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first for coolhole needs better servers
b-but, i already have a bf, user.
what would be their first album name?
normies with bfs get out, only no souls bfs allowed
Sun Goddess Amaterasu (Okami)
Reflectors (Shields)
>Stone Parma w/ Great Magic Shield (Divine Retribution)
>Sunlight Shield w/ Great Magic Shield (Solar Flare)
Rosaries (Whips)
>Witch's Locks (Life Beads)
>Notched Whip w/ Crystal Magic Weapon (Tundra Beads)
Glaives (Swords)
>Black Knight Greatsword (Seven Strike)
>Dragonslayer Swordspear (Thunder Edge)
Martial Arts (Fists/Claws)
>Manikin Claws
>Demon's Fists
Magic (Miracles)
>Soothing Sunlight
>Tears of Denial
>Sunlight Spear
>Lightning Stake
Magic (Pyromancies)
>Profaned Flame
Magic (Sorceries)
>Great Farron Dart
>Great Magic Shield
>Crystal Magic Weapon
Any thoughts, /dsg/?
Post the last weapon used to kill you in PvP.
Don't lie. Let your shame run wild and free.
Are you a cute girl? Cause if not, that's gross
Well, now I'm sad. Guy said he blocked me :(
you posted it
Cool idea, but what will you do for fashion?
When does hyper armor activate?
I'm a boy who pretends to be a cute girl.
muh feminine penis
Good job!
Made a new character. Extremely close match. I was using the Battle Axe
What DID she mean by this?
Laggy Bloodtards.
Oh, forgot pic.
Things DaS2 got better than DaS1:
>60 fps
>better durability system
>able to pop multiple souls at once
>much better weapon variety
>better sorceries miracles hexes and pyromancies
>better NPC questlines
>better infusion/reinforcement system
>better stats
>elemental damage tied to stats
>no minmax twinking, every PvP match is fair
>unique glow and aura as you rank up in PvP covenants
>name-engraved ring
>better bosses
>gameplay is more than just "hold L1 and circle around enemy until the end of the game"
>better backstab/riposte animations
>much better DLCs
>NG+ actually changes the game
>parrying is much harder and more rewarding
>heavier weapons do more backstab/riposte damage
>heavier weapons are harder to backstab/riposte with
Things DaS1 got better than DaS2:
Real talk here, DaS3 has objectively the best bosses in the series, if you disagree you're either blinded by nostalgia or being a contrarian for the sake of it.
-- Elder God Tier
Iudex Gundyr
Abyss Watchers
Champion Gundyr
Twin Princess
-- Top Tier
Nameless King
Soul Of Cinder
-- Good Tier
Ancient Wyvern
Demon King
-- At least Great Presentation Tier
-- B-Team Tier
Crystal Sage
You're trying way too hard.
Except BB blows it out of the water.
Couldn't agree more. DaS2 has become a buzzword at this point. Little do people realize it's the best game in the series.
I'm not too sure to be honest, but I do know it'll consist of mostly white with a little black/red.
BB isn't a part of the Dark Souls series
It's a part of the Souls series.
Thats odd, I could have sworn it was in the OP? Oh well, my bad. I guess I forgot about the post on this very page.
Stop posting this. its not a part of the souls series now.
Got 50 Faith and very low str/dex
Heide Knight Sword, Thorned Greatsword or Defender's Greatsword?
Not him but, while Bloodborne has some really good bosses, Dark Souls 3 definitely comes out on top here.
>60 fps
So on PC?
>60 fps
>better durability system
Wait ...
>60 fps
>better durability system
... are you ...
>60 fps
>better durability system
... fucking trolling me?
I rarely see anyone use that thing, and on the few occasions I have they were ace players.
What's the best way to learn about Hyper Armor frames?
Wait for morninglord to put out his series of weapon showcase vids.
Or you could go to High Wall and try out different moves using the crossbow hollow.
I disagree, especially if you include the BB DLC bosses.
Reddit, where else? there's two very technical threads on it as of right now, night unreadable though.
You can shit on Reddit all you want but at least you find useful info and shitters like our very own one are downvoted into oblivion.
I disagree, buddy
you know they fixed that right?
I know your brain is underdeveloped and all but you should have known this
>DS2 durability system: repair powders and backup weapons are useful as your weapons will snap like fucking slim jims
>DS3 durability system: why the fuck is this even in the game, other than you faggots blindly copy pasting old resources?
It's always either too hot or too cold with these fucks. Give a reason for acid surge to exist. Go on, try.
Yeah, the guy was pretty good, both of us had 1 hit left in us, and I'm pretty sure we were both out of estus. I know I was. I swung for him, missed, and he got me.
Are there any mods or anything that reduce the quality of DS3 for PC? I think I overestimated my GPU's ability (650 TI). I'm only up to the Abyss Watchers but I actually can't beat the second stage because any time he swings I drop to about 10fps because of the fire particles. I've set everything to low and reducing my resolution makes it run a bit better but also makes everything windowed and really hard to see. Anything I can do at this point?
It's a better version of Lothric Knight Sword, two handed thrusts and all. Can't go wrong with thrusts in this game.
So this...... Is...... The power....... Of the....... PC....... Woah.....
While they are mechanically superb, BB boss fights suffer in terms of overall presentation and mise en scène when compared to DaS3. BB boss are harder in general, but that's not enough to make them better.
One that comes close to DaS3 top bosses is Lady doll, the bloody weeabo. Let's just say I prefer pretty things like orange and blue glowing things than just gray hairy beasts pounding on you in a gray environment.
meant to quote
uninstall, you're not fit to be part of the master race
>you're a moron because you don't follow every patch notes about a 8 year old game that nobody plays anymore
>implying this bug didn't plague the shit out of the game for the 2 years it was relevant
ok buddy
If you want to go by presentation then BB still takes it because of Gascan, the Vicar, Gehrman, Ludwig, Maria, and the Orphan.
Is 22 an acceptable SL for Settlement or would I be better staying at 19?
I just learned about the fact that Old Monk boss can actually be a human player and I'm so confused, how does it work? What if the host doesn't go through the fog gate?
Nothing happens then
they you are fucked
How? I like the fight for its intensity and the relentlessness of the second form, but it's drab as hell. It's just ugly, and you can barely make out the boss among the tombstones. If it were not for the difficulty and the one-shot mechanic of the last part, you wouldn't even remember it.
I think that Ludwig alone shows that BB bosses are better,
>that transition in phases
>that music
>that intro to the Moonlight Great Sword
not to mention Gerhman, Gascoine, Orphan of Kosm, Lady Maria, Logarious, and Dark Beast Paarl, are all great bosses with interesting moves, lore and great designs. Difficultly wise, Bloodborne is much harder because I can't just trivialize a fight with a shield, I have to be constantly on my toes or else I could easily fuck up
Just fight him up by the doors if you have that mush trouble with the tombstones.
>Dark Souls 3
Ayy lmao
where did the honor go /dsg/?
Am i a shitter for using fire surge? The other pyro spells I have don't seem nearly as good as this.
So good at finishing people off and just zoning.
I'm not just cast and run either. That's lame
I have 0 problems with it chucklefuck, I have it down to a 20 seconds fight while taking 0 damage, like everyone who has been playing the game constantly : 2 parries, 1 music box, 1 heavy attack, 1 molotov and it's over.
However, unlike you and your massive inflated ego, I can make a distinction between my ability to fight a boss and the appreciation of said fight in the eyes of a newcomer.
Not really. It still costs FP.
A new comer gets a cool intro cut scene, an escalating fight in tight quarters, then an unexpected mid-fight transformation and a fight that ramps up to 10 on their intense scale considering how fast and aggressive he is and that he can bust through tombstones like they are nothing.
ahahah what the fuck that's some quality pvp right there
Any good shit for LUCK players?
Anri's and anything that pops bleed. And any weapon that doesn't lose scaling with Hollow.
Sirris claimed
I can't believe it...
Ornstein was a cute girl alll along...
Do you think Ornstein, Artorias, and Gough had their way with Gwyndolin?
Post YFW From announces Souls Online
From is done with souls, if anyone does it then it's Bamco and that I would honestly prefer that instead of them trying to do lore
When will we get more information on Dark Souls 3 DLC? Is there any kind of gaming event where they might reveal its release date, how to access it or so?
Huh, Mail Breaker is only sharp on the inner edge. The left-to-right swipe is just slapping them with the flat of it.
well yeah, it's a mail breaker
Actually, now that I look at the animation, it looks like they got the weapon model tuned around. You're not even attacking with the cutting edge on either R1.
holy shit guys look outside it's a fucking monsoon
>This hard, edgeless sword can pierce through tough armor, and boasts a deadly critical attack.
It's not supposed to even have an edge, according to the description. And yet, it has one.
Not everyone is living in your town, my man
If Smough was allowed to join the Four Knights of Gwyn, which animal would he choose? What effect would his ring have?
Which animal did ciaran choose?
Who /alwayschoosemasterkeyasstartinggiftandenterblighttownthroughtheexitinordertoskiplowerundeadburgandthedepths/ here?
Fucking hate fighting those dogs with zero poise.
Running attacks of weapons over 8 weight do more damage.
>Lord's Blade Ciaran
I'm playing Dark Souls 1 and having an absolute blast. Man this game is fun. I am shit at it though, due to some nerve damage, my use of a controller isn't as good as it once was. I make up for it by being careful and farming a bunch, both giving me practice and helping me pad stats.
None of this helps now that I've hit Sen's Fortress. These swinging blades and resulting fall damage just brutalize me.
Are there any ways to mitigate their deadliness or cheese around them? I seem to be running out of things to do without getting the Lordvessel.
try prudence
>washing pole weighs 8.5
What is Gravelord Nito's sex life like?
is that a monster vac like in this
It's pretty long
Not as long as this johnson but pretty long
Corvian scythe is bullshit
weapons now weight nothing
Using monster vac in people's worlds was a blast in DS1
>Teleport O&S out of the boss room
>Kill their priscilla