Kled is best grampa edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
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1st for me
kled is a stupid inbred hillbilly
Vlad is sexiest and he steals all the waifus.
>only have 13k IP
>can only farm up to 500 IP a night
why do you want to farm ip?
I want Kled to breed me!
For the project icons and skins event going on now. It'll expire in two weeks, won't it?
>People tell me not to buy crit on Ashe because her passive is free crits
Opinion discarded. Cass is a low quality waifu who has ruined any chance of a real naga champion to be released.
What is this meme draft?
Because Tf isn't a real ADC. He's a mage who works AD. You are pretty much shit picking as hard as everyone else on your team.
Now I'm curious about lolg's ranking.
Looks to me people counter memed to get people to dodge the Vayne top
you have more than enough to buy those icons
>humans only
bad poll. VERY BAD POLL.
Post 'em
Say something nice and something mean about the person before you.
Vayne top isn't so bad.
Problem is Vayne fags are just retarded.
>calling Cass NOT sexy
Then why the fuck are you posting a fullblown snake without any sex-appeal in the first place?
Would you rather have where? For what?
If it's for loving purpose, then Darius. Human guys of league are boring, monster mens are better. Darius is still qt tho
I got nothing bad to say about you except that Janna and Kayle are pretty antifun.
Also I'm about to eat your waifu.
The maximum you can spend in IP on event stuff is 3750
3x750 for the 3 specific caches and then in about a week you can get a 4th cache (disruption cache) for 1500
you're limited to only 1 of each.
There's something wrong here
>Me shitpicking makes it okay for everyone to shitpick harder to make sure we have an unplayable team. I'm sure you are one of those people.
You're a support slut.
Janna is a high quality waifu.
Sona is for normies and takes no skill.
these new project chests got me enough orange essence to unlock my riot kayle and workshop nunu skins. feels good man. also got an arcanist ziggs skin shard to top it off.
>Would you rather have where? For what?
What do you think. Weren't you there last thread?
just as i thought i was cancer
braum and aatrox are fine tho
Idk what you are gonna run it into but irelia illoai yasuo gp arent gonna give her a warm welcome
Beata trundle i guess
>Sona takes no skill
Pot calling the kettle black.
She can bully some tanks quite well.
Oh. Thanks.
>nagas have no sex-appeal
You have shit tastes.
Vayne can be hell for Trundle, but a good Trundle will destroy Vayne top even though she's supposed to counter him
You know, Vayne mains.
Also if you're jg against a Vayne top and you don't camp the shit out of her shame on you.
You're a colossal faggot, why don't you jack off to Renekton instead?
What the fuck do I do w/ the new Caches and how do they lead to a free Project skin?
>have gold draven player as a adc
>every draven I've met is moody faggot that tilts from everything if he isn't 6/0/0 at 3 min.
Send help or cute league girl pictures.
Nagas are better at cuddling.
And who says I don't already?
>playing with darkstar varus
>vs darkstar thresh
The only thing that naga is going to do is eat you.
gangplank nerfs when
>mfw playing Mordekaiser
>Syndra shopping for yaoi
do you think Syndra shitpost about her husbando on /lolg/ as well?
>inb4 Syndra is the one that always commisions all Shen x Zed porn
>Leona and Pantheon
within 6 months
>Hey Panth, they've got one of you!
>...I don't remember ever agreeing to this. Or posing for it. Hell that's not even really my helmet.
For 750 ip each (2250) you can buy the 3 project: ashe ekko kat caches. These contain an Icon, a Project Core, a First Strike Icon used to get the special splash, and an Augment cache fragment. (one of each per account)
Once you have 3 Augment cache fragments, you can combine to create an Augment Cache. This contains 1 skin shard, 1 random hextech chest loot, 2 project cores, and a chance of another fragment.
At this point you have spent 2250ip on 1 skin shard, 1 random hextech loot, 5 cores, 1 first strike icon.
Next week, you can spend 1500 ip on a Disruption cache. This gives you the disruption icon, 2 augment fragments, 7 cores, and a random skin blueprint for one of project fiora yi zed yasuo lucian leona.
With the 7 cores from the first week and the 5 cores, you will be able to upgrade that into the random Project skin.
At this point, for 3750 ip you have gotten 1 random skin shard, 1 random hextech crate drop, 1 unlocked project skin, a bunch of icons, and 2-3 augment fragments.
If you got lucky and got an augment fragment from your first augment crate, you can make a second one for another random skin and random hextech drop
tl;dr buy one of everything that costs ip for 1 project skin, 1 skin shard, 1 random hextech drop, icons, and possibly a second random hextech drop, for 3750 ip
I hate when the fanart makes the character look a lot better
I love Lissandra!
Kayle is alright, sona and janna are cancer
>Jungler comes top
>Burns my laners flash
>Never comes back
>Goes 0/3 trying to counter jungle
>Starts yelling at me for dying to Gangplank solo 45 minutes into the game
I feel like I deserve to suffer an extremely painful death for playing this game
>feeding tilted zilean on my team flaming me and the enemy xerath for "being stuck in d4"
>check his op.gg
>hes d3 0 lp with over 1k games
you only get the disruption icon if you spend your cores on the old project skin shard, you would need more cores if you want the blue/green/red icons (which come with the loading screen overlays for those skins)
welfare diamonds are the biggest cancer in this game
laugh at anybody who is in d5-3 when they try and act like they know better than you when in reality they've just been playing since s2 and slowly ground their way up
>Got 1 augment fragment and 2 skin shards
>still banking over 30k IP
Feels like a Jayce in a penthouse party.
>Welfare diamond
I've seen this on the bingo card but haven't actually seen people use it.
wtf does it mean?
He's gonna eat my ass.
barely in diamond but you obviously play like a plat
You get three icons for free. Only the first strike icons cost cores.
Oh okay.
So low ELO shitters that think they're good because they're "diamond".
it means d5
is Malz OP
This would be a cool champion concept.
>Scion of the Baron
Descendant of the baron Nashor, with purple wormlike appearance and all. Big plot point would be the question who was impregnated by Baron.
Answer: Lissandra, she's the only desperate enough hag that jumps on any dick available
You should tell them not to build any damage whatsoever on Vayne since her passive is free damage :^)
He's more annoying than anything.
His passive is kinda BS though.
Nerfs to it are nice.
oh yeah, I forgot about the weapon icons.
When Riot increase his Ghost's IQ? I've been waiting years how hard is it to make it lock on a target without it randomly stopping
Illaoi or irelia. I will buy only one who though
d5 0lp player calling plat players trash
d5 0lp players pretending they're just as good as d1 players
>mfw my team's midlane Teemo solo tower dives an inhibitor turret and gets a pentakill
It means D5, specially the D5
They're both fun.
Irelia is easier to carry with though.
Really, any cultist style character who is Elise would be pretty cool. Like even Illaoi is pretty cool design wise even if her kit is meh.
Or another minotaur champion would be nice.
Who is like elise*
And a singer/poet champion that uses WORDS as a weapon.
Get Illaoi, Irelia is permaban and about to get nerfed.
Illaoi is OP and there's no nerfs in sight yet.
>tfw their yasuo denies you the penta by sitting in fountain and spamming his emote
yasuo players needs to be fucking lynched
gp support is so fun
irelia is more fun but is banned quite often
>he can't get a penta as katarina
>say players are guaranteed to get 975 RP skin or better
>player buys the thing
>they do not get 975 RP or higher skins
>"woops the guarantee was wrong"
no its not
its a shit pick to troll your adc
"[Sticks and Stones], am I *write*?" ;)
"Words can [Cut Deep]."
"Read the [Fine Print]."
"[Signed], yours truely~"
"[Take Note]!"
>Another episode of feeding Yasuo
Erry time
For wanting to make a champion based on words, your English is terrible.
can shen jungle?
What is this about?
Yeah. Not that great though.
>And a singer/poet champion that uses WORDS as a weapon.
Ummmm... no Thank you!
Can you imagine what that would be like?
Passive: Wordplay. To use this Champion, you have to type certain phrases into all chat.
Riot Is A Small Indie Developer - Heals all nearby ally Champions by 20% Max hp.
Not Buying RP Is Toxic - poisons nearby enemy Champions for 5% max hp damage per second (doubled if they don't have a skin).
Monte And Renegades Were Wrong - stun all enemy targets in a line.
Etc etc.
sure but I'm pretty sure his clear is weak due to no real AoE skills.