>He can't steer with his knee
He can't steer with his knee
>he is too poor to afford the automatic
>he doesn't have a truck
>he must be a cuck
These threads are nothing but pure garbage.
>calls somebody a cuck
>supports bernie
>he doesn't have a truck.
Hope your wife's bull brings his when she forces you to move out, at least he could help you move :^)
>"it's an automatic"
Duh, its to keep the shitposters and australians contained.
>"don't worry, it's fast"
>he thinks there are such a thing as "good threads"" on Veeky Forums
All it does is rev them up. They eventually reach BMW vs camaro, GTR vs Corvette, valvetrain shitposting, or something else and then shit up the rest of the board.
>and then he said "i drive a Subaru"
>he doesn't understand the purpose of the thread
>he takes the risk of killing someone else and probably himself on the road
Well, op's head is in the way, lady.
>not always steering with one hand while the other is always shifting gears
They should make an app where you can steer with your phone, maybe with a live video feed from the front of your car, so you don't have to look away from your phone or take your hands off it when you drive
>He hand washes it
>and then he said "i drive a civic"
>he posts the same shitpost thread every day
>"i drive a chevy"
>He complains about the same thread, yet posts in them every time
>implying im complaining
>automatics are generally cheaper in the used market because they cost much more to maintain and are more likely to have mechanical issues and because there are far more of them
Meanwhile my "cheaper" car's tri-annual cost was lower, meaning I had more money to invest in stocks and CFDs, resulting in a much higher net gain overall, making me a richer richfag than the guy who spent his money on something slightly more expensive just to make a financial statement.
>he has enough room to steer with his knees
>tfw no gf
>tfw no bf
It's all fluffy and nice for the first day or so, then it gets a bit stale.
It ain't really all that interesting or special
>look over at friend
>driving with his knee
>both hands texting on the phone
>going 90 and changing lanes
fuck him and you
thats skill
le original shitpost
Actually my Recaro seats don't go up and down so it's rather difficult to steer with my knee. I can do it, but it's not as easy as it was in my Elantra.
>tfw running around cucking idiot dudebros who don't know how to treat their gf
Treat her right, user, or I'll do it for you.
>tfw when gf
>tfw shes whale
>tfw when you miss her skinny small throw-around body
Gonna ditch that fucking ugly skank
Alphonse bitch ass
No, I didn't make this thread. Try again.
>n-no b-back on topic pls