/4xg/ - Stellaris, Civilization, and 4x General

Beta adds 10 pounds Edition

>Stellaris OP

>Stellaris Mod Archive

>What is stellaris?
A 4x game developed by paradox development studios.

>Stellaris Steam Group

>Where is the white only mods/patch
Ask in the thread.

>/civ4xg/ OP:

>[YouTube] CIVILIZATION VI Official Announcement Trailer

>Recommended mods for Civilization V

>More info on Civ VI:

Old Thread

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first for benis


whoops. I added the civ 6 reveal trailer again but forgot that it adds the title instead of a direct link so I basically put it there twice. I tried.

livestream is on youtube now for people that missed it.

>they are deer
I thought it was the icon for those tuber potato things from beyond earth.

Why is germany so fucking scary

also, before people wonder why the ui looks so cramped, its because they had to play at 720p for the livestream. dont know why.

That shit still exists?

yep, unfortunately

also, in quills new video, he plays with strategic mode for a little bit

Since you have to take one building for your religion, does that mean you're limited to just one?
You can't have the pagoda/mosque/cathedral Byzantine dream?

That looks pretty good, better than civ5's

Looks kind of cluttered if I'm honest

+2 amenities from entertainment
+1 great general point
+1 military policy slot
Provides the same defensive bonus as the fort improvement

This honestly seems good, that's basically one extra policy when you are kind of limited on policies.

you can zoom in

Specifically I meant the borders looked too raggedy, especially the FoW which is also a bit too thick. Makes it seem messy, if you know what I mean?

Oh, and must be built on hills adjacent to an encampment district.

oh yea, I get what you mean. especially with the fog of war.

What the h*ck are these things in the water?

What is that one Civ you hate for no reason other than they just rub you the wrong way?

For me it's Poland. Casmir is too damn angry all the time.

Dido always forward settles the shit out of me, builds wonders 1 turn before me and gets uppity if I do anything.

Celts if we're talking CiV
Boudicca throwing a fucking fit every time she's slightly ticked got old fast

I dont trust Furor Teutonicus

Either some tiles you can work/clear (like the forest but for water tiles) or it's a visual bug.
Either way, it's been heavily stated that nothing streamed or revealed so far reflects the final product and the game is still in development.

Is it worth updating Stellaris to the most recent patch? Some of the changes in the patchnotes got me a little worried about the balance.

I certainly hope so because Petra seems more retarded than it was in civ5.

I assume they did it to make it look "like real borders instead of straight lines" or some bullshit like that

>starts doing rapid expansions and shitting on everyone
>suddenly by 1800s or so he's been wiped out
>look at the map when the game ends
>someone else built a city right in the middle of his nation, and he ignored it
>he let the thing grow to have 15-20 pop, then couldn't kill it
>every single game

Yeah and that's all fine but like
That's the strategic view where I don't give a shit about visuals I want raw info

>Normal view is straight lines
>The info view is ragged
Firaxis is retarded then.

I do like the cartoony look of strategic view more than the dreamworks look of normal view

It's clearly a Taliyah E. It'll be pretty OP against those scouts.

Hanging Gardens
+15% growth in all cities.
Must be built on a river.

Seems kind of weak desu, it has no yield.

15% is too shit imo
25% or bust

Hey, I liked the Petra. Deserts are the second worst tiles, so rushing Petra helped a lot.

Suddenly with Petra they become one of the best, which is bs

I hope they fix the inconsistency between +% food and +% growth that existed in civ5.

Petra was a trading hub, not some magic fountain of life that turned desert hills into the most inhabitable place in the world.

I think + growth % is actually -% needed to grow
It's a shitty math error that literally every dev seems to forget

+2 culture
receive a free builder
all builders can build +1 improvements
Must be built on flat desert or flood plains

>sweden declares war on me
>do nothing because theyre sweden
>a few turns later they plead for peace and want to give me one of their cities

Important poll in honor of the Civ VI stream:


How it works in civ 5 is +%food (aztec watermill, tradition policy and temple of artemis) multiplies all food in your city by that amount.
Say you have 10 food and eat 6 of it and +25% food, you will have 12.5 food.
+% growth, from that religious belief and some other things that escape my mind, only multiply the excess food, not the food that's being eaten.
Say you have 10 food and eat 6 of it and +25% growth, you will only get the bonus to the 4 leftover food so you end up with just 11 food.

Nice meme /int/friend :^)
post some spurdos next

>build Pyramids as Qin by rushing it with Builders
>get 5 charge builders right off the bat


Honestly the rushing of wonders with buildings doesn't seem all that potent. I guess it is since it allows you to essentially prebuild wonders.
I was watching someone doing it on Oracle and it only shaved off a turn each time. You would have to be able to 3 turn workers for it to be worth it.

>vote isabella
>it doesn't show up
>try to go back
>you've already voted in the poll
>check results again
>still doesn't show up

theodora best girl
boudicca a shit

>only a turn off each time
Garbage then.
Still I imagine it'd be like,
>Xi'an is building Pyramids
>Luoyang pumps out workers every 6 turns and shaves off 4 turns each time (Qin gets 4 builds)
>build at 167% speed
Then you get permanent +2 charges on all builders, which seems pretty useful seeing as you have almost double the number of uses as anyone else.

The good old days of Civ II caravans... I miss them.

Great Lighthouse
+3 gold
+1 great admiral points
+1 movement for all naval units
Must be built on a coast and adjacent to a harbor district with a lighthouse in it.

Seems like there aren't as many F R E E buildings with wonders. Great Library requires a campus with a library.

Can't you buy Workers anymore? It's better to think of it imo as being able to purchase wonders with a ludicrously high amount of gold.

you can purchase them

last one lads, i don't have any other ideas

Right so
>build wonder
>purchase builders fucking everywhere
>rush wonder


Lisbon unique bonus.
Your trade units are immune to being plundered while on water.

One thing I want to see in Civ VI is the ability to commission ships from allied civs.
Like, if you're landlocked, you can pay them a certain amount of gold to build ships for you, so you can still have some sort of navy.

You can't stack builders on the same tile and building something uses all their movement, so you're only shaving one turn off or at most 2 if it's the last build and you move another in its place.

Any city that's within 3 tiles of the coast can build a harbor and then build a navy out of there, so you don't have to be right on the coast, and you can also take control of your allied city states units for a little bit when you're at war.

A turn off EACH TURN.

+3 gold
+1 great admiral point
+1 trade route
receive a free trader

must be built on the coast and adjacent to a harbor district

it seems identical to the civ5 colossus sans the admiral point

>tfw you're the only one who voted Dido

Geneva unique bonus:
Your cities receive 15% extra science while at peace.

I'm really digging these unique city state bonuses. It'll make competition for them in multiplayer much better. Especially since interacting with them seems better than just "here's 1000 gold, you're my ally, I'm declaring war on everyone else in the game now so they can never steal you away from me."

Why do all the leaders look unrealistic

>Hojo Tokimune
literally who, just pick Tojo or Meiji
>only UU is the Samurai
why, why not the fucking zeros or Shimakaze

>Qin Shi Huang
he looks like a child molestor but his choice is reasonable

>Catherine De Medici
literally who but atleast she kinda hot

>Chariot Archer is exclusive to Egypt

>Queen Victoria
muh dick
retarded name

again, really, he looks less threatening than in Civ V

his looks are an insult to the man himself

his looks are an insult to the man himself
>another air UU
>removed the B-51
just give us a tank UU

>Queen Victoria
muh dick

Civ 6 looks like the shitty console version of Civ, Civ Revolution

Are strategic resources like civ 5 in that you can only build X amount where X is equal to the amount of strategic resources you have?
Or are they like civ 5 where once you have access to the resource you can just build as many as you want?

have you seen the op picture? they changed teddy's look completely in recent footage. they'll probably do the same for the other leaders.

They made him look pretty manly

>Cliffs of Dover is another 2 tile natural wonder


Yes, add a one-off prototype that didn't do anything of note before getting sunk in 1944.

reiterate what exactly you mean

But muh loli titties

>Chariot Archer exclusive to Egypt
Yeah no that's retarded. I could understand Scythed Chariot which does AoE damage or something or has a huge bonus against light infantry but no.

I hope they give the rest of the leaders this treatment. Less exaggerated caricature but still keeping in line with the overall style of the game. Looks better polished as well.

Theodore went from looking like ass to looking pretty hot.

>"Bin shum shamma shum"

Seriously though, the way she delivers her lines is pretty funny.

yep. especially since they're the only part of the game thats caricatured, the normal units in the game just look like normal units from civ 4 or something similar. but what they did with teddy was a great beginning, I hope.

>NOBODY votes for Maria I

Why would you? She's known as The Mad Queen for a reason.

who /minmax/ here?

Is that a military academy? Are they even useful in anyway?

ministry of benevolence, -15% empire ethics divergence :^)


holy fuck brazil seems strong, which is a welcome change from civ5

wow this is pretty dead

t. HUE

He basically gets more great people than everyone else and his districts in the early game give a shit ton more yield from adjacency to rainforest.

I was pointing at 'welcome'.

What is a good way to make Civ 5 fun to play again?

like ur mum after I tore her apart with my dick lmao

Any change from dog shit civs into actual good civs is a welcome change.

>Civ 5 Brazil
>dog shit

I would love to know your definition of dogshit that civ 5 brazil doesn't fit it.

>download Barbarians Evolved
>one game, due to chance a couple of barbarian camps run amok and completely take over the continent due to incompetent CPU players
>wonder what would happen if I turned on Raging Barbarians

how redefine arrows keys for WASD in civ 5? Holy shit why do games not allow changing keys.


>jungle bias
>unique improvement that comes too late
>unique unit that replaces almost never gets built
>unique ability that's almost useless until the last quarter of the game
It's not Iroquois tier, but it's bad.


Guys what is this?


>plantations on bananas
I am actually triggered.

>UI looks cramped on lower than 1080p
>Going to be stuck on a laptop with a 720p resolution for 2 months after it releases
I hope they add UI scaling

It's the endgame crisis. Sieze all activity build more ships. Ships with point defence and anti-armour damage.