Why can't I sue the government for pothole damage?

why can't I sue the government for pothole damage?

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you can though

Because a normal car should be able to handle a pot hole... If you wanna be a stancefag on cut springs and low profiles that's your problem, not the governments.


Governments job is to provide usable safe infrastructure for taxpayers, they're definitely the ones at fault if the roads can't support legal vehicles that pass inspections or fall under road/transportation laws.

There's plenty of holes in my city that look kinda similar to op (more shallow but wider cracks an inch or two or three deep even in some places). With half a million people you would think that they could afford to pave the damn streets more than once every 15-20 years. People shouldn't be having to replace their struts more often than the city is paving the road. Don't even try to blame it on peoples cars.

if you road the bus then you wouldn't have to worry about pothole damage you idiot

how does your boyfriend handle the pothole on your ass

You need one of these manlet. Stop bitchin.

Where the fuck do you people live that potholes are something you see on a regular basis?

They're pretty bad here in Calgary, Alberta. We spend millions on fucking art projects instead of building roads that last. The roads are lumpy as fuck and we have rogue potholes that randomly appear.

Oh well, no use bitching about it, might as well drive something that can handle the imperfect surfaces. Replacing a control arm is better than living with euro levels of taxation.


maybe if OP is a hair dresser

Top KEK senpai

>euro levels of taxation.

Paddy here. €1,000 pooros a year of mandatory vehicle tax, and fuel is well over twice the price of yours due to taxes on it (there was a time when we essentially paid "ten dollar gas"). And we still get roads like pic related.

>How can Russian roads even compete

Literally any rural road in california

Some are so bad that Ive witnessed people blow their tires out and crack a rim by hitting one

>Where the fuck do you people live that potholes are something you see on a regular basis?

Almost anywhere in rural USA that has roads where heavy trucks travel. The weight squishes any small defect whether it be a crack, thin spot, place where there was just an instance of too much gravel instead of bitumen due to random distribution chance. The defect widens each time and pretty soon a hole develops. At that point, even regular cars will now make the defect get bigger since each time a tire runs across, it spins out some of the material off to the side of the road.

In my area, the county government has its own facilities and trucks, so maintenance is fast if reported properly. If the person reporting is known to be a cuck (false or exaggerated reports) then those reports may have low priority to be checked. What really sucks are those rural governments that don't have much money to have their own facilities, so they have contracts with private industry contractors. Private industry makes more money by spending the least money and the least money per month or year of contract means the fewest repairs. You know it is a conscientious quality repair when bitumen tar is used as a sealer around the edge of the pothole fill even before the pothole mix goes in. When done, you can see the edges of the hole are lined with smooth tar. The bitumen insures the patch sticks to the edges of the hole and doesn't come out for a good while. Our county gov't does it that way. A private contractor would just fill it with pothole mix and tamp it down. That kind of patch washes out. Sure, people blame the gov't for higher costs than private contractors.

Arizona, USA.

Wow we don't have sinkholes here in the road probably cuz it doesn't rain. Where I live the road looks like one on the left 4th up from the bottom. That basically looks exactly like the road right out on the main street in front of my place in a city with half a million people in it and a big community college/hospital literally across the street. They are currently redoing the road im talking about which has taken them 2 years to do this mile stretch. I've lived here for 5 years and driven around here for 8 and it looked just that bad when I started driving here so who knows how long its been like that. Its ridiculous considering 500k of us pay our taxes every year and one of the main roads has been such shit for so long. When it comes down to it; they just don't care. The only reason they are redoing it now is for one of those 'revival' crusades trying to bring business back to the area. Back 20 years ago it was insanely busy on this road with literally 3 full movie theaters kitty corner to each other and a big ass indoor mall surrounded by shopping centers on every other corner and a banks corporate office for the state on one of them too. Governments just don't even care until it suits them monetarily.

>why can't I sue the government for pothole damage?

Because government is by law immune to many kinds of monetary fine suits until you first have a deliberate negligence lawsuit. Chances of that succeeding are tiny because the standard defense of "not enough money to fix every problem" is a valid defense. It is not deliberate negligence to not have high enough taxes to pay for everything that every different type of voter wants. A rich influential person or company hiring the politician's family in sinecure jobs will of course get the benefit of government help. What has changed in that model since medieval times? Nothing. The little poor guy gets left out. And rural roads are typically subsidized by the taxpayers in densely populated areas.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Some activism on your part may be needed if you want to redirect more attention to a specific road with such problems. Your county gov't has public meetings where such complaints can be heard. Attend and present the problem along with documentation and dated photos. If past patches were ineffective, show photos of patches and how sloppy they were so it's no wonder the money the county spent before failed to fix the problem. If you can show why the prior fix failed, perhaps a better fix will be done next time instead of just the same bad fix again.

Our corruption rate is low here, so a lot of the allocated money does get "its money's worth" in effective roadwork accomplished. There's lots of instances that roadwork projects are done ahead under budget. Sure, the company could have padded out the bill for the bid's full price, but it seems they don't always do that here. Whatever else, I'm glad the companies try to do things under budget and then pass the cost savings on to the taxpayers. Is greed good? Not if I am the taxpayer paying for it!

i have to drive around the city of cleveland for work and guys some of the roads here are on the level of african dirt pathway

people have this wrong additude that because its in the hood its acceptable and now they are everywhere

You actually can. I've heard it's a lot of work to prove and the only people I know the have succeeded are themselves lawyers.

New Jersey

those are the norm in eastern europe

politic here. two options for you, beloved citizen:
>buy a 4x4

get a 2CV then.


Streets in my part of town are so bad it takes out headlamps. Literally everyone in my neighborhood has one out or both on a weekly basis, and god help anyone riding a motorcycle. State is now broke since the oil crash and has paused new bridge construction and left multiple new ramps unfinished, so it's basically worse than the roads we built in Iraq.

And yet we just finished a billion dollar Olympic training ground and a bullshit Indian museum all tax funded.

Yeah, maybe it depends on the state, but in mine you can.

Take the bus....posting on Veeky Forums..... How about you go back to bicycle fag town on transportation....

We live in the worlds most powerful nation and our government has just failed to maintain everything since 1956s highway trust. This needs to be fixed instead of giving in and abandoning automobiles.


Any country with laws that make sense would outright ban stance as it's not safe, cars are made to be safe as they come from the factory, by stancing it you are making it unsafe.

UK, but my town is repaving a load of the main roads because they're shit

Stance is retarded but so is wanting to live in an authoritarian thinkofthechildrocracy where you aren't allowed any responsibilities or liberties.

dude who lives in a tiny country with lumpy but otherwise unblemished roads

what causes the potholes ?
is it just ice forming inside the cracks

has Americas road network been falling behind on maintenance since the 90s ?
seems allot more people complain about it now

>water gets in cracks
>water freezes
>when water freezes it expands
>makes cracks bigger
>water melts

Murricans are getting too fat.
The roads were never rated for the load being placed upon them now.

NRW, Germany
State is broke, communes are broke and all the taxes go into the black zero project and the refugees.

some of the high altitude mountain passes get like that late in winter
but they are graded at the start of each ski season

>getting too fat
there is this problem now with trucking company's hauling ever more weight it does lots of damage to the smaller roads with tighter corners
but the truck company's are subsidised by the tax payers for the damage they do to the road

a single train can haul 30x what a truck can currently - and with less staff and maintenance
but the trucking company's own significant shares in the rail freight system but refuse to utilise it
and now they are lobbying the government for larger trucks and more road repair subsidy

the only real explanation for the situation is that certain groups make more money when the system is less efficient
and they do so to the cost of everyone else
really annoying

overly conservative ?
sort of the opposite of this

Dident the chick from the movie Clueless drive a jeep?

>Live in PA
>PENNDOT in charge of roads
>PENNDOT receives taxes from new car sales, used car sales, licensing and registration fees, and toll fees alongside normal state and federal funding
>Every road is filled with potholes
>They decide to do construction in the middle of gridlock times
>Over the last 10 years I've damaged 2 rims and 4 tires on completely stock cars while doing the speed limit due to unavoidable potholes (Swerving to the other lane would cause an accident)
>Still can't sue to recoup my losses

Fuck the government

I'm not against the black zero in general, I think it's a good concept, but with all these "refugees" now it's not the right time. The state collects so many taxes and it's getting worse if we keep on doing things this way.
Investing in the infrastructure is also necessairy for a stable economy. There are also other things where I'd rather spend my money on, than more islamists threatening to blow me up.

To be fair they are in boggerstan counties I'm sure.
Gardiner Street Lower in the middle of Dublin is mindblowing bad for a high traffic road.
If you look at it on google maps you can see where they patched it up and it's all gone down with huge potholes in their place. They must have got some pikey to patch it up with dodgy driveway grade tarmac.

Loads of manhole covers recessed far into the road as well.

>pothole in Virginia
>New York license plate

>people can only drive in states they are from


I fucking wish. Literal containment zones for bad drivers.

>Newton's third law doesn't apply to unmodified cars

I with you on the entire immigrants thing
their inherent value is insufficient
and being in another country does not change that

mostly it gets justified by being able to pay migrants less
and there being an ample supply of them who will do that job for less

but the economy does not need unskilled workers
and any skilled foreign worker will undercut the schooling system

the culture is fucked too
with the people who speak out against local violence and pride ultimately giving into foreign violence and pride

the entire government and social enforcement is in the lowest depths of fraud and malice
I fear ill never see Europe again

Countries that have actual roads, sandnigger

Your pic is funny. Upgrading from [email protected] to broadwell-e or zen with dreams of some real multicore performance over 4 soon.

Fuck you dumb faggots last summer I had to go shovel ~2tons a day by hand into potholes for you fucking cry babies

>shovel ~2tons a day by hand
Well get a better job.

I did banking now driving a rig

Potholes are stationary. Who the hell hits something that isn't even moving?

It'll be like suing the government when you crash into a lamp post.

Now you can vote them the fuck out and that will make more sense. Suing the government just means that you and your neighbors are paying for your own damages. Tax payer money paying for taxpayer repairs and then even more because government still get their wages and the lawyers who tried to fight your case still get paid their ridiculous sums.

Out of your taxpayer pocket