How to make money in a crashed and miserable country?
How to make money in a crashed and miserable country?
sell bananas
import electronics and sell at 3x markup. Or cars.
Be creative, "importing"
Rob tourists and speed away to your favela on your dirtbike
already saturated
Seriously this, My wife is brazilian and will bring old Iphones with her next trip home to sell. They go for 3 times the price over there, the hard part is getting them there....
How more?
serious question here OP, my wife is brazilian, she is honest and a wonderful woman who is thrifty with money but never tries to rip people off. But my inlaws have a good income in Brazil but are shit with money, buy everything they can't afford on credit (e.g. big brand new cars) then struggle to pay the bills. Then when I visit they expect me to pay for everything, and when they came here...I had to pay for everything.
They are well off, and can afford things for themselves.
without sounding like i am steriotyping, is it normal to be so shit with money over there? (I can't complain Australians are too), and is it normal to expect me to pay for everything all the time...(this is pretty rude over here)?
Thanks man.
>nobody has money
>sell expensive electronics
Brilliant idea
Not Op, but monkey
plenty of people here buy expensive shit they can't afford only to show off, but it's normally retarded middle class that was pampered by daddy or high-lower class showing off in a lower class neighborhood. Also, if by everything you mean for yourself, then yes if you guys go out, unless they invited and specifically said they would pay, and if it's for things you use in their home, you may want to reconsider staying there, because that's pretty shitty reception.
Then again if you mean paying for everything for them too, you can tell them to go suck dicks because they are cunts leeching off you.
Yeah It's things in their home, any meals for everybody when we go out, shit like that. When they came here they tried it,then also demanded i buy the groceries they want. even though in their house i had to eat "their food" so I just left them home alone, (I live in the middle of nowhere). They drank over 3 boxes of beer and didn't even offer to buy 1. I will avoid seeing them again anyway, my wife knows what they are like and the reasons why, she is going back alone to visit her friends etc.
Sad cos Brazil really is beautiful, and i would like to spend more time there...but meh.
Basically daddy was well off, spoiled them, mum never worked, dad died (sad he was a good bloke), now they are all crazy.
buy stuff from paraguay and sell for profit
Oh and another idea, if you could export Mango's to Aus, they are R$10 each in the south here in winter....but good luck getting it all approved by customs.
Sorry that's also after I took them interstate...and took them for a weekend at the beach, all paid for.
DAMN got me mad now Brazilbro!
cut all contact friend, they will leech everything they can from you
or if they ever try to visit again, make them pay for it beforehand
just come and stay in a cozy hotel or rent a small apartment with AirBnb, since your wife is brazillian you really don't need to worry
yeah my family and I cut all contact.
I have been to brazil 6 times and speak some portuguese.
I would love to go and live there for a while but I know they would track us down and leach...we have the same kind of people in Aus, but i wasn't sure if it was normal in Brazil or not.
Short erverything that miserable and crashed country touchers, that's the way.
some brazillians are asshole i have a cousin that lives buying shit she cant afford she had to have her retired mechanic father save her more than once, then she jokingly says she wants my help cause cant control herself when it comes to buying things (im a accountant), i know a lot of people like her, but i also know a lot of people that are serious about money, in my experience its 50/50 (retards to normal people ratio)
>lives buying [...]
LOVES buying shit[...]
>help cause cant [...]
help cause SHE cant[...]
We have it here in Aus too. The difference I see is Brazilians spend a shittload on clothes, cars, food and party's. Whereas in Australia people spend a shittload on houses that are bigger than they need, and cars. It's just consumerism. But over here if you ask someone to bail you out, if you haven't been sensible with your money they will probabally tell you to get fucked. My parents always said that the only things I had guaranteed from then was food in my stomach and a roof over my head. In Brazil I see the kids getting a hell of a lot more and expecting more.
That said mabie it's just my retarted Inlaws haha.
Good English skills by the way guys
Muito melhor do minha português
I have actually thought making up a brand in Brazil and marketing it as exclusive from a far away place, eg Europe, New Zealand, Australia. And selling it as an expensive luxury item would work,
i thought about selling Açaí Cream abroad, since it's so fucking popular here, maybe i will try it later on when/if i have the funds
The problem here is the whole "you gotta be smart and take advantage of others" attitude, everybody is trying to outsmart everyone and get an unfair advantage, while at the same time showing off things they don't have
idk, i love the country and it's people, but i'm not really planning on living here forever, you eventualy get tired of so many backstabs
You get backstabs everywhere bro. I think it comes with education/class, the really scummy types tend to be the worst for it, because they feel that they have no social standing so they need to belittle others to gain the advantage.
Acai is popular here...but expensive. It is more of a neiche market. My wife buys cosmetics here from the discount supermarket (ALDI) really cheap, sends them to her mother and tells her they are the top brands here, and they go crazy for them. (Segmentation, targeting and positioning bro!)
I wanted to get into real estate in Brazil and invest there (holiday appartments in sao paulo beaches), and houses in her home town. If they where trust worthy I would have done it, but my wife and I know we would end up just having them mooching there all of the time, sucks for me and for them really because it would have been a good investment and they would have got holidays.
Also do you know the Keritin chemical hair straightner that you have in brazil for about R$30, it is $300-$500 here is Aus! we had it sent over for my wife to use, the only problem is customs open the bottles to check for drugs, so you can't reseal them. There is only 1 or 2 official re sellers in Aus that sell online. If you could set up an English e-bay store and send it over..good markup man!
real state isn't doing so great lately, i help my father manage his investments and he has a couple apartments that won't sell, some in construction that are late by years, and even a bankrupt real state agency that he and the other owners had to pay for the rest of the work as to not lose the investment in the building. You have 2 beds one bath going for half a mill, hard to tell if the bubble will pop, rent is retardedly expensive too
gonna be checking up on that
The real state agency went bankrupt, dad owned an apartment in one of their buildings*
>Buy rural land
>take an online permaculture course
>Make a basic integrative design for your property
>hire a smart urchin or down on his luck family man to implement your design
>Sell to American preppers for 400% markup
Repeat as necessary. One of my favourite investments is AGRO, and their business model is basically flipping farms. They buy farmland in south america that's been overharvested, rebuild it and often get it certified organic, then sell it for profit and buy more farmland. Their major bottleneck is people who actually know enough about postmodern farming to increase the percieved value. One online course and some experimentation will get you ready to start.
It's called "Brazilian blowout" progressiva
I got a question, let's say that you want to sell iPhones in another country, how do you get the money back to the states? if I send 10 iphones to a different country, and they are sell for double the amount, how do I get the money back into USA? or will the money just stay in said country until I come and do something with it in it.
10 iPhones 7 = 749*10= $7,490, 30% "important tax" is $2,247. If each iPhone sells for 2x, that's 1,500*10=15,000, minus the tax+original cost of iPhone= $5,263 in profit, granted that might be +- depending on taxes and shit, but still that's 5k that is just sitting in a different country.. How I get it back?
Depends on who you know brother. Same Aussie guy here. If you have contacts you can trust it is as easy as one having a fee free travel account and withdrawing the money overseas. Or just exchanging with friends who have accounts in both counties and want to move money
"Brazilian blowout progressiva" is the name