Senran Kagura General /skg/ #841

Old Thread: Captured Edition

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1st for siki

>you enter your basement after a hard day's work
>you go into the back room to hear the sound of struggling
>it's Yumi, trying to escape from her restraints again
>as soon as she sees you she gets a panicked look on her face but you just smile, walk up to her and whisper that you'll forgive her, this time.
>you tell her that you want some of her delicious ice cream
>she nods her head
>you get your bowl ready and put it under her plump rear
>despite her best efforts she seems to be all stopped up
>she looks at you with a worried expression
>you tell her it's okay and that you're prepared for something like this
>you go into your cabinet and pull out a bottle of chocolate syrup with an extended nozzle
>you bring the bottle underneath her and stick the nozzle into her anus
>yumi makes a noise, something between a moan and a yelp
>you begin squeezing the bottle, filling her colon with sweet chocolate
>after pulling the nozzle out you position the bowl under Yumi again and begin massaging her belly
>you tell her to relax in a calm, encouraging voice
>after a few seconds she begins to squirt vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate syrup from her butt, having it land in the bowl
>she fills the bowl quite a way before stopping
>you're impressed, there must be a few scoops here
>you taste the ice cream, tell Yumi it is delicious and start cleaning her butt
>after you're done cleaning you thank her for the food and head upstairs to enjoy the evening news

I love kafuru!

I love Asuka!

First for why the fuck are the New Wave guides so outdated

I've really been enjoying Senran Kagura 2 on my hacked 3DS. I really should have gotten into this series sooner.

Anyway how are the vita SK games? Are they superior (being on better hardware). I assume Estival is better than Shinovi. Is there a dumb photo mode like the 3DS games and wealth of customization?

I'm interested now.

>Oh my gosh user! The time! We're gonna be late!!

No, SK2 has the best gameplay in the series.

New Wave localization when?