The great sports car key design ever created

>I dare you to find another one that's better than pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Z32 titanium key comes to mind.

So does the R32/33 and 400R keys



I prefer folding flip keys.

pure keyno

Probably because you're a faggot


what's it like being objectively wrong

They look better.

These look autistic.

Anyone know where I can get one of these cut? They're titanium, most places have said they can't cut that.

>looks like a mental disorder

Autism confirmed.

autistic? they're fucking keys, dude. there is no other extant application for a key which involves batteries, multiple buttons, and a breakable fucking switchblade mechanism.

Maybe there's a company that makes good ones, but I've always found them to be cheap once the novelty wears off.

These are nifty and all but if you're doing any dirty/dusty work and you get some in your pockets, they jam up and don't want to open up without fucking around trying to blow the shit out.

They certainly were novel when they first came along. But it shits me when they unflip while in your pocket becoming too long and uncomfortable, requiring me to close it up in my pocket which looks weird



they need to make ones that are like double action switch blades. those would be awesome.

Hey bro can I borrow your lighter

yeah, that'd be dank.

>tfw a key gets an erection in YOUR pocket

Sorry pham, I only use e-cigs

For the mall ninja, except this actually has a use

Shit this is a sculpture senpai



Porsche 917.


>hi I'd like to get my key replaced
>no problem senpai that'll be $1000 and you'll get a replacement in two weeks, can we offer you a $35 a day rental in the mean time?

>key thread
>posts gameboy color

>Look a those poorfags.
It's 2016 you pathetic fags, a "nice" key isn't what I have on my mailbox

So what sports car does this gadget operate?

I'm not worthy to hold such a key.



TRD offered these back in the 90's. Extremely rare and sought after today. Yes. They are titanium.

and they came in other colors.

Idk why but I immediately thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers when I saw the thumbnail.

2016 bmw 7 series

A car that will drop like a rock in depreciation because it's an unreliable turd

Reminds me of the morphers from Power Rangers Turbo

I thought this thread was for sports car keys?

It's another [current year] nigger. Fuck right off please. Back2tumblr


>making the car more lighter by drilling holes in the key

That is one ugly-ass design right there.

kek, i expected this

Semi related, /w2c/ a neat keychain? My keys are pretty boring and minimalist right now

>car key
>house key
>black car unlocker/locker remote



Pretty much this

>having an ass sticking out of your center console the entire time


Just grab an key chain emblem for your car. I use a motorcycle lanyard which is 1/3 the size of a regular lanyard

I have one of those remove before flight lanyards but everyone and their grandmother has one

Do shopping carts have coin slots where you live? There are shopping cart keychains for pretty much every car brand. Having too much crap dangling on your car keys sucks though. This is the only thing I even have on mine, the rest of the keys are on a different ring.

whats with indenting the key rather than cutting it?

7 series only. And even then it's an option. They're actually pretty fucking neat.


This will only attract police attention.

>implying a police officer can see a pretend screwdriver in your ignition


Pretty redneck if you ask me.

suppose the police officer CAN see the craftsman screwdriver handle jutting out from my ignition and decides to pull me over. as long as the car is registered and insured in my name, does it really matter?

I guess not.

I agree with you user
They're fun


That was how the housing people gave it to me, it was for my parking spot.

Jesus Christ that's amazing, I would pay $50 extra a month if my apt building had that

Why can't we have a flip open car key inside a Zippo-style lighter housing? It'd look clean as fuck.


Assymetric shit.

It's gigantic. Why not just use an app at that point?


Daily reminder that Aston refer to this as an "Emotional Control Unit"

Now that is fucking awesome

I bought it from a guy that lived there, I was in Yokosuka.

It's neat but if you just want to grab your car and go somewhere quickly/nearby, it was kind of tedious since it takes a minute for everything to move around and whatnot.

Nice but fake desu.

It's not.

i8 has it too.

fucking plebs

Shit anybody I can do that.

I can do that!

I am doing this!

I like the Ferrari keys

It's hard to tell in the images - are these keys blank? Are people finding these and having them cut for their cars?

To bad they don't look like that anymore.

Yes they're blanks.

Most aesthetic key in this thread by a large margin.
I have to admit the proximity activated, credit-card style keys are my favourite. I think Ducati even sell the Diavel with one.
>TFW when it's the current year and I still have to put a key in the ignition to start my motorcycle.

i like my key, that no need to dig in my pocket for anything feel.

Wow, that looks a lot worse now that I get a close look. I was going to post this. Especially once it's in.

why is your nail all fucked up my man

Huayra key is cheesy. Zondas was much better.

That's whar 80's and 90's Mercedes keys look like after the hole breaks off


I actually want to mill a key blank now and copy this.


>Coin slots on shopping carts

What the fuck are those

Some supermarkets make you put a $2 coin in trolleys so you take it back to the racks and plug it into another trolley to get your money back instead if just leaving it in the middle of the car park

Looks like nail fungi, his hands must smell terrible.

Required to CHARGE a car key every 48 hours. Literally what and why even???

Eyyy bro, I like you already. ;)

>Remote start on keyless

That's the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Isn't the point of keyless to never have to remove the "key" from your pocket?

Or some random street 2 kilometres away.

Today I walked past a taxi stand with like 4 taxis lined up. Next to one of the taxis were two shopping trolleys on the footpath. One driver was just casually leaned up against one as it was braced against a pole. Having a conversation with another driver. Just like it was completely normal like it's natural for it to be there.

Now I just realised some people must have pushed shopping up to a taxi from the supermarket a few hundred metres away. Though I've seen Asians pull the ultimate sneaky and pinch a Coles trolley which doesn't need a coin, do shopping at ALDI, then fuck off with the trolley where they need to go to
