Fighting Games General /fgg/
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1st for Ibuki
Juri is ________ tier
why aint the pope playable though?
I can't wait to play Nakoruru in 3 weeks!
I wish she was. I love her crazy ass voice.
wich one was the one with healing in cvs, nakoruru or her sister?
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
- LI Joe
What did he mean by this?
The female models is the best part of SFV.
i'm switching to nash.
i'm sick of losing. it's time to pick a top tier.
>To keep things transparent, "Smash 4" technically refers to two titles: Smash for Wii-U and Smash for 3DS, but seeing as they're virtually the same thing to the casual consumer we lumped their sales numbers together to get a whopping 13.13 million copies sold.
13 fucking million copies sold of a party game. Can Tekken 7 save us?
What's your rank?
Sakura when??
ultra bronze
SFV Season 2 DLC Character list
C. Viper
New Character
could be fun but i bet capcom will remove his double jump or severely nerf it
no god no
could b fun
could b fun
What kind of music does Urien listen to?
Does Gief use steroids?
nah hes all natty
No, squat and oats only.
Is it wrong if I'm starting to enjoy r kappa more? Ever since SilentOne stopped posting here, it sort of died.
I only come to /fgg/ for Brick
upvoting/downvoting is moronic
It really is. Reddit in general has a terrible interface. I still can't figure the layout out. Kinda surprising seeing it receive so much traffic despite broken layout.
>I still can't figure the layout out.
Uhh, congratulations for being dumber than the masses that use the site I guess
I mean I don't browse reddit but bragging about your ignorance isnt really a good thing you know
So the new KOF is a kusoge according to the Korean FGC. What are we going to play now? SFV is a mash and dash kusoge. Revelator is a casualized okizeme kusoge. Smash is a kusoge for kids. Is the FGC dying for good finally?
How do I do Ryu's seventh challenge on sfv? I'm having trouble getting both the dp and super out
>play karin
>play ryu
nice game
revelator is fun kusoge and you're missing out if you can't enjoy it
never played old guilty gear games though so i can understand if you don't like YRC and blitz
I would say Tekken 7 but it seems too close to T6 for my taste. They needed to change the gameplay further.
I'm going to play KOF, you can continue to pretend to play games as usual don't worry
Nice OP.
>according to the Korean FGC
Korea thought XI was a good game lmao.
Is there an adapter that lets me use my PS3 stick on PS2?
Is Ibuki just a meat grinder vortex slut like in 4?
XI is a good game.
If she was she'd be good. Instead she gets shitty oki setups occasionally.
if your two favorite things are gato and 100% combos out the ass, sure.
>his four favorite things aren't Kula, Gato, Oswald, and 100% combos
baka@u senpai
Anybody NA West playing SFV tonight?
Is our boy PAG|Lost Soul the best Jack-O and Elphelt player in the world?
Anyone want to try to learn Revalator with me before KOFXIV comes out?
I'll play KY and maybe Jam.
Fighter ID is AnotherCastle
I need tips, I cannot for the life of me get to Super Silver.
I'm relatively new to fighting games.
who do you play
Ryu, I'm done playing for the night I just put the ID there in case anyone wanted to watch replays
Hypothetically speaking, who would Daigo lean towards: Jago or Shadow Jago?
This guy is so nice.
You need to learn to defend against and punish other charaters gimmicks and basic strategies. That is all online will teach generally.
Unfortunately watching highlevel matchvids isn't great for this
I'm guessing you know you character basics and strategies so there is no need to go over that.
Jaigo Umehara of course.
Whoever is top tier
Jago is supposed to be stronger so probably Jago.
Only if you are 12 or a black american that loves only one bodytype.
Even without 3ds numbers it sold almost as much as brawl iirc.
I have this game laptop will only run it in 480p...what is the cheapest version right now with all the characters?
I'll beg my brother to let me use his xbone If I like the game.
me unga
me jump in
me bunga
Is Ibuki the hardest character to play in SFV?
>for kids
All videogames are for kids. Either grow up or play the good game with players.
SSFV leak
We talking KI now?
Cool. Started playing about two months ago, have been playing as pic related because I'm a Halofag. Seems really strong, what are his bad match ups supposed to be?
I'm considering picking up a sub, would it be worthwhile to learn Sadira?
Somebody should fight me in SFV.
what is your region
Supreme Edition. Cheaper ingame than over the ms store for some reason.
Or you opt out to buy single characters while they are on sale for 99 cent which will takes ages for a complete roster though.
>Arbiter's bad matchups
lmao. But seriously he is really well rounded and I have been playing him for a long time at killer and no particular matchup gives me trouble.
Also, Sadira is worth learning if you want to learn to properly do all her air juggle shit. She is hard, but vortexing people is fun regardless of how good you are, so if that's your thing then go for it.
Here is the real leak. Ono really worked his magic by repping up the graphics even more.
Meh. I kind of like Arby because of his consistency. Not sure Sadira would be my cup of tea.
RAAM or Kan-Ra any good?
please respond
Did you get into KI for Arbi? I only started doing the tutorials and trying some ranked for the netcode. I have someone of every season I want to play(Spinal, Arganos and Rash) but I just bought uniel and enjoy that too much for now to instantly buy another fg.
Kan-Ra is still very good even after the 2nd season nerf but he also plays quite differently from other characters. You should be able to get a decent hang of him if you play a bullet zoner like Arbiter.
I have been playing nothing but Raam the past week, and he is loads of fun. I was worried he wouldn't be very good, since I have played grapplers for years (SF2/SF4 zangief main, extremely disappointed with 5) and he plays exactly how a grappler should and is extremely powerful. He has some rough matchups, but with patience and good footsies, none are that hard.
As for Kan-Ra, he was my original main when I started playing over a year ago, and since his nerf in S3 I haven't played him as much, but he is ok. If you are just starting out with him you will get rocked hard for a long time. He has the highest skill ceiling of any character in my opinion, so there is a shit ton to learn with regards to setups and proper zoning. He is very far from braindead, but I find him rewarding since I love the mental aspect of his zoning game. But he takes a TON of work, and has to work his ass off to get good damage.
>Did you get into KI for Arby
Arby made me care about getting gud at KI.
Smash got its very own ChrisG now.
Why is this cheating again?
I really would love to see arturo play kan-ra but sadly it's not capcom.
Aww well.
jesus sc has some retarded inputs
Not even close.
Smash 4
>By the end of June 2016, the 3DS version had sold 8.23 million copies worldwide, while the Wii U version sold 4.90 million copies worldwide.
>As of March 31, 2016, it is the eighth best-selling Wii game, with a total of 13.10 million copies sold worldwide
Oh one thing to note about Aganos that his "nerf" where his manual hk doesn't wall Splat anymore still leaves them at +36 which means not only does your KV meter not get bumped up a huge amount that Wall splat would do you can manual or special with any manual but another st.HK provided you are in the corner. If not only a st.lp manual would work midscreen off a manual hk.
Spinal has a fuck ton of resources for you to learn form since he's an S1 character and Bass plays him so you have a good guy to watch since he places high among other good Spinal players.
Then the chart I saw switched the 3ds and wiiu numbers.
somebody pls post the picture of the star input from super dbz
I was surprised desu, I knew the 3DS did great and WiiU didn't, but I didn't think people would be that into Smash on a portable system. Shows what I know, I guess
Sorry. I'm West Coast NA
This one?
I think it is important to note that smash4 is not that great of a singleplayer game like brawl was. Character and equip unlocks are random instead of predeterminded conditions. It's really focused on the multiplayer and even competitive side of the game this time.
no, piccolo in super dbz had a super with an insane input and someone once posted a picture of it here
reminder to not sexualize the mika
Give me easy 5k combos for everyone in uniel for those achievements.
do you think theyll keep mika as she is post cpt? that balance patch for next season will definitely have some characters heads at the chopping block but I feel if you remove her nuttyness then shes 100% unplayable
>next season
With what money?
>This is the actual tier graph of the KOF XIV
>if you remove her nuttyness then shes 100% unplayable
seriously this
the only way I could see her being balanced is if they take the dota approach I am so sorry for unironically bringing dota into this discussion which is basically when an OP meta hero needs to get toned down, they take the character's weakest aspects and make them extremely bad but leave their good parts alone
put renamon in sf5