Post what you drive and what you play.
Cars & Guitars
Other urls found in this thread:
I play with ur mum faget
and a BRZ
'87 Scottsdale
American Std Telecaster
Gibson SG Original II
Larrivee D-03R
Custom B-Bender Telecaster
MESA Lonestar Classic 212
MESA Single Rectifier 50
I play the conch shell
This is the custom bender. Built from a countertop and a poor Squier neck by the guy who invented the bridge mechanism to test it on brass barrel saddles (total failure, basically cut through the saddles). I'm the 3rd owner and have since replaced the saddles and refinished it.
Gibson EB3L
03 996TT
09 FZ6
14 675R
Haven't played in a while though.
Nice, love SG basses. What's the additional dial? Some kind of fader between pickups?
My friend from highschool had one of these from the 70s. It had a single humbucker in the middle and it was quite possibly the coolest thing I've ever played.
>rickenbacker 360
>the train
Oddly fitting.
>Rickenbacker: First electric guitars.
>Trains: First motorized transport.
Holy shit that Jag in the background.
yeah was p hot
I bet that rock stool is as comfy as your truck.
The throne doesn't have air ride
Train and Foot, living in a car unfriendly city.
Used to drive a frontier, and then a golf while in high school.
Also have an acoustic but someone else has it right now, and an Ibanez SR bass, but I don't have a "family" picture.
Loving this thread. Too lazy to go to my basement, I have a few others like a Mockingbird ST, a Les Paul, Stratotele, a few more and a few amps. Figured I'd show something youve probably not seen before. I drive a z24 convertible, which sucks.
Pickups are Petrucci DiMarzios. Crunch Lab and Liquifire. I coil tapped them and did a few other mods as well.
I drive that black shitbox on the right.
I play with my dick occasionally.
Oh man, I wanna see that Stratotele.
That looks sweet man.
The whole family.
Infinitely jelly. Truck too, looks comfy.
Pic related is my next target, it's going to take a looooooong time to find one that I can afford. The mythical Gibson Firebird VII.
It's kinda torn up because I'm putting in a new Duncan but I'll take a pic when I ferry back home
underrated post
E46 325ci
>Ibanez s1520
>Custom RG body with single hum/single volume with a 1989 wizard neck of an RG550
>Ibanez RG550
>A bunch of superstrats I threw together out of spare parts
Here is the S1520
Here is the custom RG
>using a volume knob
0-100 only
Here's the guitar I'm using from my school
I drive a Saturn Ion
Jackson - Making guitar storage a pain in the ass since 1980.
Is it a V? I had a Kramer V a few years back that I built and it fit on my stands fine
74 sg custom and i drive an xf falcon panelvan
>all these people from /gg/ also on Veeky Forums
>I think I'm talking to different people on different boards but it's just different conversations with the same people simultaneously
>that reeks of pot
epiphone standard pro cause i cant afford a real one. will prob buy a nice tele eventually, but i have other priorities for my money.
What do you drive?
Nice, it all looks cool. What do you think of the 5150 evh?
It's only you and one bot pretending to be other people.
I have used and played block letter 5150s since I started getting serious about music. I've used them in every band I've been in/toured with and on everything I record.
They are bulletproof, easy to fix and maintain, and can be had for 500 bucks if you search hard enough. The "clean" channel isn't going to give you clean sparkling tones, but if you want something crunchy or mind numbing distortion wise, they are the way to go.
Thanks. Yeah I was looking into the small ones for touring around with the neckbeard metal band. For the clean sounding bands I already have a 6L6 based combo.
Small one as in combo? If so, swap out the 12's for vintage 30's. 120 watts is stupid loud and the combo 5150 is enough to push most rooms without being mic'd. The V30'a compliment the amp very well. I put them in all of my cabs
>It's only you and one bot pretending to be other people.
I've been hurt before
Ah no, I saw the EVH in a store and noticed it's a bit smaller than I thought (the lower wattage one). That's basically it, not carring a standard huge 5150 like head.
I just use whatever cab the venue has.
If you found a blockletter in anything other than 120 watts, it's a converted combo or is a newer version. The newer versions have 6 preamp tubes opposed to the original 5, which takes away the signature bite that most people look for in these amps
Missed that in the research, thanks.
NP dude. Good luck in your search!
No. 1 acoustic: Gibson Hummingbird
No. 1 electric: Fender Classic 50s Telecaster
No. 1 bass: Fender J-Bass with a Babicz bridge
/ccg/ and /gg/ are the only threads I'm ever in. It's about time they met.
bmw e9
Porsche 911
I also have a Roland TD-30KV, but no pictures on my phone.
My only guitar is an old Alvarez RD8C.
Can't get a better picture at night.
And my DD is a 2006 Mini. There are other vehicles as well, like a 1966 Land Rover, '87 Alfa Romeo, ect.
1991 300zx z32
1990 240sx SOHC
cherry sunburst epiphone les paul custom (ultra)
and some shittty flea market black and wood brown bridgecraft strato caster i began on that actually sometimes picked up radio stations lol.
hope to one day get an epiphone like what chuck berry had
stopped playing when i got off of meth and adderal so i cant play for shit now
cant justify spending alot on the leal deal since i live in a not so nice neighborhood hoiod
I think he was referring to the Warrior in the post he quoted and cases. A hanging stand will hold pretty much anything but finding a decent hardshell case can be a bastard. I have a couple Explorers and getting cases for them was a pain.
Oakland Axe Factory custom 9 String - 1998 Acura CL. I have more guitars but this and my first guitar (red Gibson Flying V) are my favorites
>jcm 2000 instead of 800
>6505 instead of 5150
JCM2000 DSL50 has a modded preamp and is using late 60s tubes for the gain stages. KT-77s instead of EL34s. Few bands have come through and used it when JCM800s have broken down and preferred it to their amps.
Peavey 6505 and Peavey 5150 are identical besides the faceplate.
Got an 800 (2203 and 2204), 5150 and 5150 II anyway.
1978 P Bass. The years are purely coincidental
>6505 and 5150 are identical
I have literally rebuilt 7 blockletter 5150s in my life and serviced a few 6505.
>5150 has 5 pre amp tubes
>6505 has 6 pre amp tubes
i wish i was good enough to justify spending that much on nice shit.
jelly as fuck
maybe i should pick up old habits again
shit you not i could follow a lead or play along when i was high on that shit
now all i can do is smoke on the water and in a gadda da vida
>daddy's vintage car
>daddy's vintage bass
Well aren't you a lucky son of a gun
It's my bass you fucking mongoloid. Believe it or not, I can pay for my own shit
>6 tubes
That's a 6505+ not a 6505.
5150 and 6505 has 5 tubes. 5150 II and 6505+ have six tubes. 5150 and 6505 are identical and 5150 II and 6505+ are identical.
The name was changed from 5150 to 6505 after Eddie Van Halen backed out as he had rights to the 5150 name.
Here's the manual if you want to look for yourself.
Just gotta dedicate time to it man. I spend a lot of time playing. It'll come back pretty quickly if you sit down and do some really meaningful practice.
I've literally rewired both of them. They are not identical. Since you own both, take a look yourself and follow it point to point using continuity on a voltage meter. Keep being wrong.
>I've literally rewired both of them. They are not identical. Since you own both, take a look yourself and follow it point to point using continuity on a voltage meter. Keep being wrong.
You have to be trolling.
It's extremely well known they're the same amplifier. The only thing that led to people thinking old ones sounded different was the quality of the stock tubes went down after the first run of 5150.
>The 6505 is the base model of the series, and is identical to the 5150, with exception of the stock tubes and its name.
The 6505 has some cheap chinese tubes from the factory.
I can tell you with 100% certainty they are exactly the same amplifier.
I can tell you with 100% certainty that you're wrong.
>b-but the manual says
Open them up, follow them point to point. Note every difference you find via the voltage meter. Come back and admit you were wrong
Budget tier dinky DK2M and a 14 WRX. I've had the Dinky since 8th grade. Haven't played much guitar since graduating college but I still noodle around sometimes.
Kek apparently it has its own wikipedia page. I got it for around 650 after some haggling with this metalhead salesman at Guitar center. It retailed ~800 apparently? I suppose not absolutely budget tier but it's not a neck-through, scallop fret or anything. The duncans are nice though.
And yes, I did pick up Jacksons because I'm into metal. Anyway here's my car.
Do it man. I recently dusted off my dinky, bought a decent little amp (peavey Vypyr) and been learning a few solos. You'd be surprised how fast you can come back to it.
A guy that used to go to the School of Rock i went to when i was little had one of those, that thing was very nice
Yea, I just have a soft case for the Jackson.
fucking nice m8, but which car(s)?
Nice ESP bass bruh
See . Also have an E36 328i. Thinking of getting an FC RX-7 and/or an AE71.
1986 Toyota Celica ST
Ibanez RG470 - I dont really like it tho
What don't you like about the RG?
Cool car btw.
Schecter Damien Elite 7 FR.
I drive a white NA miata.
I had that yamaha, it was so fucking excellent.
I could play it next to $2000+ acoustics with no shame.
>png, 3.21 MB
Dude pls
Nice car, nice looking gothy schecter.
Not a fan of actives but I guess they are standard for that kind of guitar.
Nissan x-trail
Mayones regius 7
Strandberg Boden 8 in "red rum" stained flame maple.