League of Legends General /lolg/

Old: TWENTY SEVEN days until MF's pic is resumed at aka6's stream


Other urls found in this thread:


first for cocks

second for cocks


r e m i n d e r

Xth for balance.
Lol jk that doesn't exist in this game.

I love Lulu.

I want to smell Trundle's armpits after a long day sweating and playing Pokemon GO

Fertile midriffs.

Post your 5 most played and favorite champions.

1. Darius (pre-rework, I dislike his new kit0
2. Yasuo
3. Volibear
4. Jhin
5. Heimerdinger

That's not how midriffs work...

I see that this general doesn't understand what fertile means anymore and it's a worthless idiotic buzzword at this point.


Post 'em

Say something nice and something mean about the person before you

>you will never have a floating waifu

You're only 66.66% a terrible person.

>TWENTY SEVEN days until MF's pic is resumed at aka6's stream
Don't remind me

The wait is killing me


you're a fucking faggot for spamming this every thread, but judging by those champs that's probably a compliment
you're most likely the most boring person ever too, even more than me

Physical appearance has no impact on fertility.

it does, but the fags here do not know shit about that

except people with wide hips are scientifically proven to be more fertile

>Physical appearance has no impact on fertility.
Evolution would disagree with you

>Fox woman born of magic
user, Ahri is likely barren and incapable of reproduction. She is not fertile in any way shape or form.

Project Kat looks so good!

fertility is literally a meme

Are you trying to be ironic or...

>take magical thing that defies logic
>let me just apply logic all over that

No it doesn't

>Mental gymnastics to avoid the truth.

Name one champ more fun at the time of their release. you can't


No they aren't.

We like to assume they are, but they really aren't.

Uhh no, no it would not.

Like, unless the person is literally missing the womb.

>Champs that fit the theme but do not have a PROJECT skin yet
- Garen
- Talon
- Diana
- Akali
- Darius
- Draven
- Gangplank
- Jarvan
- Jax
- Jayce
- Riven
- Shen
- Tryndamere
- Varus
- Vayne
- Xin

Who do you want to see?

>main top
>wake up
>20 second queue
>im jungle
>top taken by a yasuo player

it's not like i wanted to win or anything.

Best girl.
Best box.
Best wife.

Wide hips meaning fertility is an old wives tale user. They only mean easier child birth in most cases they do not have any impact on fertility.

>a league of legends video game related question that people obviously enjoy responding to judging by the responses every thread is "spam"
>seeing what other anons like playing and everyone giving each other the bantz is spam
Doesn't add up user.

What's stopping you from having a floating waifu?

Technically, Jayce has Full Metal. I think that's pretty close.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>Game starts with cait getting triple and doublebuff 4 minutes in
>Ends at 21 minutes with her scoring 3v5 a penta while pushing our nexus

>Wanting more of that trash line
Please acquire taste.

>our jinx gets a triple kill on invade
>doesnt back with juicy kill gold
>calls us shit and quits

Project shit thould have ended at yasuo

Important poll:


this fucking match making.

If they dont make project Riven they clearly don't like money

All the ribben drones will get it.

>Enemy knows how to use gold to his advantage
>Aly doesn't
Every time

give me

why i shouldnt main the FUCK out of zilean

go out and make some niggas pop like fucking popcorn

you're just a plat shitter with mid gold mmr, enjoy demoting to gold soon


>have 2800
>both ekko and voli are on sale

should i?

Drink acid

Xth for the league's biggest and best bust



>play vayne
>enemy team focuses me so hard
>ahri snowballs

felt good, though my farm is shit.

Is Riot trying to tell us something?

>using worst skin

im gold 5.


but that's one of her best skins.

>hurrdurr Arclight/Dragonslayer

i own Dragonslayer though :^)



you know ahri loves that big white bara cock

Probably the most fun I've ever had

what should i change my name to, for being a zilean main


im gold 5.

>acolyte lee sin

what's that skin that you know shit's about to go down, and down HARD?


Yordles are for ________.

that plat 5 is going to be there too when his league drops to where his mmr is. stop whining

Soul reaver draven, crimson elite riven

oh, it's not a matter of wanting to see more.

there will be more, they sell too well for riot to not make more.

>Woad Ashe

Arctic ops varus
Final boss veigar
Frozen shen

nerfing into to the ground


>woad ashe
usually who i meet using this skin are shitters

any shaco skin
aviator irelia or infiltrator irelia
soulstealer vlad
jedi master yi or w.e the fuck that's called (chosen one?)
any ww skin provided they main ww
judgment kayle
crimson elite ribbon
any kat skin


Also Yordles are interstellar invasive species, females of which adapt to the surrounding environment and seek to crossbreed until they are ready to build replicas of their spaceship and seek new life.

>back and forth game
>everyone at full build
>we get aced at elder dragon
>they push 4 turrets and start hitting the nexus
>Enemy Ezreal [All]: stay free noobs
>we respawn and ace them with one hit left on our nexus
>walk all the way to their open base, push their last nexus turret and win

ezreal probably hanged himself after this

Third for cocks
But only nice big white ones

Interspecies breeding by a human male.

Have you guys been climbing?

So... what? The half breed can kill the mother during gestation?
Learn how breeding works before you meme about it, Christ.

Why was Graves dying so often? Was Fizz camping?

If two animals can breed and produce offspring that can also progenate they're considered the same species. It's the defining factor.

because its gold 5 and he probably ran around without proper vision

hes full AD, most of the deaths on everyone are because of teamfights
he said he wasnt a gay faggot that builds tank items on graves

Feel free to put Irish Wolf Hound sperm in female pug and see what happens dumbass.

>Start playing last year
>Want to get to Platinum but only reached Silver 4

>Figure out the secret to git gud
>Hit gold 5 last month

Still want to climb but I'm taking a break now.

gold 4 actually

should i buy vayne?
pls respond

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

This is a fantasy setting, the rules of biology are pretty loose.

you didn't even post it dumbass

>Are you good at csing?
>Do you have good game sense?

>Muay Thai Lee Sin
Those fucking abs

Do you want to play Vayne?
Do you think Vayne is cool?

define game sense

i don't give a shit about looks, i just think her lategame damage does my style