>lets drop our wealthy boomer crowd and get after the urban drug market instead
Lets drop our wealthy boomer crowd and get after the urban drug market instead
>not wanting to dump hardass entitled asshole customers for young customers obsessed with image that have lots of money
good thing you don't run Caddy.
>class vs trash
They don't just have lots of money, they're willing to spend all of it.
Young guys can only afford old chevys and Chrysler/doges. Cadillac are for pretentious mid life crisis sufferers and golf playing seniors.
Good thing you don't run a car dealership or loan bank or you'd know that showoff niggers are harder to squeeze money out of than it is to squeeze water out of a watermelon with your bare hands. Enjoy spending most of your time with repo orders and rock bottom credit scores while LaShantrelle is shouting unintelligible ape sounds at you.
I don't think GM is responsible for the wheels and bumper grille. Looks aftermarket
I wanna see this happen someday
A. The Escalade is not stock at all.
B. Escalades are still the most popular chauffeur-driven car in Manhattan for people who have their own driver.
C. You can have both markets because one follows the other and the people who buy Escalades weren't particularly tasteful anyway.
Nobody with class buys a luxury car, or at least not a new one.
>Nobody with class buys a luxury car
*flips burger*
I'm actually well-off though. 80% of luxury cars are owned by people with a net worth of less than a million dollars.
what to the rich drive?
>last generation
>niggered out
What do you expect? How many niggers buy brand new ones? Almost none.
Money doesn't always equal class. People who have been rich for a long time and are cool about it tend to drive stuff like Avalons and Suburbans, just whatever's comfy and will meet their needs without drawing a ton of attention. Plenty of rusty Toyotas parked around Beacon Hill. Someone who made all their money on Wall Street is more likely to be into AMGs and M cars, which they fancy classy.
I mean, sure, if you're a rich Porsche enthusiast you'll have a Porsche or two, but if you're rich you also likely have access to a lot of things you may find more interesting than messing around with a car on public streets.
>Almost none.
Are you implying Italians are white?
Bad credit scores are just an excuse to charge a higher interest rate.
When you repo a vehicle, you keep the money and the vehicle.
You don't actually do the repo, a towing company does.
Their money still spends the same niqqa.
Also, implying boomers have class.
So all those rappers with custom Escalades are either elderly golfers or middle aged boomers? Yeah, OK.
Rappers don't really buy Escalades anymore, not as much as they did 10+ years ago.
Also, have you rode in one? I rode in a Suburban not long ago, those cars are pretty nice even though they aren't high-end luxury cars.
>get after the urban drug market instead
Are Escalades still affordable to those drug sellers in markets where marijuana is legal? Legalized drugs removes lucrative customers, cuts high prices, and improves product quality and certification.
Well, in the states with legalized marijuana, the drug dealers have lost the easy cash cow and have to sell heroin instead. Thus there has been a rise in heroin dealing in places like here where weed is legal. Weed prices keep going down and the quality is high because there is mandatory testing for content, mold, pesticide, herbicide, and certain other chemicals. Dealers are to have test data certs from labs available for inspection.
Grams down to $4.20 per gram for low THC.
Highest price is typically $7 per gram for high THC as in 22% or higher.
Quantity purchases available with good deals such as $99 for 28 grams with quite a few varietals available at that price. The medical marijuana sellers have all gone out of business since they cannot compete pricewise with the volume sellers selling the same medical type weed with low THC and high CBD content.
Weed dealers usually don't make that much money unless their growing it. Its the people in the cocaine and crack business that make money
>I have a lot of money to buy a nice SUV but car manufacturers dont pander to my shit classical style anymore