>Cool car user!
>Mind if I sit on it?
Cool car user!
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deadmau5's girl?
Makes sense why she would do that to Ferraris, considering how much of a shitstorm they threw up when he dared to modify his in a way they didn't like.
Some people are just going around asking to be beaten with a tire iron.
What a retard. Woman of no concept of work and thus no appreciation of ownership.
He's progressive house, but whatever floats her boat.
>There are permavirgins on this board that will defend her
It makes sense she'd damage other peoples' cars because Ferrari is a shithead company? The owners are equally shithead but even they don't deserve that.
If this chick wants to personally ruin Ferrari's rep, even if it's one hood at a time, she should drag her bitch ass to Maranello and personally seat in every hood she finds in that God damned assembly line, and not with some poor guy's Ferrari who payed for it
>shoes on
i'm poorfag but this triggers me so hard
She's doing it for a reason and her man can pay for any damages.
>Her man
Bitch thats just some random cunt with no concepto of worth or value
She goy dox'd, she worked as a waitress and shit like that. She also closed all her accounts and deleted the picture.
Personally I hope she gets sued for the cost of repairing the paint so she gets to lose a couple of paychecks.
>Doing this for a reason
>Being this much if a white-knighting cuck
Guys I like cars as much as you fags, but if the car is totally paid off, Ferrari has no right getting pissy about whatever faggotry wrapping the owner puts on the car.
You're not Murican if you disagree.
>and not with some poor guy's Ferrari who payed for it
Forgot picture
Ferrari don't fixed anything just change and charge a lot of money.
458 Front Hood
$5000 USD.
Why do women have zero fucking respect?
>All those white knights trying to defend her as deadmau5's girlfriend even though this fat whore has nothing to do with him and is just an attention bitch doing more damage than her annual salary
god damn this
how many times has a woman ruined something about your car?
>mom getting out of my car
>wind grabs a hold of the door
>door literally bends over against the front panel
no way the hood is only $5000.
Do you live inside a hurricane or is your car made out of cardboard?
that guy just googled the part and got sent to ebay where they are about 5k
no way they're only 5k at an official Ferrari dealership
>New hood? No problem sir, that'll be 20k please!
>O and did I mention the paintjob is an additional 5k?
It's a shitbox but you'd be surprised how strong wind actually is when it can grab a hold of a flat surface
POOR (adj.)
(of a person) deserving of pity or sympathy.
"they enquired after poor Dorothy's broken hip"
my e39 has heavy-ass doors and even they can get snatched up by a moderate gust if you let go.
And yet if the owner walked up and threw the bitch off his car, he'd be the one in trouble.
What a joke.
I will never understand why people take pictures of themselves breaking the law and then brag about it.
who cares
like really
Like you know you do because like you clicked on the thread and like posted.
bro it's like you hate principles :^)
>imblying we don't all do this
I care at why people care about this
makes no sense to me
>oh my god how dare you sit on a car!
you are a bad person.
I really wish a whore sits on your car and ruin your hood with her shoes, rings and other shits that have nothing to do close to a car's paint
I could not care less
its a shitbox
maybe you should learn a thing about insurance tho
jokes on you faggot it was on the autobahn and completely legal :^)
but I did get fucked over a few hours earlier, I like how they send you a picture though, made it worth the 30 bucks so I can pretend I'm wanted by Interpol now
why did Veeky Forums became so /r9k/ infested
same shit happened to Veeky Forums yet they never move their lazy asses to do anything regarding women
>handling a phone while driving
So are you.
>Frau Suck
I don't speak German user
>he still thinks it was the wrap
Then what was it?
The knockoff badges.
That's still my point.
If Ferrari gets all butthurt that you have 'Purrari' badges, with Deadmau5's type of money you should not be a faggot and tell them to kiss your ass.
If you own the car with no loan on the title, it is completely in your right to redesign/customize/modify/destroy every square inch of that car if you feel so inclined.
If he doesn't feel like being a rolling advertisement for Ferrari by changing the badges, he's allowed to do it. It's not like he's starting a company with 'Purrari' and making money off of it.
What the fuck does this have to do with music?
Ferrari is very protective of their branding, Jay Kay had to ask permission to use his own variant on an album cover.
>ask permission to use his own variant on an album cover.
>album cover
That's exactly what I mean. Deadmau5 wasn't making money with his stupid 'Purrari' on social media. Putting a Ferrari on an album cover you're trying to sell to make money, is a 100% completely different thing.
Who the fuck buys an album for its cover?
Her fatass is going to dent the hood.
I would make her eat fucking tarmac for this.
Who the fuck buys albums?
People did before you were born, user.
Fuck off gramps
Women just act without responsability, they don't think in repercussion nor in long term effects. I would get mad if a stupid inmature woman sit in my car. They don't know how much effort and money I put in my car, because they don't know what hardwork is. They are like fucking children, never let a woman be near your car if there are not a responsible adult supervisig her.
a tubby and disruptive narcissist with glowing demon eyes
what's not to like ?
there are also wishy washy fagtrons who will insist you cant handle a stronk indopendent womenz
>Do you live inside a hurricane or is your car made out of cardboard?
Some people throw open the car door. You get that?
As the car door is thrown open, the strong wind also catches the car door! The door is then flung open super hard and bends forward towards the front of the car. The hinge area is now indented and bent. Even with no wind, I never slam my door open. At the mall you see people in the habit of always opening the door fully no matter where they are. They park next to Veeky Forums's car. OPEN! *thunk* *chip* They get out of the car and their car sways a little bit causing their open door to move up and down on your paint.
>>Cool car user!
>>Mind if I sit on it?
My hood is aluminum to save weight and not be a problem in a crash. If she sat on my hood, it would crumple down. Of course, she would hit and run by running away from the damage. I wonder how many car owners who refit with aluminum hoods to save weight would be wrecked by that girl sitting on their cars? She probably doesn't post pictures of the car's she actually ruined the hoods because she knows that would be criminal hit and run evidence.
Maybe you should, dingus. Vandalism is part of comprehensive, not liability, and so has a deductible unless you pay out the ass for 0 dollar deductible.
So regardless in most cases, stupid bitch on Instagram just cost you 500 to 2500 bucks, plus time off work, plus inconvenience.
That's time you don't get back. Like time spent replying to this bait.
>>Mind if I sit on it?
She did not just sit on it. She STOMPED IT because she is wearing shoes while climbing up on the car's hood. SHOES. And she is resting the sharp edges of her heels on the car's paint in that picture.
She does everything at her own ease. So she probably crawled up on the hood putting the concentrated force of her knees onto individual spots on the hood. Thus dents.
She already dented the hood of that Ferrari she is on in the photo. The upper edge of the hood is bent downwards. I know because I have seen similar cars elsewhere. So she has bent up that hood already.
Situation: Bent Ferrari hood with multiple shoe scratches included.
Shoes on hoods! Who is this hit and run girl? I bet she didn't pay for all the different car hoods she ruined by stepping on them and bending them at the windshield point.
>makes no sense to me
Do you not understand?
That hood is actually bent in the photo from her weight. That is not the normal curvature of that ferrari's hood.
Forgot the 1k professional service fee.
Could be worse
What about this?
>leaving the top off in a public place
You deserve what comes to you for being such a dumbass
>She's doing it for a reason and her man can pay for any damages.
She's a deliberate hit and runner doing it for arrogant thrills. Lots of stupid people document the illegal things they do and then post them online for who knows what personally obscure reasons.
She must know she's bent some hoods in the past because they do bend under her. There's no way she couldn't not know. And her shoes scratch the finish since she probably kicks her feet against the hood trying to get enough friction from the soles of her shoes to push her up higher on the hood.
Similar to what she is doing, at anime conventions, there are people who run up to cosplayers to hug them. "Let's Hug!" But the hug is actually a plausible denial excuse to damage the cosplayer's costume which the hugger does even if they have to grab the back and pull down hard to rip it. This girl on hood reminds me of such people using plausible denial in order to vandalize things without getting accused of deliberate assault against property.
I'd fap to this and tell them
>be me a couple years ago
>just bought a chebby montecarlo
>inb4 v6, fwd, auto, etc, fuck you i like it
>anyways, driving with friend to one of his friend's apts cus we're all going to see a shitty capeshit movie or something i don't remember
>get to apt, hang out inside for a few before heading out
>guy's gf tells him to take the trash out like the cuck he is (she was cheating on him at the time I later found out)
>walking back out to my car, guy asks if he can put the trash bag, which is clearly leaking something, on the deck of my trunk
>tell him to fuck off, walk your fat ass to the compactor or use your own shitbox as a trashcan, you're not using mine as one
>friend stops inviting me places with him and the other guy
>they're both neets and cucks
The other guy is a complete retard when it comes to cars too.
>be him, spoiled mama's boy
>get given an early 90s camry or something for free as first car
>decide to see how fast it can go, blows the engine after only having the car for a couple months
>later his grandmother gives him a pristine chebby impala, only bad thing about the car is its got high mileage, like 175k or more but is in otherwise perfect condition
>kills the transmission within 6 months
>car sits for a year before his mom pays for the repair
>drives the car without power steering, something breaks in the front drivetrain or suspension or something
>can't keep tires on it because he doesn't know what the fuck "recommended PSI" means
>runs out of gas all the time because he goes off the "distance remaining" thing in the dash menu instead of the fucking fuel gauge like literally everyone else on the fucking planet
>eventually gets ANOTHER free car, a toyota four runner
>never puts coolant in it checks the oil or does any fucking preventative maintenance, truck goes down a cylinder blows gasket and a ton of other shit
and the finale,
>last year he spends his entire tax return as a down payment for a hyundai something or other because in his well educated opinion "american engineered and built cars are trash"
>backs into a wall within a month of having it
>drives it like spongebob trying to taking his fucking boating license test, ie ALWAYS FLOOR IT
>do some research, turns out his car was assembled in fucking alabama
I bet he hasn't changed the oil in it once or had it serviced at all in the year he's had it. If the car is lucky its been repossessed because the tard has the worst credit in the world too, I have no idea how he even got approved for finance on the fucking thing.
>That narrator
happened in a garage of an apartment complex where only residents could enter
>spends his entire tax return as a down payment for a hyundai
There's so much wrong with this phrase it must be some sort of hidden ultimate holy retard combo.
Lol the booty blasting was real when this one was fresh. Funny thing is they are right miata fags.
t. cuck
Justifiable homicide.
Pretty girls always get away with it. They just smile or cry. Works everywhere. And they know it.
>girls see miata
>girls get in miata
>just as planned.jpg
First of all nice dubs. *tips hat*
Second of all, not all woman can get away with just a smile *smiles back*
Fuck it i cannot do this cancer shit.
As i said before i would make them eat fucking tarmac for that.
>As i said before i would make them eat fucking tarmac for that.
That girl in the picture would sue you for all you're worth and she'd win the court case. You can't prove the dent was specifically and solely caused by her. The same with scratches as long as she denies it. A judge would probably use common sense and override the burden of proof necessity and award you damages though for the car. However, what you did to her is much more serious.
m8 if i had money for fucking 458 Speciale, i would have money to beat the shit out of her and pay at the court.
>i would have money to beat the shit out of her and pay at the court.
How will you get her in court in the first place if all the online names are fake? You'd have to be smart enough to pilfer her wallet at the crime and keep her driver license ID. You'll be charged with assault, battery, and robbery though. And she can charge you with fondling her and hands between her legs and while there might not be a conviction for a sex crime, the accusation will remain on your record for others to see if they pull up a full police report and not a simple crime check. Women are quick to make those kinds of charges.
If she bold faced lies and denies everything, you cannot "prove" anything more than the scratches from her shoes were caused by her unless you have a film of the car before, during, and after she got on. It would have to show the bending of the hood.
And if only you and her friends were there, she could even lie that you told her to get on the hood so that you could try to frame her for repairs to pre-existing damage. Thus, you were trying to get someone else to pay for pre-existing damage.
After various accusations back and forth, the judge would say that she only has to pay for repaint of the shoe scratches as the plaintiff has no proof of the other damages being caused by her. The burden of proof is upon you the complainer.
ha, I got fucked out of 350 euros by the krauts, and you broke an arguably more important law than me.
bitch, my fetish is seeing lolis sleeping on the big-ass racing spoiler or sitting near the air intake. sadly there no pic/fanart of this shit.
Who is this girl? I can guess from the hashtag that she is in Chicago.
>What a retard.
She wore shoes when climbing the hood. Scratch city on that Ferrari.
>Woman of no concept of work and thus no appreciation of ownership.
I bet she was secretly jealous and spiteful and this was her way of vandalizing the cars (scratching hood, bending and denting hood) without getting prosecuted for deliberate vandalism.
deadmau5 streams on twitch now
He converses with twitch chat a lot
Pretty cool imo
Like, he didn't let success get to his head too much
>Who is this girl?
liz_mau5deleted the incriminating pictures of her on ferrari car hoods when peeps pointed out she might have to pay for damages so she's probably in the girlcunt mode of "I dinna do nuffin".
Go ahead
>>Mind if I sit on it?
Hold on, I'm finishing the open acquarium car with the hood area topped by a shallow pool of piranha. Okay, it's ready, you may sit on top of the car in the pool.
Actually deadmau5's girlfriend is @kellyfedoni
NP senpai #thug muney music
We out cheap in deez foreign whipz n sheeeit
yes he does, he got triggered by a small bunch of youtubers and went on a witchhunt.
>sitting in backseat while my nan drives
>we park next to some early 2000s corolla
>she opens the door
>slams right into corolla
>huge dent in the middle of their door
>no damage to our car
>put your seatbelt back on user we'll go park across the road
>cool stupidity anonette
>mind if I grab my crowbar?
The right response would be to let it go.
If we go off the assumption that its only the owner of the car, the girl, and her friends at the scene, the best course of action would be to be friendly with the girl.
The girl clearly likes the car, is a little pudgy meaning undue self confidence that she projects with an underlying need for attention and acceptance. Ferrari owner could offer her and her friends a round of drinks under an assumed name to show no hard feelings. Owner can afford it if he owns a car like that.
Go someplace just out of their price range; not the fanciest place, but good. Buy some drinks, make them feel welcome. Offer to go someplace else; some place really nice. They'll believe you that you can get them in a VIP.
And with that, offer the girl a ride to the new club.
Intoxicated by the whirlwind moment, the flashy car, and a couple of drinks, she'll do anything.
This is where the owner decides; does she bend to your sexual desires, becoming a fleshy cum rag, or does she vanish?
Her friends never find her.
They can't be credible witnesses as they've been drinking. They don't know what kind of Ferrari it was and they're in clubs they've never been before; not regulars that can be recognized and certainly not familiar with that area.
Or you could threaten legal action, spend money on lawyers and all that only to get it thrown out...
>Not just killing her and getting it reduced to manslaughter.
I'd still serve 15 years but that cunt would be dead.
>Pretty girls always get away with it. They just smile or cry.
It's time to take a drive to the mountains. This is where a rubber trunk mat with nice high edges is good so juices don't flow out into the trunk's fabric.