>No fillipino girlfriend who owns an old school integra
Why do I even get out of bed in the morning?
>No fillipino girlfriend who owns an old school integra
Why do I even get out of bed in the morning?
Is that a tatoo of herself on her leg?
Holy shit, I think it is.
It's her dead sister and dog
Dude if you're gonna have yellow fever you gotta draw the line somewhere
what if hood rat filipino girls are my fetish
>DA Integras are old school now
I feel old
literally calling herself a useless whore
>No Hawaiian girlfriend who owns an FD RX-7
Why live?
but thats an FC
I just realized I posted the wrong pic
filipinos are like the most disgusting rat race ever
Not having a 45 year old wife that can tell a highway patrol officer to kiss her ass and not lose the ash off her cigarette.....
I'm curious as to why you think that way?
(im half flipino myself)
I personally will say that filp culture is cancerous but I want your honest opinion on why you think they are a "rat race"
>there are mentally handicapped people on Veeky Forums right now who are such losers they convince themselves of this stuff unironicly so that they feel better about themselves
I understand the sister one, but why would she tattoo her lunch on her leg?
>Why do I even get out of bed in the morning?
to shitpost on Veeky Forums every day?
Kill yourself
Then you should an hero
>ruined my fav Integra gen
because shit culture, shit environment, and below average intelligence.
They are no more or less shifty/shady/shitty than any other third-world slum culture though. They're all miserable, crab-bucket closed culture societies.
Ive see a lot of filipinas and that one is fugly. I can see past the makeup and she is fucking monkey tier.
post ass
I just want to nut on them so bad
Jeff Foxworthy pls
>on them
>not in them
now we are talking
She looks chinese.
I agree, ghetto fillipino girls with tattoos are mega sexy.
>im so much better than everyone else because I was raised in a pampered society that protected me from everything
You sound like a bitch desu. If you indulged in some other cultures you might see how stale the capitalist, rat race we live in is.
>phillipines not having some of the most beautiful beaches
>thinking someone is below average intelligence because they don't speak english
Shit, I'm american and can at least see that most of the shitposting about other countries is only by the extremes. Kinda like if you posted a picture of camden and said it was representative of the entire US. Has your experience with Philipinos been based solely on the moronic rhetoric of other people on here?
I'm a Flip, trust me most Flip women are disgusting.
I dislike the people, food is only acceptable. I could say the same for any other culture.
Here's a nice Volvo for you guys, enjoy it.
I like seeing my semen on their face to know that I conquered them
There are a lot of really dumb Filipinos but there are exceptions.
My girlfriend is Filipino and teaches at a university...
Some of them can be really smart people although they do tend to speak really loudly when in groups.
>implying I buy into the rat race, or generally have no knowledge of the outside world
sorry to disappoint; I work for myself, save most of my income, and have lived on 4 continents; my personal experience is just that, my own, but it's a relatively well-researched one.
>Shit, I'm american and can at least see that most of the shitposting about other countries is only by the extremes.
Wait, you actually think I come here to broaden my horizons and/or learn about foreign culture? Dude, this place is a cesspool, culturally speaking. I'm mostly here to shitpost and look at pretty pictures. That doesn't mean I'm wrong about flips though.
>doesn't know me, openly admits to being an ignorant american, then has the audacity to call me sheltered
nah, just nah.
Filipino food is either really delicious or really disgusting.
A lot of it literally tastes like vomit and smells really badly.. literally.
For example my girlfriend once tried to get ne to eat fish sinigang..
It is exactly like the taste you get in your mouth after you vomit.
Filipinos seem to enjoy it though.
Can we all agree that every cunt in the world is a fucking nigger, niggers.
>wanting a filipino hoodrat
Fucking gross, bet you she has a kid too.
Would avoid/10
T. neckbeard
>tfw have the settle for flips because they're the only asians who fuck niggers
No, but we have to fight about who is more niggerer, don't you get it?
>implying i havent spent enough time around hoodrat filipinos in Daly City/Union City
I am pretty sure if a black guy had a good job and their head screwed on straight they would date a black guy.
Besides Flips are the best looking Asians and not stuck up nerds like the rest.
Flip here. I have a strong taboo of fish in soup, I hate fish sinigang, too sour but some of the grossest shit can be good, like blood pudding.
everything in your post reeks of basement dweller sorry bro
>Flips are the best looking asians
disagree, and I'll cite the OP flip as evidence.
>blood pudding
Ugh. Normally im an adventurous eater but that and balut i cant bring myself to even taste.
>Implying I haven't spent lot's of time around Filipinos?
Bakla ka ba? Ikaw ay gago
NOPE NOPE NOPE, I can't agree. Only a handful, gorean and japs also.
Dude I just secretly throw the bird away, just add salt and eat the egg white and yolk.
oh come on guys what ever happened to fantasies of having a hot Japanese woman by your side 24/7
Well I can easily access them with just one google search.
Japanese women are ugly.
Looks like a 15 yr old boy.
best part about that? When you're done, you just close the tab. No nagging, whining, expensive plane tickets to visit family back in Nagano, financial burden when you eventually divorce, etc.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>no tits
>no hips
>no ass
Why does the chins worship these androids again?
>he can't into tags
How the hell do you find your porn? A fucking porn shop?
This is a flip btw...
Shits all over Japanese women.
>how do you find your porn?
Searching nudevista with my gf
100% full-blooded Filipinos are dark-skinned. 100% full-blooded Japanese aren't.
Not without the makeup like the most of them do. You do know they're basically like Mexicans, theres light skinned ones, dark skinned ones, ugly and beutiful. You wouldn't want to be dating my cousins I'll tell you. You don't know what it's like in my motherland. Trust me there's only a handful, plus hearing the native tongue is a nuisance.
There is no such thing as a 100 percent full blooded Filipino, unless you are talking about the native tribes that live in the woods.
Sometimes hearing tagalog is enough to make me consider breaking up with my girlfriend.
It's one of the most annoying sounds..
What suprises me though is how much better tagalog sounds when spoken by Filipino girls with American accents.
The place used to be a Spanish colony, should be looking directly from the source.
I don't need to look at any source.
I know that for a fact and I am not writing an assignment.
thats retarded
I dont like fatties
You should learn what you are talking about
You don't like womanly bodies either.
100 percent native fillipinos look like this and they live out in the forest.
The ones who live in the cities are a mixes of all kinds of things such as native, spanish, chinese and Portuguese
nah you should, latin america was also a spanish colony and there are native people there
Yes, but they are mostly tribes people.
>You don't like womanly bodies either.
fat =/= womanly
SJWs have tainted your brain
no, i lived there for years
you are clueless
Nobody said fat you fucking mong.
Just looking like a prepubescent boy is not womanly.
You are either gay, have low testosterone or are a paedophile in denial.
You have only lived in your mums basement or were a dumb american soldier who didn't bother to learn about the place he was living.
except you implied you only like fatties
your replies further prove that
youre a fattie fucker in denial if anything
I implied I don't like japanese women who look like 15 yr old boys.
>this mad he is wrong
I lived in Guanajuato working for for VW for 6 years
I am not an americuck either, so fuck off
youre under the impression if theyre not fat they look like 15 year old boys
Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, other SE Asian countries, and the Philippines are all naturally dark-skinned.
Japan, China, and Korea are East Asian countries and they're naturally light-skinned.
Go home island monkey
And my girlfriend lived there for 22 years.
I am under the impression that 95 percent of Japs look like 15 yr old boys because they look like 15 yr old boys.
thats nice
if she told you there are no native people outside of isolated tribes she is probably ashamed of it
tanking with pinay
kept getting called sir for no apparent reason
really weird
That's because you're trying to get a rub n tug at a massage parlor
I had no idea it just seemed overly courteous
better to be more observant of who I talk to
Aren't they Melanesians