Dadbird edition
Dadbird edition
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that's a nice picture
First for
xth for best yordle
morde es #1 huehuehuehue
Xth for Katarina
best girl
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
xth for foxes
Will she come back? ;_;
would you dodge this?
Vel'koz is a slut!
where are you?
You should see the full thing.
>He hovers Urgot support in lobby
>Tell him to do it or he has no nuts
>He does it
>Plays and scores better than me
Is this the part where I uninstall?
Depends on how much LP i have.
We knew this. It's cannon.
>Absolute Zero (R) [previous change reverted - slow no longer increases to 99% over duration of channel]
nunu rework when?
is that nagi
Is Riot trying to tell us something?
The biggest slut.
We can change. Please come back... ;_;
Literally triggered.
Why wouldn't they be promoting best girl?
>It really depends on the enemy team. If they got tanks armor pen is better. With squishier champs crit is better. Armor pen also gives you less late game presence in exchange for a better mid game
Ghostblade is all the a-pen you need on GP since his barrels already have base armor pen. The best GP build right now is probably TF - GB - IE - Shiv - PD as you can blow up squishies and have immense dueling power.
These are my GP runes, the 10% CDR is huge since it allows you to get to 45% CDR without needing to buy Lucidity boots. Having the freedom to either get switfies for a better followup or merc treads for more sustain changes a lot. Full armor pen GP is only good if their entire team is literally all tanks.
I still miss her, anons. ;_;
>Ahri and Graves sitting in a tree...
>champ select
>ask to ban yas or raka
>offhandedly talk about champs we hate seeing
>mention ive never gotten a good yasuo ever
>"i'll change your opinion of yas"
Im fucked aren't I?
i miss Wukong meta too
>anivia is helpless against jhin
>wukong builds sunfire first item after feeding irelia
>they use their tps to secure a kill or objective one (1) time in the game
>friend steals RP cards from Walmart
>I just use a bunch of them on chests because I like gambling
That teenage boys (main demographic) either want to play as Manly Mcmanstein, or a girl with big boobs?
Is Cloud live yet?
My heart is a battleground...
You have my pure hatred. I hope you stub a toe.
Havent played in forever and just bought Aurelion Sol? How do I build this guy? Masteries? Do I level W or Q first?
Is it my internet or is Veeky Forums shitting itself
What did you get ?
Have you ever been ranked if so what rank? Don't think being good at aram makes you good at the game. I've had friends that only play aram and they tried to play ranked and got stuck in silver.
This is the best gp build as in highest win%.
9gagger :D
she's a lot cuter than most of the pics made her look
>you will never pound her military broken in cooch while her husband is off working
why live
>being a nigger
That's not the highest win percent gp build.
That's the highest win percent of the most common build paths.
but what if it's something else
yeah people from /owg/ are mad cause blizzard is getting DDOS'd
he would fit in perfectly with the people who play aram in gold 5
They're both good desu, it's just that ghostblade allows you to chase after you land a barrel chain and you catch them with slows.
Yoomus is such a strong item that you can't go wrong building it on anyone that has AD.
There isn't a reason anymore. ;_; She's gone.
Ok then show me the highest win% build with stats from over 1000 games.
Yeah, I take the same runes.
Looks like crit plank is the best just by gauging people's thoughts too. Seems like pen is at best situational.
Fake and gay.
Walmart needs to activate the cards before you can use them.
Well if they worked at Wal-Mart then couldn't they activate them? I always heard that in stores like those most of the theft is done by employees.
These are runes from a diamond 3 gp main. I'm not sure if they are the best but ill post his win% and games played later.
I want to RAVAGE Soraka's cockhole!
>Nunu buffs reverted
Good fucking job Riot, just let the shittiest, most useless jungler in the entire game continue to suck shit while other cancer junglers remains untouched and run fucking rampant.
>DFT mastery
>20 stack mejais
triggered, fix that shit
You can't use those unless you pay for them.
It's like trying to steal a gift card. Quit bullshitting.
Well at least he has others to keep him company
>assassin update soon
And soon he'll have a lot more.
wait thats really nag? i thought she was supposed to be ugly, damn
>that pic
nasus is broken as fuck though
What if we made boots permanent upgrades like never ending flasks that cost the same, you still buy from the shop, and are otherwise entirely the same as they are now, but just don't take up your 6th item slot? Would this break the game?
Ok here they are.
No you fucking newfag
Yes, the whole point is the tradeoff between item slot and movespeed/augment. That's why I hate what they did with cass, but this change would completely nullify that anyways.
You mean "worse than Season 2" Nasus aka "the Nasus Riot literally made deliberately shit"
Are you silver?
No dude. This is the superior mspudding.
>fucking newfags
plat 2
I'm thinking Riot has something bigger planned for him because a slow on his ult is not enough for him to even come close to relevant. He has no mobility, his only damage comes from his e, his jungle clears are mediocre, and he has literally 0 wave clear. Nunu seriously needs new tools to work with, he's outdated as fuck and can't do anything in this mobility creep era.
He activates them. He seriously does not give a fuck and I'm starting to worry about him
Plat 2 which translates to what would have been Season 2 Silver
Based silver league-adjusted bro
>800 stacks
>3 Earth dragons
>a fuckton of AD
>team keeps feeding
>decide to go top
>tfw you hit a turret
>Nunu used to be one of the scariest junglers
>now he's a meme
I'm glad. Fuck Nunu
I love this meme.
Plat 2 is literally Season 2 Diamond.
I'm still top 2.7% on opgg and probably higher elo than you
and get this, I only started playing around this time last summer
I hope he's not a grown ass man. That'd be fucking sad.
>I only started playing around this time last summer
Then it makes sense that deliberately shit Nasus doesn't seem deliberately shit to you. Carry on.
>Plat 2 is literally Season 2 Diamond.
The elo inflation since Riot implemented leagues is ridiculous.
If you do that you essentially shortchange the register and will get caught extremely fast. There's no way to steal RP cards directly.
Only the anti-demotion system implemented into the fifth division of every tier.
Everything else is fine, though.
It doesn't matter what people's ranks are unless they're not playing against people at their level, in which case they will get demoted unless they are at the fifth division of their Elo.
easily akali, she's humble, reserved. loyal, and committed.
>get the 3 icons with IP for the chest
>Final Boss Veigar and Traditional Trundle
Eh, I don't agree with his set up. Given that GP is a late game champion then you're just better off getting scaling runes, the 4 extra slots can just go towards damage. Armor isn't a total bad idea but there's no reason for GP to be anywhere near the frontline or in melee range (unless going in for the kill) so HP is better since you want to survive the burst from any divers. is a far better set up for GP.
>Only the anti-demotion system implemented into the fifth division of every tier.
You literally identified the superelo inflation mechanism and then just dismissed it for no reasons.
Worked at walmart as a teen.
You're right but you'd be surprised how easy it is to activate them and get away with it.
I did it with WoW cards. Didnt pay for a single month of wow for a year and saved my less than impressive pay
Never got caught but I was really lucky so idk maybe hes bullshitting.
as lee sin, what should i be doing lategame when everyone has full build?
insec enemy adc, make big plays, go big or go home
but seriously, focusing on peeling for your carries, literally stand beside your vayne/cait whoever
Disengage with your ult, peel. You should also have some tank items by then because you won't scale hard enough to 1 shot anyone.
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.
I think he's getting ready to either give his 2 weeks or just flat out quit. There's no way he can do this more than 1 or 2 times
I honestly think he's just stealing them out of spite because Walmart is such a shit place to work
Hey dudes!
The Suggestion list has been updated! Let me know if you sent something in and it didn't show up on here.
If you have an idea you want to add or you don't like what's been written so far, I encourage you to send in your ideas to [email protected]
>literally cannot take any fun champions top because of stat checkers like Irelia
>Ban Irelia
>Top lane is fun again
wew lad
I am a shitpost connoisseur. I don't like the regular garden variety /v/ or /b/ (I repeat myself, but I digress) tier shitpost but the cerebral shitpost that is able to spawn multitude of shitposting by its presence. Its what I do in this general since I gave up on the game quite a long time ago.
And I must say, that "contests" are truly a marvel of the shitpost age. Waifu shitposting disgused as somehow on topic. Contest "updates" that generate hundreds of more shitposts, all with zero real content or worth. And this to span the general over WEEKS at a time at nearly any time of day. And at the end of all of it you "commission" a picture that any one of the participants could have got themselves. And in fact, the dissatisfied do anyway while shitposting.
You, contestfags, are a next level of shitposter. I tip my fedora to you.
So what happens when you go vs a people like riven top? I think its a bad idea to go no armor top. I main riven and I've yet to see a good gp. I'm plat 3 if that matters.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Yeah stat checkers are the reason why I stopped playing top and moved to jungle and mid so I could ruin people's lives
>le irelia is op meme
pick darius/panth and shit on her, pick fiora and outscale, pick any tank like maokai and provide more to your team
t. irelia main
kill yourselves shitters who don't know how to play top lane and then cry because hurrdurr this or that is op
How do you activate them?
Teach us your ways, user.
Best girl
Syndra close second tho
>not taking a steaming dump on tank champions
>pick Darius
>be worthless later while Irelia is killing your whole team
>picking Pantheon and being useless late game
She's not cancer but I don't just ban champs because they're "cancer" I ban them because they're fucking annoying.
I'll keep banning your main because she's a really good champion. Cry more you baby
>pick darius/panth and shit on her, pick fiora and outscale, pick any tank like maokai and provide more to your team
I LITERALLY said you cannot take fun champs top because of the stat checker irelia and then you listed off those that pass the statcheck.
>pick panth
Can't wait to be useless at 10 minutes!
Fiora outscale nigga what? Tanks do very good vs her top most of the time. Darius and panth are bitch to go up against as her if they are good. lane main
with darius you can snowball your ass off if you're not retarded, same with panth
you're silver at best, I don't understand why low elo trash bother giving their opinion here, if I didn't dislike reddit so much I'd post there simply because I can automatically disregard low elo opinions
fiora outscales irelia, you usually can't 1v1 a fiora when she has ravenous and cleaver
Riven counters GP, or any instant gap closer like Irelia or Tryndamere. Unless the GP goes full tank then it's just a losing match-up regardless of runes.
However, GP counters low mobility champions like Shen or Illaoi because they lack the tools to engage or disengage from his barrels. Scaling health runes allow GP to take more hits in skirmishes that may happen.