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fuck off

I see you're a fan of legends of lactating homos OP.

Skrabble calling the real niggas where you at

so i believe the quest for the orange ring is gone by now?

also, i really want to fly in draenor but the achievo takes fuckin ages

>dies on the first raid tier

really disappointing tbqh



How do draenei conceal their massive horse cocks?

can't zone into org either

putting them in my mouth

Temporal bags, you only use 3/4 bag slots and use the 4th for your schlong.

>mythic dungeons
>good equip
>you NEED to use ts3

The horse dicks are only in your head, beastfag.

I hate leveling

>Stupid fetish faggot wondering why his fetish isn't canon, and there's no evidence to support it

They're females you fuckin retard. They've got pussies.

>pathetic retarded faggot using model edits and posting for attention calling someone a fag

So are gathering profs going to be mandatory in legion with bloods being BoP?

We dont know that, plus just like illidan his soul might be attached to the twisting nether due to too much fel jizz so he might not be killable.

Also the voice intro they released today sounds like he is gonna try find a way to escape and get enough power for himself to do something.

rly hyped :3

>Taking a shitpost this seriously

that is objectively false and you know it

how do u go from this...

They might use model edits, but you suck horse cocks.

to this...

big gays not even once!!

but i didn't post that draenei pic

Tfw only class I have that I can play in pvp is BM Hunter

>what is fishing

>model edits
Those are only textures. Models are untouched.

No, your fetish is false.

So...does anyone here genuinely like female gnomes? I know they're silly and mostly a joke, but I actually do find them kinda endearing.

They are CUTE

They make good caster classes

I wish they had better models and run animation.


it's a meme from another general


Stop using the old fucking links you cocksucker

Image MD5s:




tfw no gnome gf

I've never met a single person who actually really liked gnomes. People mostly seem just tolerant or indifferent towards them.

Now, me? Personally I do not like them.

It's not a hatred or anything I just don't like them at all. They seem too pudgy or something. Their bodies aren't simply small, their bodies are also unattractive. Both the males and females.

There's a lot of artwork with gnomes and I think they look fine there but the gnomes in game are just kind of shitty IMO. Armor also fits on them like trash.

I like them, but I seem to only be able to play them for a little bit before going back to playing night elves.
All the punting comments get old pretty fast as well.

>never dated a girl below 5'0"
It's an awful feeling

is cata timewalking as poorly tuned as wrath?

Why do people keep putting a literal reddit guild in the OP? Stop including shiteral poo in each general. They are NOT a wowg guild.


It's the worst timewalking.

they patch the honor mark trick yet? wanted to get some sets on my alts

I wonder how well they fare on an rp server.

Oh god please tell me that's an available model

Is legion beta officially over? I can't login to any character.

>Go to Light's Hope Chapel
>Log out and back in
>Floor opens to the Paladin Order Hall
>Get kicked out by the guards

Damnit I wanted to explore.

We had a really friendly gnome guild on WrA. Not sure if they are still as active as they were. I remember killing hordes in stormwind with them on newyears. It was pretty cozy.

All the good rp servers seem to be on NA. All we really seem to have here in Europe is Argent Dawn, and that doesn't seem to be so lively anymore.

>not adding stub:no to your filters

alright which one of you was this

No it unfortunately isn't. I think it is the model edited version of this character.

Tfw don't like how movement fucks casters
Tfw don't like how melees die easily

Guess I'm stuck playing Huntard like a shitter

>Leveling a spriest for PVP
is this a good or bad idea


Fucking pansy, come to Moon Guard you fucking pussy



what trick


Guys, is there any source of information that can be trusted for information on classes (specifically healers) or is it all just hot opinions

Icy Veins / fairly popular youtubers / large guilds like Method?

I know to avoid the WoW forums like the plague, but that doesn't help me much

Moon Guard is for shitters

WRA reigns

Are the instances working yet?

It should have remained an idea.

Nah, I'm glad to avoid people like you.

Keep in the safe space, tumblr

>you will never live in that comfy ass place with a contemplative doggo to cuddle with

>close to downing Wyrmbane
>"Svlvanas has assaulted the Alliance fort!"

Still broken on Sargeras at least

It's also photoshopped

thats kind of hot (hands free cummin) but that does not belong here this is a blue board

I want that.

Hey losers, you still playing Hurl of Warcrap? That's nice.

Need more yuro hordes for pvp!

Two more spots atm!

I just made it into my garrison

Fuck off yuroshit tranny

Where the FUCK is the guild at tranny




what did they fuck up this time?

All instances are fucked.

I can't even level on one of my alts because he's in a phased zone

Why do I see general praise for Class Halls? From a quick glance, it looks like Garrisons 2.0

and then we doubled it

It's not that important compared to Garrisons

The class discord channels

Anyone having a problem with dungeon leveling que?
at lvl 81, i que for a random cata dungeon, it gives me some huge estimate like 30 mins and after like 10-15 mins is says "paused" without me being afk or pressing anything.

In /wowg/'s discord?

Thought that was reddit tier

Don't you need to do the facebook shit to gain Artifact Knowledge? That seems pretty important

>decide to level my ancient warlock to 100 finally
guess i'll just buy a boost.

A gathering profession.

Thanks to whoever linked from that other thread. No wonder it was so dead.

>Hearth to garrison
>STILL not fixed
Come the fuck on Blizzard, I was exploiting a pet battle bug for 10 leveling stones every few minutes. Let me keep doing it.

What professions should I take on my DK?

I'm confused how shit makes monster anymore outside Enchants enchanting and jewels.

Are those randomized armors even fuckn worth it?

Who the fuck thought it's a good idea to put twelve long tons of shitty memes in DK's Frost talents and spec.
Just why.

>Not important

de-facto required.

>The 'I'm going to tell you what you should be RPing as' server

No, Ie the Shaman discord, Paladin discord, etc.

You can find links on wowhead guides for those classes and on a lot of the blogs of the top players. IE Wordup and Bink are both really active in the shammy discord.

instances are fucked

>only 50k gold
hopefully I'll make billions with the new blacksmith mount in Legion

Shills literally
Beta player here, all there is to it is a class quest chain I admit I liked, and then it's a literal garrison mission table with a few missions you're forced to do to progress your garrison campaign, then the rest is do garrison missions to get stuff to upgrade your followers, get gold, pets, and quests to do heroic dungeons

Basically it's trash

There's no crafted gear limit anymore so you can make full sets if you want.

Kill me...
I just want to get to 90, suffer the stupid wod intro, do the xp pot thing and be ready to do stuff with my lock

Dont bully !

I'd play with you but I'm NA.

i loved dfrag btw