job.
So, 70% of the year, I'm riding my bike 12 miles to work.
But my commute doesn't look like that. Its open interstate and some twisties
my commutes aren't like that and I can afford gas because im not poor.
I actually could justify a V8 as I live out in the country where there isn't any traffic but there are large hills.
How do people maintain the will to live when they have to endure traffic like that twice a day, every day?
Because they're good little workers. That's what most of their life is about.
>How do you justify
I don't commute
I travel long distances and get paid for it, and I prefer to enjoy my 3-12 hour daily drives.
>OP will never get chills from hearing the vengeful roar of a 6.4 liter HEMI
i get paid 50% more to endure the commute so i just keep that in the back of my head..
and music
Pretty easy, don't drive on the freeway like a pleb and take the twisty mountain backroads into work instead.
Daily reminder, a 4 banger civic is faster than most v8s. Civic R for the retards
Don't forget to drift he whole way there