We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging. Report and ignore it.
How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, August 3rd: 435 – Deposed Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Nestorius, considered the originator of Nestorianism, is exiled by Roman Emperor Theodosius II to a monastery in Egypt. 881 – Battle of Saucourt-en-Vimeu: Louis III of France defeats the Vikings, an event celebrated in the poem Ludwigslied. 1914 – World War I: Germany declares war against France, while Romania declares its neutrality. 1940 – World War II: Italian forces begin the invasion of British Somaliland. 1977 – The United States Senate begins its hearing on Project MKUltra.
* The R&I may sperg out if you download this ° Talex and his Grandi Youth may harass you if you download this
Remember that the R&I reports all posts made by or about unHPM and is prone to delete entire discussions on it because he's a petty cunt, so if you want to report bugs or suggest something, contact the mod maker at Steam or Discord.
Wyatt Flores
Gypsies? Wot
David Gomez
In vinnala why wont A.i form empires?
Thomas King
thanks based meme personality
Lincoln Gonzalez
Oh boy, I love thread wars over steamgroup autism.
Michael Miller
Vinnala? What's that?
Jackson Garcia
More like a massacre since not even the steam group post in their own thread
Samuel Hill
aRe you having strooke?
Asher Bailey
That's not HPM. Unless you edited it to complain about le ebil alexis granbis like the steamgroup shitposter you are. Post your game files nigger.
Adrian Brooks
He obviously edited or is playing something else, so I think that's rather pointless.
Jaxson Johnson
Why are you being so abrasive?
Brayden Cook
>HPMIDF is just a steamgroup mith guise I swear!
Easton Peterson
He's false flagging. Only way steam group can shitposting about their boogeymen
Brandon Ramirez
Should I play Robmod or unHPM?
Josiah Fisher
Is the movie on the right actually good?
Chase Wilson
Dylan Price
Greater Israel soon
Evan Williams
I really don't know dude. I fired off the death of emperor komei event via console and it worked fine.
Levi Carter
Could be his steamgroup buddy too, not that it would make a difference since they are working for the same thing
Carson Butler
>R&I samefagging this ahrd
Jason Allen
It's not a movie, it's a TV show which is actually fantastic
Isaiah Ramirez
>israel alliance with nazi germany
Logan Watson
What the flying fuck.
I exited and rebooted the game and Imperial Japan is now a puppet of the Shogun.
I don't know what the hell is going on
Hunter Anderson
How the fuck do you play EUII
Hudson Martin
yes lad, thats what the screenshot says. you want a cookie?
Carter Lee
That's what it was supposed to be tho
Josiah Morgan
His game is all kinds of fucked, he fucked up installing or when he was cheating, so it probably had some side effect
Brandon Flores
Yeah, that's how I recall it worked in previous versions.
Considering how screwy Vicky is with savegames it probably had something to do with how one of my last games had the Shogun winning or some shit.
Nicholas Cook
Drag box around units and right click on enemy territory
Also read a general history book about the time period since you might gain 20 provinces from a timed event.
Owen Kelly
unHPM has more memes.
Robmod is just for MP desu
Xavier Scott
how do you make a bot like this?
Owen Sanchez
How did Japan managed to have a population of 30 million people while the UK had one of 14 million in 1840 despite literally living on feudalism and lagging techonogically behind Europe?
Noah Gutierrez
im going to kill myself later today
it was nice being here with you, lads
Justin Wood
Stream it, faggot.
Ayden Anderson
Polygamy dumbass
Cooper Thomas
I still think Divergences is fun though.
Jordan Garcia
Sorry for the typo meant vanilla but you already knew that.
But yea they wont form empires in vanilla ck2 despite being able to. My heir's wife is queen of Hungary and can make another kingdom which she has not, to from an empire. I guess that will have to wait until I play as my grandson.
Henry Myers
Yeah, but it's fun despite PDM. How hard would it be to de-PDM-ify Divergences?
Christian Lee
Not him but I Personally don't like it because it needs to take ever little point in history and make it contrary to what it actually happened Its dumb
Kayden Sanders
i would just to be able to talk to some people while i'm dying
but the whole thing is planned so my parents think that I was just retarded and died as an accident
Eli Turner
Rate my yurop out of 8
Daniel Walker
You do know that there aren't enough women for every man to have 2-5 wives, right?
Nolan Lewis
Europe has been ravaged by famines, plagues and wars for centuries.
Robert Allen
>Italians >White
Blake Brown
If birth rates are high and you've been practicing polygamy for a time, there is. Not that it matters since the ones who have more wives are hcuninf out more children, so it compensates.
Hunter Morales
Well, I reached 1453 on my CK2 save Now I feel empty Don't really wanna get EU4 to continue the save either Oh well
Hunter Gomez
I did not mean to quote
Samuel Gonzalez
>Swedish Morocck
Cooper Sanders
Pretty good. Make sure to give Germany Udine, Istria, Krain, and the rest of Steirmark (basically Istria+Slovenia) and you'd have a 10/10 Europe
Evan Peterson
While there was no need to add over a dozen extra goods and it seems like nearly every good is not in high demand even at game start I rather like the non-economy changes PDM makes to the game. I like that there are less useless techs, especially naval techs, and there's few if any "no fun allowed" changes like in HPM.
Separatism just represents people who want freedom for their country above everything else and doesn't wish to contribute politically in any other manner to the current state. I don't see what's wrong or unrealistic about this, just look at Quebec.
Owen Howard
That's unironically white in Brazil and """""Latin""""" America
Henry Torres
The only way to have fun in a CK 2 -> EU 4 game is to switch nation every time your ruler dies to keep some sort of balance
Oliver Green
>conquer the kingdom of Sicily as my birthright >Form the kingdom of Africa >Retake the kingdom of God >Marry my sons to queens of distant realms so my dynasty may gain prestige >The stress of ruling a great empire turned me a bit mad in my golden years >now known as the mad
I dont deserve this
Adam Hill
t. alex
Wyatt Jenkins
I won't stop waggling and shitposting until Mega Campaign Lad comes back and finish what he started.
Sebastian Hernandez
No, that's not. That's considered a mulatto or a dark pardo depending of the ancestry and the phenotype.
t. monley
Ryan Gray
That eastern border is complete trash, there's a reason why WW2 border looked the way it did
Jaxon Walker
White people are too fucking retarded to know how to make babies. I mean just look at South Africa I mean rofl how the fuck do you screw up that badly
Also Japan is over 1/3rd bigger than Great Britain
Adam Russell
t. Jamal al-Habsibi "el mcdonaldo" McCormack de Jesus mad that fucking Argentina is literally whiter than your whitest county of your whitest state
Jeremiah Wright
t. Butthurt Pole The only other acceptable border other than what you replied to would be 1914 borders
Gavin Russell
>looks like I can get my dynasty to control Scotland by marrying my second born son to them >great she is lustful I dont have that many living members of my dynasty >lol nope she is a lesbian
Fuck I dont think I have ever played a smaller dynasty then this one
Bentley Martin
The desire to become independent is adequately represented with liberation movements and nationalist rebels. No need to make an entire ideology that's just "let us go" and also prevents them from adopting actual ideologies.
Isaac Kelly
Is USA a good country to learn Darkest Hour? I'm thinking of skipping tutorial
Juan Cruz
Shortest campaign ever.
Juan Anderson
DH is shit
Ryan Hill
t. R&I Fuck off with your shitposting
Connor Ortiz
They'll develop ideologies once they are free. What's the issue? Why would you give a shit about making a country you hate fascist or more democratic or whatever? That's nonsensical. >adequately
Charles Russell
>t. R&I Who?
>calling a game what it is is shitposting DH is fucking shit fanboy.
Wyatt Rivera
Maybe. If you do don't start in 33 because the US has a bunch of dumb IC penalties that make you have like 3 industry available.
Levi Roberts
Vicky 2 is fucking shit fanboys.
Jose Bennett
>don't start in 33 because the US has a bunch of dumb IC penalties that make you have like 3 industry available. Fucking railroaded piece of shit
Gabriel Bailey
Should I flip China communist, democratic, or fascist in HoI4?
Landon Johnson
Is it just me or does the Alliance system in CK2 totally suck? My allies rarely (if ever) help me out with my wars and usually the only end result is that I get roped into a bunch of fights I don't want to be in and that I have nothing to gain by helping win.
Lincoln Sanders
I started in 36, would that be okay?
William Edwards
Someone last thread asked me to post more of my fantasy events. This one procs if you've got a colony, and the name of the event changes for whatever nation you're in - An American Werewolf in Paris, for example.
Joseph Campbell
>No "Make him mayor" option
What bigotry.
Joshua Nguyen
Communist and then watch mao in communist china tag too
Daniel Lewis
William Gray
>And this is our son's room, he's really into politics and geography!
Jaxson Foster
>add in unnecessary shit that doesn't actually improve anything because "the vanilla mechanics don't do it good enough" I suppose that's like 90% of PDM though.
Levi Lee
Not that PDM does it better
Jeremiah Perry
>that doesn't actually improve anything Says who? Your argument is running flat kiddo.
Camden Collins
William Mitchell
me on the right
Henry Nelson
Samuel Carter
Josiah Phillips
How does adding an ideology for nationalism make the nationalist revolts better?
Luke Clark
Juan Harris
Charles Garcia
Would /gsg/ care if I removed PDM from Divergences? I don't have the time now but I could do it in a week and have it completely removed. I can probably do it in September or another time. Not sure if I should port it to HPM though since I don't wanna work with serfs and the reforms, although the HPM reforms are much better. Also porting Divergences to 3.04 is ridiculously easy and have already done it on my computer.
Carter Fisher
It doesn't and you aren't going to convince him. Teenagers in Veeky Forums are contrarian for the sake of it. When something is popular outside they start hating here, when something starts being loved here they start hating it and when something starts being hated here they start loving it. It's not logical, just give up.
Austin Morales
Juan Wilson
What's the point, by the end of said week there'll be another Divergences update already.
Sebastian Rodriguez
Do it. Even vanilla is better than PDM as a base. Although I think cigarette and cigar factories are one of the few positive changes PDM makes, so you could keep that.