ITT: we use our shoop skills to turn sports/luxury cars into base models

ITT: we use our shoop skills to turn sports/luxury cars into base models.
Cmon guys, this'll be fun.

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Not mine, but relevant

I want this thread to boom cus this is cool

might attempt to shoop something later, I guess

not gonna lie, I dig the amber.

Now this is a thread I can fap to

fuckin.... no

god no..

You fucking tripfaggot. You don't do one single decent post.

For fucks sake. Leave Veeky Forums for good and kill yourself.

It's like a mad max R8 i like.

I dig em





Am I doing this right?

You forgot to make the tires skinny and remove the LEDs from the taillights

>skinny tires

Getting hektik all day every day.



i like this thread

Keep this thread alive for a few hours until I get home from work lol

Can't argue with those trips.

Why are the bumpers not painted? My car is base model and everything is painted on it, all 3300 lbs of disappointment.

What a shit fucking thread


Cause the shittiest of shitboxes don't have painted bumpers/fenders


So I have a fancy base model disappointment. Good to know.

shitty photoshops from carscoops


base model cars lack painted mirrors, trimm etc, your car manufacturer probably didnt bother doing that

spoiler alert!

They put alloys and everything is painted. Guess a Legacy base model isn't the same as other base model cars.



I know it's just a photoshop but good god is it ugly. Why must Lexus put that ugly ass grill on everything?

It looks good in real life on Lexus cars that were designed for it. It looks like shit when Photoshopped on other cars.

Made it a true shitbox. Unpainted rear bumper, raised suspension, high beltline

>tyre width remains

The rear end is still 1.5 inches off the ground tho

>mfw I immediately recognised the wheels as those from a Renault Kangoo.
My knowledge of cars is fucking autistic Jesus Christ.

I know it's a meme to hate on it, and I've done my fair share of shitposting, but the RX350 F-Sport's grille has actually really grown on me . . . .

Yeah if I had more time, I would raise it properly, get rid of the diffuser, dual exhausts, and the side skirt.

At first I didn't like the IS, but it's really grown on me too. I actually think the IS looks pretty stunning IRL especially in a sea of base model 3 series and A4s.

I would buy the SHIT out of a super-base Porsche 911.

Something about those renault steelies and those sexy black bumpers makes me hard.

I actually kind of like those wheels on there.


Manufacturers are missing a trick, I think there is a market for more toned down cars now the whole sporty thing has been milked to death and even 1.1 litre shitboxes come with 18 inch wheels and an "aero package".

thats not a photoshop tho