That guy wo

>buy fwd car
>remove all passenger seats
LOL what autistic pretending fwd can race

Other urls found in this thread:

Show me where the minivan touched your miata

that autist probably drives better than you, you retarded piece of shit

hi corey!

Fuck off Corey

I'm not even a FWDfag, but I can admit that FWD is better in shit like Rallycross. And my some of my favourite Rally cars are FWD, particularly the mini.

Also RWD doesn't automatically make a car good at racing, or even fast. There's a reason literally everything you shitpost about outpaces your Miats.

this kind of shitposting should be bannable

> RWD doesn't automatically make a car good at racing, or even fast.

>Doesn't know about weight transfer

Actually, it does. Under acceleration, weight shifts to the back, putting weight on the drive wheel.

which doesnt make a car immediatly good at racing or faster

It does. Accelerating out of a corner, your weight shifts to your drive wheels thus giving you better traction, with your fwd, the weight shifts to the back and causes wheel spin.

And because your front drive wheels have to steer, stop, and accelerate, they are more prone to understeer.

For your viewing pleasure.

>LOL what autistic pretending fwd can race

You're just flat out wrong
Just another bench racer spouting things he doesn't understand.

What do you drive again?

I'm not saying that, I'm saying that RWD isn't the sole factor in making a car good, even though it is more desirable. Benchracers literally think it's pretty much the only thing that matters when it comes to shouting numbers at each other.

so a camaro would beat an integra around a corner because its rwd and an integra is fwd
that makes total sense

but the front wheels have way more traction in turn-in than a RWD car. If you are not overdriving the tires, braking or accelerating harshly, a good FWD car will outhandle most RWD ones (we're talking general production, not sports cars or performance specials, a V6 camry will stomp a Crown Vic). Weight transfer is heavily affected by suspension setup and you'll find that good production and race FWD cars have a bit of a body rake to account for this.

It takes an equal amount of skill to drive either layout. The braking and steering precision required by FWD drivers under braking and turn-in is equivalent to the throttle and steering precision required of a RWD driver on corner exit.

Will o ever stop shitposting

RWD is more desirable because the handling characteristics are generally more entertaining, and also more familiar to an experienced driver. Someone who learned to drive on a truck or old American car will naturally desire a RWD car.

at the same time, there are people with limited driving experience or no proclivity for driving at all, for which the naturally stable characteristics of FWD are the best option. But that doesn't mean a FWD car cannot be entertaining or have driving dynamics useful to an experienced driver.

a poorly-handling FWD car is safer than a poorly-handling RWD one.

Nope. Rwd is better.

It means FWD is literally inferior for racing. FWD is shit, it's simple physics.

>facts are shitposting
accept that fwd is shit already



It's funny that you're posting a rally clip.
Because FWD Fiesta's in the R2 and R3 classes beat RGT cars daily.
FWD is better than RWD on any surface when it comes to rallying.

>understeer understeer understeer

I don't know if I just have shit tires, but I can whip my corolla around corners pretty fast with no problem by steering out a little or hitting the brake with my left foot in a lower gear

The same should apply to FWD cars with the horsepower to actually accelerate out of the turn

another day another triggered RWD cuckboi shitthread

Let's compare these two videos
FWD Citroen
RWD M3 E36

See how the M3 driver constantly has to fight for traction, adjust with the gas, brake earlier and so on.
The Citroen can just brake late because it's light, turn in hard without fear of losing traction because it's FWD and if it does lose traction, you can also give it a little gas and it'll straighten itself out.

FWD beats- no fucking ANNIHILATES RWD when it comes to rallying. There is no debate to be had.

I'm 26, and on my 8th vehicle. I bought my first fwd car about 2 months ago.

It's harder to be insanely precise, but stopping on the accelerator, lightly dragging the brake and turning in causes just as much rotation as kicking the ass end out in a rwd vehicle.

It kills me to admit this.

You now understand that chassis > drivetrain.

i prefer driving fwd

the point is that if you had the exact same car that was FWD and RWD, the RWD would beat it


>People actually debating that FWD isn't prone to understeer and RWD isn't prone to oversteer.

This user gets it. When braking the weight of the car transfers towards to front. In a FWD car, the steering to one side is fighting the desire of both the weight momentum and wheel power to go straight. Compared to a RWD, when accelerating the weight will shift towards the real tires which also provide the power giving better grip and acceleration. When braking the weight transfers towards the front wheels allowing you to steer and corner better. This is why fish tailing is common with RWD.

>The FF setup is generally regarded as good in low grip scenarios (though not as good as 4WD), but subject to understeer in normal conditions due to the steering wheels also delivering the power. High performance vehicles rarely use the FF layout because weight is transferred to the rear wheels under acceleration, while unloading the front wheels and sharply reducing their grip

>This setup is used for most modern cars since is provides good controlled power, while leaving the front-wheels to steer the vehicle. During acceleration, weight is transferred to the rear wheels, which improves the efficiency of the driven wheels. Under braking however, the weight shifts to the front wheels, which aids in steering around corners.

Plus RWD is better able to handle higher powered engines.


Close, but sadly incorrect

Stay mad, cuck.

>uses worst type r
By the way, what do you drive again

How look at all those crashes.

Why is FWD even allowed? Dangerous as fuck hipster drivetrain.

Space and fuel saving, literally only good for A to B shitboxes.
Complete and utter garbage for anything remotely performance oriented.

FWD's can be quick under the right circumstances and this is coming from an avid FWD hater.

Some FWD hillclimb cars are railing the corners way faster than the Porsche's and BMW's that are just spinning their tires and making noise. Of course FWD can snap over and under steer but that can happen in any car really if you push it hard enough. Driver skill also makes a massive difference too.

I can show you a million videos of every possible drivetrain combination failing so that's really irrelevant.

>euroshitbox type r


cuckboi trying so hard to deal with his buying remorse

damn, someone's butt got hurt

Yup, just look in the mirror.

see but dont look in the mirror afterwards :v)



Who woulda guessed the car that cost $20k more and has almost 250 more hp would be .1 seconds faster.

Nice excuses cuck, oversteer off a fucking cliff anytime

You forgot that it's also 700 pounds heavier, cuck.

yes, open wide and let this big fat cockc enters your mouth, sissy cuck

>almost 600 hp
>can't outrun a civic

kek, you are supposed to post pics that help your argument

>literally exact same time around the burgerking
>m3 is way faster in a straight line
What does this tell you cuck?

LOL Tsukuba is the Type R's bread and butter and it still gets beaten by a can't turn Mustang rustang.

FWD cucks, everyone.

>rwd is pigfat can't turn


poor cuckboi

>runs out of fastest laptimes
>better post my facebook memes now

lel i am enjoying your anger

dance cuckold, dance :v)

What do you guys get out of this? You pretty much never get any responses that aren't you replying to yourself or a fellow shitposter who doesn't mean a thing he posts either. Why not bait on a more active board and get way more (you)s?

>FWD cuck too stupid to understand the rustang's suspension setup.


why do you have to be such a bully dude ? like seriously

What the fuck are you doing.

poorly trolling

>A whinny FWD cuck


just stop it , come on. I'm a human being. Why can't you just be nice? Why are you doing this man please . We're both humans who like cars.

Kek way to pick the two shortest, straightest tracks available to benefiting your overpowered pigat.

I'm trolling for trying to understand shitposters better?

I'm not giving them (you)s.

>RWD cucks too stupid to think a live rear axle is a good suspension set up


rwd cuckold is getting so triggered!

look how easy i am controlling him!

You like shit FWD cars, though.

laugh as the rwd cuckold cries and squeals

i dont even have a fwd car lol

At least don't use the same filename style if you're gonna samefag. Makes it more believable.

Except you're just replying to yourself. Do you have a split personality disorder?

What's with all the exclamation points? Am I making you that mad? lmao

>ctrl+f cuck

Yall pre-teens lazy as fuck these days.

I'm genuinely sad
Stop the bullshit
Why do you have to do this to a feel human being
>tfw actually tearing up

Excuses, excuses, FWDcuck lord.

>wet handling track
HAHA just stop, this is getting sad now.

fuck off Corey

Holy shit that's it, this is Alphonse without a name and Corey. This makes perfect sense.

>Cry baby FWD cuck now realizes how shit his car is.

>Even more pathetic excuses.


I don't even drive fwd I just wish you would stop being so mean
You're hurting me
Please man. I'm as real as you. I have a past like you. Please...

yes user

people here do like fwd cars

its not that we enjoy watching you sperg or anything :v)

come on, sperg a little more, show us how triggered you get when you dont take your meds kid

OK, this is getting pathetic, good night lmao

I just want to die. Why do you have to be so mean to me
I just want a friend
One friend

Can y'all bench racers fuck off? i bet none of yall could actually beat a fucking FF in a FR if you tried. fighting over the drivetrain is fucking stupid, you can learn how to drive both... RWD AND FWD KEKS are destroying this board.... thank god the awd fags dont pipe up too often

lol, he is so fucking mad he just ragequitted!

lol poor cuckboi, you can go back to your chastity cage now

holy shit RWD cucks getting absolutely BTFO ITT

Don't feed the shitposters. Report and move on. This guy doesn't believe a word of what he's saying, he's just mentally ill and gets some enjoyment out of acting retarded on an anonymous imageboard. And yes, this has largely been one guy, shitposters will either autistically name their files individually like I do or just have default filenames, if you see only one kind it's a shitposter samefagging.

Tell you what, keep your FWD econobox as a daily, it's all it'll ever be good for, don't let the poorfag FWD cucks here brainwash you.

Save up and buy a proper FR sports car, it'll be more fun and people in other FR cars will wave at you and you can make friends with them.

It's so easy to shoot the shit with other FR drivers when driving an FR, if you approach an FR driver with a FWD, we'd just tell you to fuck off and laugh at your shitbox.

And only spics and neckbeard dweebs think of their FWD shitboxes as anything but an econobox, do you honestly want to be asociated with these cucks?

Oh and of course there's the whole 1 minute or longer interval between posts that you can tell by as well.


RWD sissies geting cucked as usual

>proper FR sports car
>slower than a civic

top kek!

holy shit, RWD cucks utterly BTFO

on literal suicide watch

will they ever recover

>rwd cucks btfo so hard they stopped replying

>aston martin in charge of performance
