Fat titty slut
League of Legends General - /lolg/
Is trinity ekko a thing now?
i like how you conveniently ignore the fact with arpen his auto + Q combo does pretty great damage, his fourth bullet is a fantastic zoning tool and he has crazy synergy with all supports if they help him set up his root
jhins lane is strong as shit
Is that the first objective blank smited this game?
They shitcanned his numbers but it still feels like I am performing self-dentistry when playing against Azir.
Just rework his entire kit, Riot. Stop fucking around
Xth for big angelic wings
>Mid/jg dead
>Everybody in the base
>No possible chance of defending
>Ward available next to half hp enemy nexus
Why didn't shen just tp and backdoor?
>Katarina destroys my health bar in 0.25 seconds
just cc her xD
because tahm delayed him
tahm would devour him the moment he starts to tp, so contrary to twitch chat
shen did not have a chance to end it
Damn that was a funny series by skt.
literally poke her to 75% hp and don't run around alone you retard.
1/10 made me reply.
>Picking squishy champs with no cc against Kat
I mean, when shen actually did get the tp, because he was eventually able to tp back to his own base
I'm trying to figure out why they choose certain fights and still let their support die rather than have one person just push and have shen ult if the fight was delayed enough
While that's true I was with the 2 tanks of my team
She killed them right after me
And then the other 2 getting a penta
You have 10 seconds to name the last 3 champions released in the past 3 years that did not have a low cooldown (less than 8 seconds) slow
>half hp nexus
>3 champs with 6 items/baron buffs
Shen would have gotten it to 1/4 and skt would have been destroyed the nexus by then
even when they play bad it's just so hard to beat them
he shen ulted first which got cancelled, and then he used tp to the tower
alternatively he just dun goof'd but I would say tahm did a good enough job between passive stuns/devour to make the team decide against trace going for the nexus
Sona is actually a Fat TItty Pure
Thank you very much!
Shen gets pretty tanky lategame and trundle didn't have r, also I think their baron had worn off
>A character based around dealing
560+ (110 %AP) magic damage in the span of a single second then falling back on her 750 (250 %AP) 3 second channel
>not completely retarded and in need to a rework/update
All katarina brings to a team is AOE cancer damage in ridiculous short burst.
Irregardless of how easy/hard she is to beat she needs an update for the sake of healthy gameplay and counterplay.
Im so tired of all these "dont touch my kata! shes fine! you just dont know how to play against her!" faggots. Just admit that your addicted to her cheesy resetakill gameplay.
Buying 1580 rp to get hecarim and katarina
i wanted to buy illaoi tho
Shen being tanky is irrelevant in a base race against a viktor and jhin
She is a fat cock-crazed slut.
>using rp to buy champs
dont buy singular champs with RP
just buy the champ bundles and save your wallet.
>buying champs with RP ever
I completely agree with you.
Though I never see someone pick her to cheese. It always seems like the enemy kata is a Otp with around 800k on her
Shen had to go through half a nexus vs 2 turrets+nexus+alistar
i only buy champions im good with and honestly grinding IP is not my thing
>ywn watch lck with your kgf
lulu buffs when
I cried myself to sleep overnight and overslept important stuff today even thorugh my alarm cock
She is fine and you don't know how to play against her.
Build MR, just like against any other mage.
CC and kill her, since she has to blink in to do more than Q harass which also takes her escape
Fed katarina is a dick to squishies. Don't feed her to begin with.
i bought darius and varus with rp too
>that peace sign
fucking whores what the fuck
What are you gonna do if it turns out sona is actually muscly under that dress and just happens to be bless with fat tats?
what made it ok for girls to wear chokers anytime anywhere?
You'll eventually get them all via IP hell I only bought 3 champs with RP and it was release rumble,jayce and shyvanna because it had a skin with it
y were u cryin?
Never, hopefully. They don't want her being a cancer mid/top with insane utility again.
Proper use of her CC is what makes lulu great.
in low elo just run ignite and stack AP
when karma and sona is nerfed to oblivion
I hope you realize how little 560 + 110% is for a 3 spell combo, not to mention that's all from melee range.
For reference Sona Q+AA is 549 + 98%
Muscly girls don't have tiddies like these.
She's all fat.
Are we going to get a normal champ again or is it all garbage like Taliyah and Kled from now on?
Seriously Kled is literally unplayable and has no fucking synergy in his kit.
>Seriously Kled is literally unplayable and has no fucking synergy in his kit.
Prepare for overbearing buffs on literally everything until he is in every game
>meanwhile every single cinematic displays her as a agile close combatant who seems to excel at 1v1's
What If I told you.....
that building resist and crowd control is a strategy that works against literally all champions.
And If thats the only "counterplay" for a champion then its a sign of poor kit design
I hope I didnt blow your mind with that one!
But your forgetting that if she gets a cooldown she gets to spread the damage to everyone else in the blink of an eye again.
the true power of Katarina lies within her passive which ultimately makes her feast or famine and thus problematic.
she either deals 700 damage in a fight and dies or she pops off and deals 4k Damage and aces the enemy team within 3 seconds
girls who wear chokers in public are sluts
t. girl
There is literally nothing about Rengar's kit that makes any sense with the character. And they still refuse to rework it from the ground up.
I wanna fuck a girl with the choker as i choke her out and making pussy wet on my dick
>the trailer must be factually more true than the game itself
I know this is a dead timezone for posting but come on
>its another episode of bronze shitter cant play agaismt katarina
Here's your counter pick
Lee Sin
What could they buff though? Nothing about him is good, they could make his autos shoot Lux ults across the screen and give you a blowjob while doing it and he'd still be garbage.
somebody should make a champion defense force bingo
free space would be ITS HIS IDENTITY as well
then you have things like "lowering skillcap" or "clunkiness"
The esports are comfy but I haven't played since they got rid of solo queue
I heard they have no plans on bringing it back, is that true?
>implying strong fat isn't the best body type for both genders.
Gangplank truly is the next eternal cancer.
She looks like my ex holy shit
Except she had blue eyes and blondier hair
What if I told you that by not feeding her she's not actually that scary.
Get out of silver before complaining, shitter.
>gets nerfed
>winrate increases
Why every Noxus fighter uses an axe? Can't these poorfags afford a fucking sword?
>Get nerfed
>Shitters stop picking him for "free wins" and losing anyway
>People who care still pick him because they nerfed the wrong stuff
>Win more
that is a remarkably easily accomplished goal
>be bronze shitter
>ka-katarina is unbalanced
>what are silences?
>what are stun?
hes played by more people actually
trinity changes actually fucked toplane really hard
also people realized it's better to build arpen
honestly he was bound to resurface sometime because gps kit is pure unadulterated cancer, it's like one of those joke kits people post here as a satire of riot's new design
>ADC spends first 4k gold on attack speed items
>ADC is useless for the first 15-20 minutes
>20 minute surrender
>dealt 2x damage as support
Why is rushing Runaan's and Zerkers a thing?
Zero kill pressure and also fucking boring.
>swordfags in denial about their shit weapon
>swordfags triyng to being down based axebros
what are you talking about?
he does hunt people
In the Cinematic he pounces on Draven and Katarina AND uses his stealth to suprise shank Darius so to that sense yes he is loyal to his thematic.
>Twisted fates threw cards
>Ryze rune prisoned people and zzzapped! them
>Alistair headbut people
>Cho'gath ate minions
>Graves blows shit up
>Lucian shoots bullets
ect ect ect
>Katarina fights people in close combat dodging all attacks made against her as opposed to her ingame
*psssh nuthin personell kid*
*unleashes unlimited dagger works*
you literally cant defend this.
its dumb.
rather you feed her or not she eventuall gets her 6 Item ap build through minions or passive gold.
what then?
symbolic weapon of choice. Axe's are literally the Noxian flag symbol
He's been getting played more, not less
>Katarina is unbalanced rito nerf pls :'(
>Just CC them and Buy Zhonyas
just like you counter zed by buying zhonyas before he hits 6
technically it's only supposed to be built in pro play since you would lane swap and just wave clear with it
ashe is an example of turning good wave clear into a farming machine
building it in ranked doesn't really do much though since it's about spicy bangers most of the time
Well maybe people learned how to build him properly.
Still the problem has always been his barrels and they nerfed his Q over and over and over.
What is hard is that no girls i know wear them. Will you donate yourself to me? Ill make sure we have a good time, you can ask me what you wanna know about me noww
complains about katarina lmao like she is op or anything
Name some military units that used axes.
>doesnt ban zed
>doesnt counter pick zed
>waaaa why im being killed????
all three of these have no way of canceling Kat's ult. Yasuo requires the kat to be a retard to not take huge damage, but won't die if he's gud.
zhonya's isn't a counter against an assassin, their ult will be up before your zhonya's is. you need to have something else to save you in between zhonya's.
>what are you talking about?
>he does hunt people
>In the Cinematic he pounces on Draven and Katarina AND uses his stealth to suprise shank Darius so to that sense yes he is loyal to his thematic.
Except he doesn't "hunt" in game. Assassins aren't hunters and definitely not the "Press R, roll face on keyboard -> acquire kill in 0.25 seconds" kind of way. He should be more like Bounty Hunter and less like Zed
>it's like one of those joke kits people post here as a satire of riot's new design
We get those a lot now:
keystone masteries are all far too powerful and should not exist
>talking about videogames
>"m-muh realism, muh real life examples ;-;"
swordfags on suicide watch
Is the game worth re-installing?
that's the point
place your bets
because riot believes their "big strengths and big weaknesses" design bullshit
problem being
gp has no real weaknesses to abuse
>being in denial axes were dogshit poorfag weapon
absolutely not
No, just stick to oldschool rs
>between the various forms of her abilities jinx was at one time a better Trist, a better Caitlyn, and a better Draven
Bitch was doing everything you'd want an ADC to do for MONTHS before they started wholesale removing some bullshit from her.
jinx q is crazy as fuck. the rest of her kit is fine, though.
she's actually really good now, but balanced. i remember that period where she had highest pickrate and highest winrate by a huge margin and people were still just going "BUT HER MOBILITY"
>counter pick zed
>zed having a counter pick
nice meme kid
I bet Kled will suck cock
>hurr let's create an all in top laner when champs like Renekton or Darius exist
hell Panth propably can stomp him too
>He doesn't know maces are the best weapons
>imthem levels of thirst
>be talon
>dont go into tf
>focus or raping her as much as you can
>be lux
>combo the shit out of her from range
>be morgana
>faceroll and win
Nigger if you cant counter a kat you are mentally bronze