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Fuck off Corey.


he said racing not hot laps
theres a reason fwd isnt present in formula 1 or gt3 or v8 supercars, because its shit prove me wrong

It's actually not me this time

Why would you respond to a shitpost?

>rwd cuckold WILL defend this

post "I never said FWD was good" screencap

Now compare cars I can afford.


>cars i can afford pls
Oh, I am laffin.


because formula 1, GT3 and supercar v8s are a hugbox for RWD cucks who are scared of racing againts AWD

I can't afford those
More in the $5k price range

>implying he could afford an ST and be posting on Veeky Forums

You realize he's pro rwd right

>most rwd cuckolds can't afford a focus

What about GT1?

thats why million dollar + awd hypercars are slower than 100k rwd karts, right?

>he needs 100k to beat a civic

we all know who did it right

He's defending you dude

>can easily drive through the course
>fags only see what they wanna see

Any car you buy will be slower than the cobalt SS

>So buttmad about driving an FF that he needs to waste hours doctoring pics in his favor

>this assmad

This is why I should be making these threads. This nigger doesn't do it right


A FWD vehicle. Try a cobalt ss.

anything not fwd

Can't afford, please compare cars I can afford

FWD is used in rally because it's a cheaper option than AWD and faster than RWD.

Don't worry, any civic will beat the bus

>he can't afford a civic

The cheapest Civic in your area. if not that Join the Master-Race with pic related.

A ford focus RS.

>forgot to upload picture


>Using Clarkson's laptime

I just want sub 5k car that performs great good potential

>rwd cuckolds this assmad

Foxbody and the rest on mods
it's not FWD and it's a Ford, double win

It's almost like drive train is irrelevant compared to skill
Hate mustangs


A civic, it outdoes all of its competitors.
>implying a foxbody is better than a civic

I drive mid engine and tear wheel drive. It's hella fun.

Nothing wrong with front wheel drive though. They're very safe, very predictable and the current era of fwd are exceptional vehicles.

try not being poor that helps

that looks like shit, the animated one does too
why did it ever catch on


Over Rev has never been animated.

Potential, potential is wasted energy and something that you will never amount to, go buy a geo metro, you'll never be a better driver than it

>It's almost like drive train is irrelevant compared to skill
Holy shit user, I think you may be onto something

So I should get a C5 Z06? It's way cheaper than a Civic Type R as well

Can you just stop bullying dude

Sure, if you want to be slower.

>Alphonse going full corey

But it's faster on the hurrdurring by over half a second

Don't feed the shitposters. They don't care.

still going to lose most races.

Is that really true?

Because driver skill doesn't make a difference in the slightest

I want bus riders to go and stay go

>literally cannot outperform a fucking civic
>this much damage control
RWD cuckolds on suicide watch.

>drifting is racing

I don't think price is a limiting factor.

I love me a Fiesta though.

But what about you? Do you even know how to drive? I'm legitimately curious

>moving goalposts
We're talking about cars, not me.

And it seems you don't drive cars

RWD cuckolds on suicide watch.

He says as he shitposts while riding a RWD bus

Why are you feeding the shitposter?

>cherry picking


I loved my old fwd honda, but clearly rwd/awd is dominant when it comes to lap times

>he needs 100k to beat a civic

I'm bored

Pick one.

And it didn't beat the civic so what's your point

>2.0 was way faster than the 3.0 V6