/wowg/ guilds:
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)
/wowg/ guilds:
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Illidan (Horde)
@ Sargeras (Alliance)
Got sort of tired of jumping from one thread to another. Lets just all post here
Any hot girls who play WoW?
I've been playing on Moonguard for 5 years and just ERP'd for the first time yesterday. Have I failed at being a Moonguardian by waiting so long?
xth for
If you're interested in raiding with us in Legion, send Necrocrits a PM/mail/smokesignal.
>Horde players
>On Veeky Forums
As expected of the furfag shitposters
>be on moon guard
>constantly grouped with other moon guard players in dungeons and pvp
>only a handful of people on the server are actually above mediocre
>have to deal with the majority regularly
>really considering realm transfer
fucking rpers are actually shit at the game. if i wasn't one myself i would have left long ago
Come to Aggrimar its comfy af
alliance is doing pretty bad at bgs since prepatch desu.
cute elf
>mfw there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that aren't playing warrior in legion
Aggramar isn't RP?
We cant play too hard or the hordefags will all come over
What happened to lynris?
You said you were tired of rp
Warriors are one of the easiest for me to kill (t. BM hunter)
i can't decide between fury warrior or enh shaman
Warrior is trash this expansion.
can't decide between MM hunter or arms
Whoa this thread nearly visited page 10, can't let you do that.
She is busy sorting her life out and being productive
She's better off off of the internet but I miss her, too
Im off to bed guys
MM is shit at pvp unless you think running around like a tard spamming concussive shot and tickle shot instants is fun
is it bad that the only reason i want for there to be cross faction groups is so that i can be a slutty blood elf on the alliance
No that is the best reason
>mfw divine hymn
>mw tranquility
So damn satisfying to use brehs
Anal [Disengage]
Ok so, how bad is it, Brewmasters? Is the spec really at the bottom in Legion?
Why are hunters _so boring_? This is ridiculous.
They're boring in PvP. They're boring in PvE. The class is complete shit now.
Hunters have never not been boring dude.
They used to be fun before the patch
Not really, no. They've always been simple and pretty bland.
pandaren pr dwarf shaman?
Will legion be worth the buy
I like.
>Kicked from an uldaman group because I was soloing the 3 dwarf bosses
>Dude rage whispers me calling me an autist and tells me "thats what you get for slowing down my group"
Lol angry no-heriloom alliance mains QQing about free xp. Seriously, pre 100 dungeons are a fucking joke now...why do you need more dps to 1 shot mobs with you? Why not split the group up and finnish the instance even faster?
I only play disc because I hope that one day blizzard will make it as fun as it was back in Vanilla/BC. Its not my fault they keep making us OP each xpack only to nerf us.
Seriously though, resto druids have been OP since BC, but don't complain about that or anything. Took them 8 fucking years to realize innervate was broken as hell.
She looks like a 50 year old 10 year old if that makes sense.
rate me
Or the bad ones already did and that's what's happening.
Because you can miss out on quest objectives if you're far enough. Seriously cut that shit out.
Is boosting a dk a waste? I mean I leveled 3 characters through the stupid starter area and I hate all of them now so fuck em. DK seems fun and has good utility
Go outside for once/10
>Survival Hunter
harpooning motherfuckers and throwing traps and 'nades around is the shit, my negro. They did completely kill BM and MM, though.
Wow, I guess anyone really can down mythic archi
When was the last time you took a shower?
>Stock UI
I rate you wut/10
>only 100k gold
>shit transmog
>legendary ring in second slot
>special character in name
>outbreak on 1
>default ui
seriously do you want me to continue?
Please leave, scalefag.
Do i have to go back to the silken fields everyday after my first initial creation of one? Does it increase my chances of learning a new pattern?
you used to have to go there to use the cooldown every day, but now it shouldn't matter
As somebody who hasn't played in years and returning purely just so i can play DH, how do i find a raiding guild? Is it even possible without M experience.
Completely killed my interest in keeping my Hunter my main. Survival is the most intetesting, but even then it's not nearly as fun as other DPS specs.
Selling the name "Illidanxd" on sargeras 50k :^)
Hey dudes, did they get rid of the old system where healing numbers would appear over the targets' heads? I can't see my numbers even when I disable all my addons
Am I retarded, or is there some interface option I'm not seeing?
Alright boys, how the fuck do I pick a main role?
I'm torn here, I don't want to be a fucking altoholic any more. I don't even have a main. Fug.
roll for it pussy
I play spriest and will also play demon hunter. Double edgy.
I've played spriest since tbc. Who was your favorite character from long ago? Play that one.
Ur retired
I played SPriest from BC to MoP. Loved that fucker
Then I played Resto in PvP and got gladiator and all the major pvp achievements.
That leads me to here, where I want to PvE and get gladiator again first season of legion
I legitimately don't know what the problem is though, I can't find any options to show it in the interface and disabling all my addons still doesn't show them
What's up with this shit?
First transmog attempt, how did I do?
Talk me out of resubbing to this shit, /wowg/
Same guy here, tempted to play my Priest just because
Where is this weeks timeshit vendor?
>first season gladiator
wait a week or two, then roll the most broken spec
Can't tell, take off your fucking shiny form.
>Camouflage up to a point in a BG
>Sniper Shot [honor talent] for some ungodly amount of health from max range
>Can now disengage and rape face without them being able to do anything because of 40% increased attack range
no way sniper shot isn't being nerfed, it's literally unbeatable if you get it off
I'm sure I could get it on any healer, not so sure about dps because I've never seriously played a dps in pvp.
>le oversized sparkle shoulders
Best mogs are understated with a clear theme in mind. Yours is a mishmash of shit you thought looked cool, so none of it does.
I'm back looking at the Legion changes. Haven't played since about 6 months after Draenor came out.
Have holy paladins been absolutely gutted? Who seems to be the most useful healers in raid?
>kited around for 10 minutes in skirm versus fire mage
FUCK ret paladin just running VERY SLOWLY towards opponent, no fucking counter to being kited besides one immunity to it and two shitty movement speed boosts. AND OF COURSE, MAGES ARE IMMUNE TO STUNS CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, WHY EVEN BOTHER CASTING hammer of justice when they can free themselves from it? Fuck you blizzard.
Why should I play WoW vs Skyrim?
>ranged snare
>kited as a ret pally
kek how garbo are you? I already know the answer from your post
Blessing of freedom is on a 25 second cooldown.
>just got 55 exalted reps
kill me please.
We're all here, lads.
Do you have "i want to be better than everyone even though it isn't feasible at all" autism, or "i want 100% even if it's a sandbox with infinite replay" autism?
>he hasn't played beta
Wet noodle shot
Found out how to fix it
If anyone else is having the same issue and can't see their healing on targets, type in the following line in-game and it should start working again
/console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1
I would give you shit for being a belf but then I saw your name
fucking flawless shit keep up the good work 10/10
I just like to explore and interact with a world
>BoF is a snare now
you stupid mate? you have a ranged snare
wtf i love frost now
stop posting on this thread created by a fucking retarded shitter
Ona 45 second cooldown
Which leaves a 20 second window of being fucking kited.
Any of you faggots taken part in the iron man challenge? Xpac?
Frost or Unholy for bgs at 110
lol what made you change your mind?