Wats up with this youtube stuff, did someone cracked the code, how to get views and how monetisation works, whats the key words and etc.
Wats up with this youtube stuff, did someone cracked the code, how to get views and how monetisation works...
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What the fuck are you talking about
I know a few YouTubers with xx,xxx to xxx,xxx subscribers. There's really no secret to it, at least for them. It was just luck. Just keep making consistent videos and improving your filming and editing skills, and maybe you'll make it. It's typically something random that gave them a boost, somebody making a gif out of their video and it made the front page on Imgur, or something similar, then subscribers just gradually started coming.
im talking about how to earn from youtube
review fast food from your car and act like a hip douche the whole time.
Do parodies of what's meme-ing to catchy music.
That's the formula.
You also need to be visually identifiable
>That kid who eats fast food in a suite
>Filthy Frank's Pink Suite guy
>even Buster Keaton had his fucking pork-pie hat!!
>Marlo Meekin's red hair
The only other way to make money is to run extremely niche channels on specific topics that advertisers pay big Adsense money for.
Do you reckon it's possible to astroturf that?
Like get an army of friends, or even just three to start spamming reddit and other forums, or other channel's youtube video comment sections on your behalf?
Spam != Going viral
No, but I asked, could you kickstart it.
Through a clever and nuanced spamming campaign, not using the same descriptions and comments all the time.
Hitting up websites strategically, could you increase your chances, or is it still a total crapshoot?
Be attractive.
Don't be unattractive.
shit im out of luck then
any new advice ?
>Be attractive.
What about Casey Neistat ?
He has karlie kloss in hes vlogs time to time
Bump 4 interest
Lop, im also out of luck as an obese amerifat. I am a hillbilly with a glorious red beard though.
Considering doing a diy channel.
Shit like foundries and rebuilding mowers and general redeckery. But soeak halfway clear and take good shots. Its like every one of these diy faggots South of the mason dixon are using a vhs recorder and michael j. Fox as the fucking cameraman...
Im just gonna study their shit and redo it 1,000 tines better.
Anons think this could work?
Some dumb blonde was on CC last night promoting her new book, apparently her show was called "drunk kitchen" on youtube, i mean do millenials actually watch this shit. Drunk history but with cooking? And now shes got bank, makes me wonder just how easy youtube success can be achieved.
i know who u talking about, but shes old youtuber as far as i know, most of older ones got bankand books, but now as everybody has shitty iphone and shitty macbook can make shitty videos, the competition between newfags on it to get views is big :v
I don't know if I'm successful at it but here is what I do:
>Release videos constantly and avoid taking large breaks.
Think of your channel like a TV station or TV show. When you release videos at a set time every week people know when to watch. It also helps if you just release videos frequently enough to keep peoples attention.
>Produce original content that stands out.
If all you do is release videos about subjects that others have released videos about why would anyone watch you? What do you make that breaks the mould and establishes your channel?
>Create content in the same theme.
For example if you're a gaming channel don't randomly make non-gaming videos. If your audience found you because you bake cookies, keep baking cookies. (Or explore other related themes like baking other kinds of food)
>Don't take brand deals or sponsorships.
This is something I personally avoid and will continue to avoid forever on my channel. I know some folks will eventually want to take deals for monetary gain, however I feel you shouldn't take deals unless you're already established. Having one or more of your videos at the very beginning grow with a baked in advertisement can seriously harm your channel. If a video goes viral your audience will known you partially by an advertisement. This is a crucial rule, especially if you are a reviewer of specific products.
I've been offered tons of brand deals and sponsorships but I constantly turn them down. It's possible to have regular ad-sense work enough for you to make a stable income. There are also options like Patreon, but once again you shouldn't do that unless you are established. Even when you are established though, it's best not to make Patreon the focal point of your work.
And finally, my one golden rule:
>Never start a YouTube channel for profit.
Starting a channel with the single goal to make money will never work. You'll hate the videos and you'll never grow audience.
Yeah mate, go for it, I've got to ask for advice tho. I got a riding lawnmower and it doesn'r work. I got a new battery hooked up, but when I turn the key the little light that says it need gas comes on. But it doesn't even make a sound. Do I just need gas or do I need to do something else?
99% of the chance needs gas mate
1. Start a YouTube Channel
2. Start a Cult
3. ???
4. Prophet/Profit
do youtube people receive one check from youtube llc or whatever for the money or is it from something else?
From Adsense
Thanks, user