Not eating in your car

>not eating in your car
>cleaning it constantly
>worrying about what passengers are doing
>buying special expensive cleaning supplies
>having a second boring car because you are afraid to put miles on/drive your car
If you do any of these things just sell your car, you obviously spent too much on it if you can't even use it like a normal human being would

I use the fuck out of my car, I even bought a plastic cafeteria tray from the Dollar Store just to facilitate my eating in the car. I do night photography so I routinely eat sandwiches and chili and shit at 11pm in my car.

But I still clean it when it needs it, I'm not a disgusting subhuman shitlord like you.

stopped reading at "heartbreaker"

God I fucking hate you people I have to clean up all the fucking shit in your car and all the fucking crumbs and shit on your floor and cup holders.


what the fuck car is that? a nintendo?

>not striking a healthy balance


Only women and haggard commuter slaves have dirty cars. If your car is mainly for enjoyable things it's just nicer to keep it clean.

As filthy as their own cars tend to be, girls perceive clean cars well.

Xbox 360 Spider

>mfw rolling up to the drive thru to get tendies in an fd
>mfw ash tray is perfect dipping sauce holder

>eating fast food
hello plebbit

Ferrari 360

You literally use any excuse you can to post pictures of other people's nice cars don't you?

You're like that guy on /s/ who posts pictures of the escort and tells people it's his gf.

I'm bulking

>not detailing your car

You should be ashamed. You probably don't even clean your thresholds and door seams.

>You probably don't even clean your thresholds and door seams.

Don't even know what either of those are, so no, they definitely don't get cleaned.


>tfw spent the day yesterday using a clay bar on my car
The paint feels sooooo good. hnnng

Even when I had a shitbox, I still kept it clean and didn't let people eat in it.

If you don't then you're as bad as those dirty white women that trash their cars.

You got your retarded ass laughed out of /k/, now you're sitting up Veeky Forums?

> Willingly sitting in a stinking pit of sticky-surfaced filth
> Never cleaning/waxing it
Enjoy your shit health and shit MPGs.

An oil change and cleaning the winter's filth off my car has gained me something like .5MPG, and made it accelerate like it's been greased.

He's been here forever. What went down on /k/?

Just keep it clean, it's like eating in your bed, it's gross and I don't want crumbs everywhere.

>Veeky Forums user
>not eating in his bed whilst shitposting

Pick one