/pgg/ Pokemon Go General

Sluttiest team edition

>Official FAQ

>Is the server down? Probs lol

>General Database

>Is it worth evolving X?

>Some questions answered
pastebin.com/spEFYmPw (embed)

>Pokemon strengths and earning XP

>IV Calculator

>Pokemon moves DPS

>Information on gay sex:
Nox: pastebin.com/k34jzqUK
Blustax: pastebin.com/KCVr1HjB

>python scanner set up guide

>Penis request Discord channel

>scanner app



Other urls found in this thread:



2nd for instinct

The difference is that Tinder relies on you communicating with other people while pokemon go is a fucking game

I can find people on Tinder in my hick area, but I can't play pokemon go because nothing shows up

>he uses tinder

>he is a fat neckbeard who wishes he can socialize

>actually spoke to a random girl outside with no forced conversation like coworkers or classmates have to do for the first time in 10+ years

This game is officially GOTY. Too bad I was to big a faget pussy to ask for her number to go to hunt pokemon together sometime. OH WELL

i've been with five times more girls than you probably have you numale retard

Are lucky eggs rare drops from Pokestops?

>5 times 0 = 0
you really are a faggot


Realistically, is there anything at all Niantic can do to undo the damage done in the past few days?
>app store rating has plummeted to 1 and a half stars on IOS, Android is higher but still shows huge bar of 1 star ratings
>people felt this was the only way to get their attention, and even with updates are unlikely to update their ratings so game is permanently stuck at 2 stars tops
>after getting trashed on ratings and refunds for 3 days, they finally break their silence
>people demand communication, they communicate with us and nothing more
>post they made answers nothing and excludes 2 huge changes that are worse than 3 steps
>first being the massively nerfed catch rate and increased flee chance that is obviously in place to push ball sales
>the second is the already buggy and inaccurate egg distance counter having it's absurdly low speed cap lowered even further

I just don't see how anyone could fuck up so hard all at once. And I can't think of any type of update that can extinguish this burning building of a game

fucking destroyed

Help it burn
Bot the fuck out of it.

It's hilarious that they managed to alienate the entire player base in one update
>normies leave because of tracker removal but are unlikely to notice the catch rate decrease so that didn't affect their decision
>hardcore players and cheaters don't care about the tracker, but they notice the catch rate change and leave because low level Pidgey piss away 10 balls then run

>>the second is the already buggy and inaccurate egg distance counter having it's absurdly low speed cap lowered even further
Didnt notice this. What's the supposidly new speed cap?

Not him but I have seen it as well. Used to be able to get 1-2km on my neighborhood street on my way home at 20mph. Got .1km after update, haven't tried again since

Can someone answer this

I just don't see the point, I botted an account, got a team of 2k+ mons and absolutely steamroll every gym in the city. It's boring. Not to mention in a few weeks cheaters will be all that's left.

no they aren't
you can only buy or get them from lvl up

Seemed fairly common to me. You can only hold 9 and I don't think you can't drop them, so after you get some you should stay well stocked if you don't intend to grind them out.

LUCKY eggs.

No they aren't. You get a few leveling up and that's it

I think I saw somewhere that it's 12mph now

I'm all for the lowered cap speed for eggs.
Now the faggots can't do drive-bys AND get steps. Meanwhile I can bike all over town while the fags are stuck burning fuel in the city traffic and they get nothing for it. Lol.

>calls other people faggots

It will literally have to be an enormous update, all at once, and probably a public apology for their incompetence over the last month.

>turn-based battle and capture system between individual players, groups of players, and wild pokemon
>rebalanced pokemon and moves following original franchise
>it's now possible to train your pokemon through battle
>introduction of EVs
>reintroduction of the radar
>instead of a list of pokemon, it now displays a compass with pokemon placed in the direction they're at
>a ring around the pokemon that changes color based on distance
>removal of player level

You mirin' my calves?

You do realize the lowered speed cap affects cyclefags too, right?

>Turn based
99.9 percent of the normies leave.
Congratulations, you just tanked the game for good.

Cyclefag here, cars didn't get you distance on eggs even before the update, this hurts cycling the most not driving.

Friendly reminder that Niantic has done nothing for the game except try to stop cheaters, and doing it badly.

Force 3-step bug on footprints tracker -> Trying to stop early scanners
3-step bug isn't good enough because math so they get rid of it -> Trying to stop pokevision
Reducing client request rates to servers -> Trying to stop pokevision
Reducing search radius from 100m to 70m -> Trying to stop pokevision
Nerfing capture rates across the board -> Trying to hurt botters
Ineffective softbans for teleporting around and moving at 400kmph -> Trying to hurt botters and snipers
Getting rid of exp bonuses from throws -> Trying to hurt botters that lie about throwing perfect throws

They are basically making every single classic mistake possible a MMO dev can make to fuck over legitimate players while failing to stop or hinder spoofers, trackers, scanners, snipers, and botters. They are 100% incompetent devs who get to burn down a whole franchise in a couple weeks with the power of Google VC funding. Remember that they're a bunch of Google engineers who spun out of Google to make video games and shit and are just getting blasted in the face with culture shock since they don't get to hide inside the Google hugbox anymore. And this is AFTER they went through all the motions with Ingress first. It's really fascinating at how incompetent they are as a company.

The best part is that they can fix all this shit and hurt botters significantly while bettering the legitimate user experience by restructuring their clientserver interface OR taking 30 seconds to play an existing phone game and see what they did/didn't do right but that'd require doing real work instead of masturbating at their desk telling themselves they are geniuses.

Sad part is that despite all the negative attention and 1 star reviews, they won't do jackshit, and normies will still pour money into the game for Lucky Eggs and Lure Modules to use while they drink coffee at a pokestop.

It doesn't, been getting all my miles just fine.

>EVs and IVs
>turn based combat

This is a fucking phone game for normies, they don't want this. If you want that get out your DS
>removal of player level
Imagine the absolute assrage this would cause

This is just Ingress 2.0 for them. Guess what they did in Ingress to address the same problems?

>the same shit

This is bait, right?

That's my point.

It's like they learned NOTHING from their first set of mistakes.

ded game ded general

i biked for 20 km literally broke my ass for 3 days and still didnt crack my 10km eggs

Can anyone tell me why my necro isn't transferring pokemon? It's transferring SOME but I still have tons of pidgeys it is ignoring

>"KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": true,
>"KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 3,
0 (will only keep 1 of each)

>The rush hour was way worse than usual
>The traffic was just DEAD
>Turns out that a group of fat fucks in cars were crawling around at less than10mph around town
>They were all alone in each of their fatmobiles and were all holding a phone in one hand and some food item and steeringwheel in the other
>Eyes 90% on the phone 10% on the road.


Noticed this too, this general has ground to a halt. Not that there is anything to talk about anymore

Ah, thank you. I set the "KeepMinDuplicatePokemon": 3, myself but the "KeepPokemonsThatCanEvolve": true, was what was fucking me up.

Any way to make Necrobot evolve every Eevee evolution?

I just want to catch em all, don't really care about the game because I'm autistic

the videotutorial literally went over this

I love the meme that phone use while driving only started when Go was released.

Make some code.

Soon we will become one with other dead generals.

Star Citizen

I bike and fuck the new speed caps before I got almost the right amount of steps but now I only get 10% of them because of it


How fucking piddly slow are you? I'm a fat sack of shit and even I don't get dick for egg progress biking.

How do I find out which moves are the best?

What should I aim for for gyarados, dragonite, lapras, snorlax?

with math

by reading the op

read the OP

I don't get this new system necro bot uses for pokeballs/potions. If I set it to 100, it just gets 100 of any? or it keeps throwing away pokeballs in favor of greats and greats in favor of ultra? is it's ultimate goal to farm 100 ultraballs and 0 of the others? that would be pretty neat though them shits are rare so you'd easily get 100 pokeballs first

I read the OP, only found that table that only lists regular attacks. Am I retarded?

Pretty sure it's 100 of whatever the fuck it has

Naturally, you'll get less great and ultra, and depending on your settings it might use those first (especially if you're sniping), so realistically you'd be sitting at max or near max pokeballs, with very little or zero of the other ones

As you use pokeballs and go to stops you might amass a small quantity of the other balls, but are likely to lose them quickly

So mostly it has 100 pokeballs and 0 of the others


Some people tried to rob me last night they'd seen me walk down a certain street every night and were waiting there I'm 90% sure they wanted my account to sell now that its happening. I only avoided it because I heard them talking before they saw me.


Are you sure they weren't spoofers?

Is there any scanner that still works?

Is there any point in evolving eevees into Jolteons to counter other Vaporeons and Lapras or do I just evolve my eevees into Vaporeon?

One said "so what we're just going to jump him when he comes around the corner" and the other was like Shut the fuck up dude"

>Check G Play store reviews for past few days
>80% 4 and 5 star 30 year old normie praises
Yeah they're not going to be in a hurry to fix anything.

yes but you will need an enormous amount of accounts

how do you probably type "nidoran", either variant, into necro? "nidoran", "nidoranf", and "nidoranm" all crash it


Pokehuntr was up and running today. Not a very efficient scan mind you since you are queued and given a cached map.

the desktop python scanner works fine

Is this rare? Caught in a hospital.

Not really.

it handles them as NidoranF so it shouldn't crash

Is a gyarados with bite and hydro pump good?

>Caught in a hospital.
They pulled the plug on someone, rip


How do you get more than 2 pokemon to show up in the entire map?

>take a few gyms late night
>they just stay with my 1 pokemon and no backup and get taken over like 30 minutes later

Goddamn taking gyms solo is fucking pointless. Eeven at level 40 you need more fagets backing up your gym


by letting it run for more than 3 seconds

Dragon Breath Hydro Pump 100IV is the only acceptable Gyrados to the meta.

Its been about 20 mins


I'm sorry it's good

I caught a Venomoth with 374 CP... but It's attacks are (Confusion 15) and (Bug Buzz 75 2 charge)

Is it shit or god tier i can't tell

>faggot teammate drops a 2k Snorlax into gym
>can't boost prestige to support because it's a fucking Snorlax
>faggot teammate proceeds to whine on malaysian video forums about nobody helping him
Fuck off faggot.

>turn based
you want to save this game, not kill it m8

basically all you need is to make it so that it's viable to train your own pokaman without catching more of them. basically, find them in the wild, catch it if you want it or fight it and level up the ones you have

>Is it shit or god tier i can't tell
That's because you didn't read the OP.

i gave up and simply removed them, i'm not sure why they aren't working

If you can't even beat his pokemon then you had nothing worth contributing to the gym anyway. We don't need your 1.8k vapeshit memeing up a gym with a wasted slot.

It's as rare as a pidgeotto and about as usefull.
You're better off finding a ghastly at 80-90% that cp or, hell, higher then evolving it.


>not dropping in a 10 CP Magikarp that your teammates can beat up en-masse for instant 50k prestige and put Valor and Instinct fags in despair
It's like you LIKE losing gyms.

>Not having a Levelkarp
Putting a high level magikarp and defeating it with a lower leveled pokémon is better and faster prestige.

>Take over a few gyms at my local mall at level 28
>Dead as shit and my gym is always just my pokemon solo
>A bit later some faget kid starts flipping my gyms and leaving a 1.2k shitmon in it each time
>Saw them actually doing the act
>It was some 12 year old
>He's probably burning like 5 potions per gym just taking out my one snorlax
>he's going to run out eventually

Shit man I don't know if I should feel bad. I botted 100 hyper potions so I'm set and could easily bot more

That's nice if you're in a group or something, but if you're just taking them solo then it's pointless. An enemy will just shit all over your faggot meme fish. If you got like 4 buddies with you take advantage then yeah.

>use silphroad to estimate the IV of my Vaporeon
>level it to the point where the costs jump up one time, check again because now I know for sure where the arc should be
>level it up again till the next increase


I was being realistic since the guy clearly doesn't know how to play the game.

He'd probably bitch about not being able to solo hold a gym with the levelkarp or that he doesn't have enough star dusts to level it next.

>It's a same people that held the gym keep sniping the gym back when you take it to 0 prestiege episode

Why the fuck doesn't Niantshit actually add a 30 second window where ONLY the team of the one who took down the gym can actually put a pokemon in it? for fuck sake.