Why do people aspire to own fast cars? Just buy a motorcycle...

Why do people aspire to own fast cars? Just buy a motorcycle. They outperform most super cars and cost 1/10th or less the price.

Then you can have a reliable daily driver as a car.

Millennials need to get into motorcycles because they don't know what they're missing. Quit looking to buy expensive cars - they're stupid and depreciate so quickly! Bikes are way better.

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Why buy a motorcycle when you can buy an estes model rocket? $20, goes 450mph, btfos any motorcycle easily

Motorcycles are death machines. I might trust riders to be safe and vigilant, but I don't trust pablo not to down some keystone light and ram his 90s civic into the side of one while running a red light.

Is this post real???
People buy what they want. Practicality goes out the window man.

Some people like not dying to 17 year old girls texting

Because I like cars more. And my dream cars are cheap.

Why do people own cars or trucks when you can ride both Street and off-road?

>but I don't trust jennifer not to down some starbucks and ram her VW into the side of one while running a redlight and texting while driving.

Same shit.

Even though this is bad bait, the sad part is a majority of bikefags actually think like this.

they do not outperform most supercars.

bikes have, and will always be slower in corners. simple physics.

thats a damn lie

the contact patch on a motorcycle makes them slower under braking and through corners.


they don't tho

>but muh downforce

Why spend money on a car when you can get a jet

sure they're pretty fucking expensive but what other vehicle can you legally buy that can take you near the speed of sound and do sick twists and flips 2 miles above the ground

I think motorcycle popularity is on the up, at least in my country, the internet is rather helping there.

Arguments about what's faster doesn't matter to me, I'm not a racer, there's no trophy.

What really matters is that no car in the world will give you the kind of sensation and feedback, "connection to the road" if you will that you get on a motorcycle, it's like an overload, you feel everything, you're moving the bars just millimeters when you're turning at high speed that's how sensitive they are, you're moving the throttle so little you can barely see it happening, they are responsive to the operator in ways cars just can't be. Even sportscars just feel dead after bikes.

You often hear people when talking about cars like the MX5 mention being able to "feel the road" and what not, I'm touching body parts down onto it, you can't get closer than that lol.

I wonder what insurance would be like for one. There is technically a much lower chance of getting into an accident in a jet

>not liking both

I just like cars because of how they look tho, its literally irrelevant how fast they are considering they are slower than a sportsbike lol

It's gaining popularity everywhere especially with numales. so many faglords riding motos now. motovlogging getting mad at 'cagers'. everyone wants to be part of a special club. pretty cringe desu.

as far as the experience, I grew up riding motorcycles. I've raced them and cars. they are just different. one isn't inherently better.
cars can offer an experience that 99% of motorcyclist will never get close to though, the limit. and you can throw a cars weight around.
when you crash a bike you slide off, when you crash a car you're in it for the ride. crashing in a car is much more violent (on a track)

everything about them is a totally different experience. they cant be compared really. I enjoy both.

>Crashing in a car is much more violent
>When you crash a bike you just slide off
>Implying most people have found out the limits of their cars

Do you have difficulty performing simple tasks?

also I think on public roads motorcycles offer much more excitement than a car, but on a track I think the opposite is true. an actual fast car on a track is more intimidating because of all the weight and momentum combined with relatively low grip.

>crashing in a car is much more violent (on a track)

probably a case by case thing...

Maybe it's because I grew up on dirtbikes and got cars second, but I always felt like I was "on" the bike and was never quite as connected to it compared to a car with a good, body-hugging seat.

No, most people haven't, but you can more easily get close to it in a car. whereas someone who has only ridden on public roads will very rarely ever get close to it on a motorcycle. A modern sportbike anyway.

one of my MSF instructors had horrible high side accident.

he t bones a car that ran a red light in a low visibility city intersection. impact sent him flying over the car and 30 feet away from the bike. where he then sticks his landing. shattering bones in his feet, ankles, and lower legs.

>own crotch rocket
>own fast sports car
desu I enjoy the sports car more most the time. ever since I bought my latest bimmer my drive to ride is far less. don't get me wrong, I love my bike, but it is now just a weekend toy. and every other weekend at that.

Really, anyone on Veeky Forums should own both.

>MSF Instructor
>Wearing gear
pick one, and only one. as they say, most the gear, most of the time

you can't ride a model rocket

you can ride a bike though

what kind of gear saves you from landing a 30 foot drop on your hands and feet


Nigga, even the flimsiest car has more protection than a bike, it's one of the trade offs. Go fast, but probably not safely.

Nothing but proper racing boots with ankle supports may. For real tho MSF instructors are pretty squiddy.

in general i mean. if you lowside a bike at 100 in a sweeper you'll be down to 20 by the time you even leave the asphalt and youll most likely never hit a barrier or a wall in your entire track experience, at least not hard. whereas a car will carry all that inertia and is guaranteed to hit a barrier or roll, probably your very first major off will result in either.


for instance is only at 60mph. the impacts are a lot stronger.
imagine going through big willow turn 8 at 140 in a 3,000lb car. that's a rush.

>crashing inside a car with a propr rollcage and safety gear is more dangerous than crashing in a motorcycle

nice meme

lowsides while in leathers and all other proper gear isn't too bad. As long as the bike doesn't land on you. You can probably walk away with just some bruising and sprains.

high sides and getting hit by something once off the bike are the things that get you.

My 250cc gets 90mpg, and it is cheap.

Riding will Man U Up, Byyyyyyitch

>i dont understand inertia and momentum
most bike crashes on a track are literally nothing. they're almost entirely lowsides and stuffing the front, with relatively slow corner speeds. where as even a mild off in a car can be a major impact. a cage will save your life but it will make the force of an impact worse.

I mean I'm guessing your experience is forza which would explain your disbelief.

you are fucking stupid

> outperform

not on the touge, faggot

300kph brake failure. Rider was more or less unharmed.

>Isle of Man TT is the deadliest motorsport event on earth

At least you tried

Isle of Mann isn't raced on a track so I'm not sure what your point is. Tracks have tons of run off.

Motorcycle accidents can be horrific but most low sides on tracks really aren't that bad.

If you want to watch dangerous racing watch Ulster GP instead.

more people dead than years it has taken place. whats more deadly, i really want to know

I like where this shit thread is going

Somewhere between 40-50 percent of motorcycle fatalities are due to excessive speed. I drive the speed limit so it goes to reason I'm about half as likely to die than the whole. I'll keep riding, thanks.

I ride a 250 so its literally physically impossible to break the speed limit no matter how low it is anyway.

Mirin headlight what is it?

not my bike but its a baja designs 8 incher, cyclops makes these old school headlights too and I think cyclops makes street legal versions.

Because it's true.

My $2000 bike from the 90's will destroy pretty much anything on this board, barring another bike.

I could get off and wheel my bike round the bend on foot. By the time I'd set off again you might just be starting to catch up.

That's not a high side, dipshit.

I like you