Hearthstone general /hsg/

20 dollars of hot garbage Edition

>/hsg/ poll

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help

>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:


Other urls found in this thread:


/hsg/'s favorite decks:
Control Priest, Yogg Druid

/hsg/'s least favorite decks:
Aggro Shaman, Zoolock

>2 maybe playable cards in the set so far
Is it even worth to buy this shit with gold at this point?

>/hsg/'s favorite decks:
>Control Priest, Yogg Druid

I think someone tricked you.

The end (of hearthstone) is coming!

well, they only had like 11 and 6 votes respectively.

I'd have to go through the 500~ decks listed as "Decks I play" to actually determine the "most favored" deck of the general.

My guess is it'll be Midrange Hunter.

You know whats mind boggling to me? There are still people out there that defend this expansion

xth for leaks

Whispers or this awful adventure?

The gay disco party of innovation and well designed cards

>Post pics of when you actually had fun in Hearthstone

every smart person gave up all hope for hearthstone when they announced how standard would be handled. Things like brode still having a job, refusing to take advantage of being a digital game, erections for rng, etc. were glaring red flags anyway

>/hsg/s most hated Streamers
>Forsen (RIP)

Priest is /hsg/'s favorite class. It has been since Closed Beta.

>Control Priest
Makes sense. We have a lot of salty priest shitters stuck at shieldbearer ranks with nigger decks.

>Freeze Mage leaves you at one when Based Reno comes to save the day

Consider the following.

Those were the days. How come Ben Brode is still incharge? Why havent they fired him yet?

Priest players need constant attention or they start cutting themselves so they post way more than anyone else.

>Forsen (RIP)

What happened to le swedish cancer man?

You'd be surpised how often this has happened to me when I'm playing Reno Shadow Priest.

>Favorite Class
19.8% Priest
14.9% Mage
14% Rogue
10.7% Warrior
9.9% Druid
9.1% Warlock
8.3% Shaman
7.4% Paladin
5.8% Hunter

Man, even after Face Hunter died people don't like the neat control versions with Yogg and N'Zoth. Ah well.

>run Arena 4 times tonight
>twice with Mage, twice with Warrior
>0 board clears show up in the picks
>0 big minion clears show up as well

Someone explain this shit...

Did I just get smitten by RNJesus?

she can herald my peace anytime

because people just protest on the internet and not with their wallets.
blizz/act execs probably give brode handies under the tables at quarterly meetings

>Describe the WoG meta
Fuck Aggro

Fuck Warriors


4 mana 7/7
Fuck Shamans

It’s Shit


10-mana minions
Wild is good, Standard is bad

Classes are dead
Fuck Zoo

Needs tuning
RIP Priest

Better than before
Failed Control
Fuck Paladins
Midrange and fun legos
Needs Healing
No Midrange
OTK, Zoo, Face

C’thun decks everywhere R15 and up

Hello darkness my old friend.........

What's the best way to tell my dad that my girlfriend has a feminine penis??

I miss Neptulon so much.

Be straight (get it?) with him and tell him that you're homosexual.

Tell him you main Priest in Hearthstone and Entomb is your favorite card

man I just lost a game to yogg and it didn't even make me sad because it was so wacky and crazy!

r-right guys?

what a perfectly designed shaman card.
all blizz does now is give them piles of stats.
RIP Neppy

Mind you, with these answers, I boiled responses into various camps of "opinions" or "buzzwords". One response, for example, said that there was diversity in decks, but staleness in classes seen on Ladder.

Casually milling away a Warrior with Fatigue Druid

>that priest tease from brode

can't wait for midrange priest senpai

where is the best place to see the fastest card releases?

/hsg/ is cancer

but not you. you aren't cancer :3

Hearthston Reddit, usually. They're always the first.

I always check Hearthpwn, though

If anything, that cements priest's future at tier 4.

New leak

I am here to save priest.

/hsg/'s favourite class was shaman untill it got gud, fucking hipsters

Yo, so /hsg/ finally has Our Guy.

>Who is Our Guy?




Brian Kibler

Ben Brode
My Autism

Donald Trump
Millhouse Manastorm

Implosion Guy
Reno Jackson

I dunno about pre-LoE, but Shaman was in the bottom rung in the first Great Big /hsg/ Poll.

Al'Akir is our mascot and we root for the underdog. That's kinda how things are around here.

No it wasn't. In every single poll where you vote for your favorite class Priest always comes out on top in /hsg/.

And I've been in this general since open beta.

Some comedian posted the Beatles /mu/ pasta in the "What Got You Into Hearthstone" question

Gave me a laugh

only faggot priest players fill out polls because they need attention

why are people who play the priest class so autistic and unlikable?

Why do you have some weird obsession with Priest, user? You're not telling me you're a faggot, are you?

>only faggot Priest players fill out polls

>Favorite Class
19.8% Priest
14.9% Mage
14% Rogue
10.7% Warrior
9.9% Druid
9.1% Warlock
8.3% Shaman
7.4% Paladin
5.8% Hunter

20% isn't "only", user.

No, that would be Zetalot


Wow this is broken as fuck, WTF was Ben Brode THINKING???

close enough

People who stuck with their obsessions and unable to move on despite stress and motivation generally become unlikable. Playing priest is a symptom.

Even better.

"If you are holding a dragon, all your minions can't be targeted by spells or hero powers."

This card is 100% balanced.

actually is tbqh.

>power of the wild that draws a card for the same 2 mana

I saved the priest class.

Power of the Wild has the Choose One flexibility.

>Or summon a 3/2

Druid has to pay for them Choose One options.

It's in priest so it's worthless

literally a win more card that worsens the warrior match up

Ben Brode gets questioned on video about the Firelands Portal and Arena shit

>Brode: I guess we can NOT make more powerful commons for Mage and Rogue, and make more useful common cards for shit cards like Hunter, Priest, etc

>Brode: Except I don't think that's the solution, what if I change the way I code arena, or the way to draft in arena, or what if arena gets replaced, or what if we solution it when new technology comes to Blizzard

>Next question please


completely retarded
not completely retarded
completely retarded
a perfect representation of priest oc

What the FUCK did he mean by this?????????

He's looking into all options first, what's unreasonable about that?

I'm not normally a Ben Brode apologist but you're the retard in this situation.

Might be gud in some Tempo Priest variant.

Holy Champion is an elder god for Burst. She has single handily won me games before.

Do you not think it would be a good idea to look into those "options" before adding firelands portal to arena?


And the opposite. This is an actual WoW TCG card btw.

whos ready for a night to remember?

You know something. I have played Yogg a lot of times. And almost every time he will cast the same spell twice in a row. I havent seen him cast a spell and then 2 spells later cast the same spell. Its actually only back to back. I have tested this and i can now safely say that there is no pure RNG involved. It has happened too many times for this to be just RNG. They rigged it somehow to make it more "fun"

derp, typo.

>quest win 5 tavern brawl
>60g so can't reroll

Who is Zeriyah? I get that she's a pretty woman but I don't really see why she gets more attention than Brode, Kripp, Jackie Chan, Zetalot, etc

>almost every time
There is your answer

Sounds extremely scientific, well done user.

Why isn't yogg Replace your hand and deck with spells?

>Who is Zeriyah?

this was the only good answer he gave and you still have a meltdown.

The only way to save priest is to go niggerer.

>priest is shit

and may he forever stay that way. amen


>dedicated warrior players

Completely unforgivable.

He should have announced reparations paid to long time players.

Priest is playable again

yeah all those warriors will be glad to see this card n1 m8 ;^))))))

why not

Are you implying a priest is a bad matchup against a warrior?

>F2P zooscrubs

Is Bomberman bugged? Two games in a row it's given me lethal by hitting the same perfect minion each time

No, play him more and you'll see why he's not in constructed.

>my favorite classes are hunter and mage

you faggots got close though :P


>When Rag gets the 20% shot and snipes 4 mana 7/7

>try a new slower deck that's a bit slower
>queue into priest
>he just steals all my win conditions while gaining board through stolen cards

And that's why we can't have nice things. Priest deserves to be in the dumpster because it pretty much forces everyone to play aggro or to endure the niggery that priest ist.

I wish Rag had thick eyebrows like this girl. They are so HOT.