/pgg/ Pokémon Go General

Worksafe Pokelewds edition

>Official FAQ

>Is the server down?

>General Database

>Is it worth evolving X?

>Some questions answered

>Pokemon strengths and earning XP

>IV Calculator

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Information on spoofing:
Nox: pastebin.com/k34jzqUK
Blustax: pastebin.com/KCVr1HjB

>python scanner set up guide

>Scan request Discord channel

>scanner app



previous bread

Other urls found in this thread:



xth for I want off of mr bones wild ride.

candela best girl btw

You forgot to block something out bro, I wouldn't post that.

Somehow made the new Necro to keep 1 of every pokemon regardless of IV and CP
I can pastebin that shit if anyone interested

>tfw you will never breed a qt trainer

>footprints deactivated
>pokémon turning into other pokémon

what the fuck is niantic even doing anymore?

>pop an incense and go for a 5km walk
>hyped to come back, use a lucky egg, finish hatching my eggs and evolve all my shit to hit level 22
>open /pgg/ and see faggots bragging about their twenty perfect IV dragonites
I just want to have strong mons to be able to take and hold gyms against teams who are also walking and don't have infinite top tier CP 3000 mons, is that too much to ask?

How about you just screenshot the shit and we'll see? Malformed XML means malformed XML. If anyone other than you can confirm it's not malformed, then it's an issue with the software.

I just fapped to jynx

Stop fetishizing niggers, that's racist.

bestest girl


Cheating happens in every mobile game

Trying to be a top-tier player who plays completely legitimately is an impossible task

>oh look, a necrobot autoupdate
>suddenly transfers all my "weak" pokemon away
also FUCK YOU for transfering my vaporeon

They got the cash already, they are minimizing the upkeep and moving on to to the next project. That's how mobile gaming works.

>Being attracted to a nigger

>make alt account
>bot to hell and back
>snipe perfect pokémon
>stop botting
>use alt account on phone
>catch a few pokémon
>use perfect pokémon to take over gym
>leave pokémon you caught while walking in gym
>switch accounts
>fight the pokémon of your alt account

There you go. :^)

How about you stop being a faggit for starters?

>retards in coords only channels
>Gets removed and auto-message is applied this is coords only
>Gets removed and auto-message again

the bots won't transfer favorited pokemon right?
i finally found a team so i want to get rid of my not to transfer list and just let it farm 98%+ of whatever

every time.


They do.

>tfw I said the same and got banned on /v/
fucking hotpockets

so are legendaries popping up in switches?

dude its the fucking xml straight outta the .zip it couldnt be fucked. and im only putting in the info required and not breaking anything. its gotta be something to do with ptc

I use Spegeli and PokeMobBot and they've never transferred mine.

stop posting this, its fake, its like the 3rd time you post it stop

>being a faggot

>The Articuno is real
>http twitch tv/endersgw/v/81373999?t=07m15s


legendaries aren't in the game yet, regardless of what faggots say

Anyone seen this? Didn't know Articuno was in the game already :/


>Niantic is banning people who go to the gym to check!
Why am I not surprised Kotaku doesn't know a fucking thing?


This shit is not difficult. Just TRY IT. I can not, for the life of me, figure out what the hell is compelling you to be so difficult.

>wow guys help me
>but I won't let you help me

If you refuse to post the screenshot again, you won't be receiving any attempts at help.

i'm on MobBot, but i think it shouldn't i just tried transferring from my phone and it didn't let me do favs.

How much are you paid to shill those "articles"?

Necrobot 0.6 is out, just came back from work and mine updated

what's new?

>leaving auto update enabled

It's like you want your shit to break constantly.

Oh, so they finally posted HD proof.

>98% flareon with ember and flamethrower
shit or hit

some user last thread said that ice shard, ice beam lapras is best for defending
is he just talking out of his ass?
isn't blizzard still better since it has a higher dps



All I want to do is mass transfer all my shitmons. What should I use?

enjoy all your pokemon being transferred

Guys I decided to play Blue again but I remember hearing people talking about mods that make the game way better

Does anyone know what those or, or have played it with them?

ask /vp/ instead
most people ITT don't give a fuck about pokemon

you aren't in control of blizzard on the defending end you want the AI to get off as much damage as possible and by the time you get blizzard off it'll probably be too late
Ice beam is better for defending
t. Lapras with Ice beam at 100% currently holding a gym for 3 days now and won 3 battles

How do I get rock / electric / ground / fire pokemon? Would I seriously need to go to a damn quarry or something?
Pikachus spawn regularly in one of my city's baseball fields but I've only gotten diglett, geodude and growlithe from eggs.

I would delete this, you posted way too much information in there. I could log on your account.

ok thanks friend

>he thinks dps matters on the defending end
DPS matters on the attacker side, all the dps is reduced when defending so even if Blizz seems strong from the attacker angle it's not going to be as effective defending since you aren't able to mash tap and gain the power up faster
it's the same reason people are arguing hyper beam for Drago than d claw. That however is preferential. But lapras Ice beam is beastly.


Walkfag feeling the pull of darkness here
Is GPS spoofing for this game on a phone a thing (Namely an iPhone), or are pc emulators required?
Would love to walk my location down the block so I can sit around spinning pokestops while I'm at work since walking a ~3/4 mile loop with 4 pokestops really blows

silph road leddit people finally said it checks out after the twitch live stream, and they were thinking it was the fake server theory at first too.

dat 17% IV though

why would they give her an articuno?
Did niantic kill her dog on accident or something?

it is fake you dipshit
>hurr durr reddit knows better
fuck off


tell me it's an actual doujin

Most of the information passing through these threads has been parroted from Silph Fedora tippers. Especially the DPS charts.

dude, it's real. Just look at the twitch vod of them logging in and out on different phones and shit.

It's not real, you're literally convincing nobody. Just fuck off already.

how can people be so naive

Yeah it sucks. Pulling more than full time and there aren't any pokestops I can hit from work. Worse, even setting foot in the building kills my gps so I can't hatch eggs either. Night shift too, and I don't want to go wandering around downtown past midnight. Gotta survive the week on the one or two weekend trips and the few stops I can hit going to and from work.

You might hit the ingress intel map and see if there's any concentrated areas of pokestops near you. There's this one church I go to with 7 in a loop that takes juuust about 5 minutes to complete.

guys, what is key to getting 50k/h xp?

Just watch the video
it's verified

they gave her a legendary because she lost her Pidgeott??!?!

wtf is wrong with you, Niantic?

This is some dank ass PR stunt.
Niantic are jumping the shark

>Oh okay we'll let a viewer log in to REALLY prove it
>OH no they 'transferred' it!
>Now we don't have any proof sorry, you guys ruined it for yourself xd

>try to have fun in a game
>while making it a race against a board of autismos
Choose one and only one.

Obviously they didn't. Is anyone truly retarded enough to know Niantic's HORRIBLE customer service and community outreach, and STILL believe that they gave some random bitch an Articuno?

You're in some real fucking denial at point.


will you suck my dick?

also just caught my first Snorlax and its 96 IV
congratulate me please

Wasn't there a hack that allowed you to reskin a mon to whatever you want? Or something like that, I remember it getting posted here and it was from leddit but still someone showed off a mewtwo and everything

Not that user, but for Poliwrath, would hydropump be the better move, or submission? Cause hydropump does more damage, but has longer charge, while submission does less, but has quicker charge.

Does botting slow down at some point?

I'm like level 15 with 700-900cp pokemon (havent checked) and started barely three hours ago

Yeah, the higher your level the lower the catch rate.

so which bot is the best necro or pokemob?

my necro slows down at like 4 minutes and just goes to stops

Same time situation
I've used scanners to map out every gym and pokestop in town but at best there are a few pairs of pokestops that are within range of each other.
Doesn't help that I'm in a small town, so even if I find a loop it'd require a lot of jaywalking/dodging traffic since sidewalks aren't a thing.
I do make 95% of my catches while driving, for fuck's sake I see more driving than in my neighborhood, workplace, and local park combined

this isn't the first time a game has accidentally or purposely given out an extremely rare item / thing out of retardation. this is only big news because of how overhyped this shit game is right now.

if it was any less popular no one would have given a shit or would have made the news.

>set up fake server
>root your phone and edit hosts file to join fake server
>modify your pidgey to articuno
>tell everyone lies
woah so hard!

>ask friends to come over and join fake server
>take over a gym with "articuno"
>ask friends to spoof there and take screenshots
>now you have witnesses

>he's still this shitter shattered that he can't convince anyone except the newest of newfags

tip top kek lad

1/10, gotta give you credit for your persistence at least

what are good snipe coords?

Ah, alright. Couldn't figure out why my local gyms highest cp is like 2000, yet I'm at like 800 in barely a few hours.

Weird, try raising your maximum travel distance? Set mine to 2000 instead of 1000 and it's never stopped except to run around to pokestops.

Why in the living fuck will no one at PogoLocationFeeder acknowledge the fucking problem of the feeder pulling coords from EVERY FUCKING CHANNEL THEY DECIDE with no way to customize it?

I don't want mother fucking 15%IV Pikachus clogging up my god damned snipes. Shit's a waste of time and balls. Yet no matter what I do to the configs they keep pulling from those chats.

That is some deep seated denial you have going on there. If I could make my own private server I would have done that ages ago to make it playable.

Hydro pump is better, in this instance v Lapras, poliwrath has a beastly def stat(#2 defender 2nd only to mewtwo) meaning it's better have the AI attack with a powerful STAB move and with a powerful quick move since it has the defense to back it up. Submission is incredibly weak even with STAB and is almost laughable at the damage (even ice punch is better)

The IVs wouldn't check out with Reskinned Pokemon.

>I got articuno!
>Niantic gave it to me XDDDD
Faggots please, this is my dad works at Nintendo tier.


yeah you probably can't even install a windows by yourself, that's why
also if it was true then she would've at least showed the e-mail as a proof, THAT WOULD'VE BEEN THE FIRST THING TO DO

get over it, legendaries aren't out yet

make your own feeder or shut the fuck up, you need to catch everything anyway to upgrade the 100% ones so why are you complaining, and not doing shit about it? get fucked buddy


There's a botanical garden about 3 miles up the road from me that has around 30(!) pokestops and occasional dratini spawns. I'm probably going to start spoofing there this weekend.

>endless supply of 98%+ IV "rare" pokemon
>Absolutely zero 95%+ pokemon that I actually like

it's mind boggling, really
how hard can it be to keep your mouth shut?

>bot is loaded down with 300 pounds of garbage so by the time anything actually worth picking up comes around the bot is so far behind the piece of shit has despawned

>you need to catch everything anyway to upgrade the 100%
No I fucking don't I've got enough candy to evolve every single pokemon type at least 5 times over which is MUCH more that I would need to only evolve and power up the 100%s I get at the current rate.

Fuck you and your stupid ass. "I don't have a problem with it so the problem doesn't exist!"

Explain to me how being able to customize what your sniper picks up is a bad thing and THEN you will have a leg to fucking stand on in this argument.

why is nobody spoofing there to confirm whether its real or not?

It's in the data dumps and has been verified by trustworthy sources.

then its package injecting with editing it can't be anything more than that. Everyone here knows niantics track record with replying to customers and customer service in general there's no way they just gave an articuno up, where did this happen anyways? Europe? because some of those euros have tons of free time and have probably hacked mons in for a while now.