Sup Veeky Forums

Sup Veeky Forums,
What do you guys think of the 350z?
I'm thinking about getting one but I don't know if they're unreliable, awful or whatever.

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Get a Mustang.

Very good cars for the money. Terrible visibility out the back, though. We're talking Camaro levels of "can't see shit when I shoulder check".

VQ has decent power and sounds great with some breathing mods, gearbox is great with good ratios but swapping out the final drive ratio with a 4.08+ diff ratio will wake the car up.

Decently reliable too. I'd still have mine if it hadn't been total'd while parked by a drunk.,

back when I was a teen, these always had petite as fucks chicks in them.

Good luck finding a clean one, you think WRX rice tax is bad you haven't seen 350z rice tax. Granted they're a much better performer than a WRX but finding a good condition one for a fair price doesn't exist.

>Granted they're a much better performer than a WRX

now thats a good meme

WRX understeers like a fat pig, that's the number one complaint about any WRX. Also Unless you get the new wrx with the twinscroll turbo it's fucking laggy and slow.

>Some one thinks wrx are fast and dont understeer

>brand new 370z nismo edition
>slower than a subaru from the 90's

pick both lel

You can't drive.

Friend bought her kid a 370z for senior year of high school. Crashed it and the got a 350z that he has hit a couple things with.

Not even a fast car, and ugly af

>meme laps
Are you literally that retarded that you use an outdated and proven false source? How salty are you lol

LOL Pure denial, It understeers so bad that's the number one complaint next to the shit reliability

Prepare for a whopping heap of mediocrity

The WRX does understeer. On the street not so much, but stretch its legs on the track or even autocross and it'll do nothing but push like a pig. Not as bad as my gti-r, but plow it does.

>it's a meme!

lol butthurt and in denial

an impreza from similar years completly buttrapes it

> and then he said No no listen muh fake lap times are real!

>being this assmad

i share a g35 its essentially the same but with a back seat and they share the engine

its fun to drive and gets kinda peppy when you want it to but the engine burns oil or at least my example does.

apparently the only fix for that is a new engine (which will eventually do the same) or boring the cylinders and re ringing it with new pistons.

and yeah that rear window is useless

being wrong must feel shitty


hahah, it's more expensive than the Z and slower, that's tragic

>people that can't drive for shit
I have a WRX, it only understeers if you have no idea what the fuck you are doing.

It takes zero effort to go through corners with the wheel pointed straight ahead, you just have to have the skills to do it.

>i-i-it's skill related!

Have some more

>being this buttmad

top lel

I don't care about your stupid forum posts, I own one.

I had a UrS4 and people on audi forums would talk about terminal understeer. The car was one of the easiest to neutral steer I had ever owned. The WRX is close.

Most people have no idea how to drive, and do not understand how to weight shift.

>Look the more expensive version is slower than the Z on other tracks, wait ooops!

350z keeps up with a corvette, WRX STI which is $12,000 more expensive can't even make it on the list LMAO

Get real bro, WRX understeer is real, it's AWD system isn't torque vectoring like the GTR, it's gonna be shittier than a RWD in most cases.

>more expensive
> a 90's impreza is faster



Why would you let a drunk park your car?

>still no rebuttal
how does it feel to get BTFO?

>projecting the fact that he doesnt have a rebuttal for a 90's impreza being slower than a brand new nismo 370z

how does it feel to be this desperate

a nismo 370z is slower than a 90's impreza

nissan fanboys on suicide watch

Here can you count how many car lengths


>b-b-b-b-buh wrx isn't for drag racing

>mad the 350z and 370z is slower around a circuit
>resorts to drag fag racing

im adding another Veeky Forums argument victory to my board

>real world vs memelaps
you lose
I win
feels good man

You need to learn how to read, son. He said it was parked when it was totalled by a drunk.

22b is so slow he flags the 370z to pass LMFAO

The reason i made that joke is BECAUSE i know how to read........

>calling in an early victory

i accpet your defeat

better luck next time kiddo

If you rotate the car under braking it doesn't understeer.

If you aren't good enough to do this, shut the fuck up with your uneducated opinion.

>I have no evidence that the wrx is actually faster than the 350 in the real world
>i resign

good call bud

>laptimes set by real drives don't count because i say so
>but these amateur trackdays do

pfft, you lost the first time you denied facts kiddo

its called Nislow for a reason

"Haha got you. I was only pretending to be retarded."
Fuck off retard

>real drivers
No I showed you real drivers, you showed me nothing and in doing so lost. WRX is offically slower than 350z.

/thread closed

>too retarded to understand a retard making a retarded joke


Interior is shit, drivetrain is ok. I would rather buy the G35, but the 350z is a bit lighter and a tiny bit quicker (like less then half a second difference).

ha! you wouldn't recognize a real driver even if he passed you on his impreza

get a grip kiddo, give me a call when a turd50z is competitive in any form of motorsport

I'm saving up to buy one too, I might get a DE model so I wont feel bad about doing a lot of non-rice cosmetic mods. In all my research, I've found that they are generally very reliable, easy to service, and don't cost much more to insure than an average car. Plus they look sooo sexy, I can't wait to own one. Just make sure you get one that hasn't been driven hard (they all have though), and well below 200k miles (that's how long the engine was designed to last). If you do buy one, consider some aftermarket halo headlights, that makes the 350z look amazing.

> you're dumb for not understanding my retardation
Good one got me bud

I like 'em, I especially think the Nismo Z33 is a lot better than people give it credit for.

i think these have aged pretty well, they have a lot of character to them, especially the exhaust note.

It was the most disappointing car i've ever owned

I like them. maybe NFS U2 inspiration?

I think the 370Z Didn't had the same impact in me. To me the 350 is still a fantastic sportsy N/A car and it has an original look (it did at least back when it was relased).

I think it lives up to the name "Fairlady" Quite fairly.

>inb4 turbocharged american V6 having more power
>inb4 laptimes
>inb4 dagumi foshiwara's cars being fastest

Fuck off.

350z > 370z.

Nissan has some reputation for bad brakes tho. Only rumors in my end.

>shit interior
>shit power
>shitty tranny with syncros made of the shittiest metals known to man
>shitty handling

People mention that the feeling with the Z33 is more raw than the Z34. I like to point out that despite all of the improvements on the Z34, the Z33 is still pretty close performance wise.

Kind of. Besides, I think the Z34 was more expensive on launch than the Z33, right? and i mean even considering inflation.

Ricer shit

To be fair, the Z34 interior is a lot better than the Z33 interior.

350z is shit. The only reason you buy one is because you can't afford a 370.

Objectively true

But 370z is shit. The only reason you buy one is because you can't afford a GTR

pretty crap, the interiors are god-awful. It's damn shame too since the car looks good and has good performance potential

I love the 350z with VQ35HR engine. It looks so much better too. The sound of exhaust is exhilarating, very good sound.

I see nothing wrong with that interior, but I'm using to stripped down shitboxes and american interiors which are the utmost garbage interiors.

The one I drove felt heavier than it actually was, I didn't like the steering and thought it felt rather isolated unless I was driving retarded fast.

>add 100 hp to a wrx ~$1000
>add 100 hp to a 350z lol goodbye $6-10k

show me what part gives wrx 100hp for $1000.


>just a downpipe catback and a sick tune bro
*tips snapback and disappears in vape cloud*

Followed by cylinder 4 disintegration, ringland failure and headgasket failure if you don't get a equal length header

sick tune bro

Look at the arm rest and the switch to flip open the center console container.

This tbqh familia, not to mention the glass 5-speed will self detonate long before anything goes wrong with the 350