League of Legends general /lolg/


Post best ship and more arts pls

Other urls found in this thread:


Was plat 1 85lp

Could almost taste diamond

Finally the ride is almost over

Am now plat 2

When will it be over ;_;


Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.

Reformed edition

Fucking faggot this thread is 30 posts early. I said I would make the next thread.


You guys ready to play the "dankest Noxian meme ever"?

Lulu is the sweetest and most adorable lady and i wanna cuddle and protect her forever :3

fuck you, your shit ship and your rape fetishes

I want to slam my cock BALLS DEEP into Soraka's cockhole!

Xth for Jinx is the QTest in League OR Dota

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

We gotta try and hit the meme limit this thread


she's mine, buttface!




I think this game represents American so perfectly all you can do is cringe.

wtf im horny now

So when does Riot DDOS TI6?

>person picks duelist and builds full 1v1 me right now
>complains when enemies don't duel him
gee I wonder why they aren't doing that...

don't you mean through


xDDD haha! better ban all the "toxic" players :) but boosters are ok :P
haha! dont ban the boosters riot :^) they really make this game an enjoyable experience for EVERYONE on the laddeR!!!!!! but those toxic motherfuckers HAVE to go!

Im so done with this shit, 70% of my games have a booster or a boosted player in it and Riot tries to act like its not a big problem. They don't even have the fucking decency to dynamicQ boost either

Are you trying to imply that image has something to do with your post?
Because it really doesn't.

the fuck are you even complaining about?

>tfw you go Garen mid
>get flamed by team and banned from the game
Well shit.

This is Veeky Forums boy, you take all you can and give nothing back. Might is right. The weak must die. Truth might be changed by victory.

Yeah because suddenly someone comes back 3 weeks later when they're about to decay and decide to main a different role and change their summoner spell positioning
I do that all the time when I take breaks
yea no

post yours

say something nice about the person posting


I appreciate you using my wife, but I'm a bit disappointed she's not your most used champ

the fuck is this about?

>log on
>check match history out of compulsion
>only shows my ranked games
>when I only had one ranked game past week and mostly normals
>go back to profile tab, then match history tab
>back to normal
>do it a few more times, eventually only shows my ranked games again (and then back to normal)

Looks like it's updating league of legends there.

Removing Yasuo from the game.

I somehow feel as if I were to keep playing, I'd lose.

yeah but what's it updating? I already updated the project skins, Sur@20 shows no updates, and this patched for a few minutes in 2 steps. Idk, was wondering if anyone knew whatever the fuck they could be patching now.

lulu buffs when

I cry even while playing now and after games I drown my face in pillows and cry for a good minute or two


How and when should I top lane as destruction man?


>team bans zac
>they let ekko go through
>enemy picks ekko top
>he just wins the game by going tank
>riot: "w-we'll nerf tank yasuo guys!!"

>I appreciate you using my wife

No but seriously, I really should play her more despite her being in a bad state.

I plan to play her more once I get back my internet

Shyvana is top wife

Client update devblog: "You might be thinking 'why won't you take my money,' and the answer is that we totally will take your money"

Very subtle, Mr. Rito Goyims

Building 3 or 4 damage items.
When you're below gold.

Xth for Big Angelic Wings

>go on tilt
>get a Yasuo player every single game I lose

Ban Yasuo?

post half breed



Legs are too tiny.

>tfw you've legitimately had 12 games where people have afked for an extended period of time in 3 days
>all losses
like what the actual fuck is going on, I've gone weeks without a single afk, and now I get all this shit so suddenly. Is the summer effect for league a thing?

That doesn't look like Shyvana at all.

is that a cowboy boot on her arm

What about in breed

Oven mitten

Of course it is. The best thing during non-holidays is to play during school hours, but I have a job so I can't do that

any good jav actresses I can change my league name to?

Marica hase is already taken

> jungler goes kog'maw into nidalee and zed
> gets zoned from the jungle from 3 minutes and ends up barely being able to finish an item

why do people not even think about their picks

because they're retards

enemy has 3 tanks and 2 carries that have self peel, our team has 2 hard carries and no tanks/initiation? better pick kha jungle into that and be useless all game!

Sasha Grey.

Why is this allowed?

>jav actresses

jav senpai
that's also taken

I'd think someone like Sion would be more of a Noxian meme.
Everyone WAAAAARRRposting on Noxian Veeky Forums and such


anri okita

Is Riot trying to tell us something?

At what ELO does fizz stop being free lp

I've climbed S3-G4 playing almost only fizz top in the last week




Low-Mid plat. Toplaners actually start getting a brain and will abuse every mistake you make.

Hitomi Tanaka


low plat maybe, fizz mid might still be freelo here though

>abuse every mistake

Fizz is still good, but he depends entirely on your skill. He isn't a pubstomper once you hit high plat.

Shy Shyv is best Shyv



top fucking kek

fizz is played even in challenger to the original user so you can probably abuse him to welfare diamond at least.


sometimes I wonder how I'm even in this shithole elo, whenever I do, I smurf on a silver account and am reminded at how much worse it really is

t. plat

This game needs to die on the NA server, these people are legit insane.

Well, to their defence they were using the original meaning of the word meme that means "an idea or concept that spreads", not the new one that literally means "internet joke".

how can people play champions like chogath or malphite, are they that trash that they need to play low effort champs, fucking warwick is more exciting than that shit

>Jarvan said this loocked cute on you one time when you were dreaming

Always fucking gets me.

Billion dollar company.

It happened

t. assasin babby

They also call him the dankest meme of noxus

Holy fuck my brain has diarrhea.

I double up on the low effort and take them both as support

you might wanna hide your email there bud, especially since it looks like it's your lol email too.

>team bans zac

It sometimes happens that the front end updates but not the back end, to it looks like you have that amount of IP, but you really don't in their system.
Wait for a while.

That Ahri is actually an ayylmao? Maybe.
