/bdog/ Black Desert Online General

p2w edition

Korean gobbly-gook:

>What is BDO?

Black Desert Online is an MMORPG by Pearl Abyss that was recently released for western audiences, with additional changes. It's a sandbox MMORPG that features action-oriented combat, open world PVP territory control, trading, player housing, and more.

Info from the site: i.imgur.com/r7VvB6h.png

discord.gg/0vYcIJNhxt5cd4pK (join at your own risk)

>/bdog/ guilds


>Maps and nodes


>Useful Links
Wiki: blackdeserttome.com/wiki/BDO_Tome
Database: bddatabase.net/us/
Skill Calculator: blackdeserttome.com/calculator
Class Armor Sets: wodox.imgur.com/
Else: Google it before posting

>BDO KR/JP info + differences between NA/EU

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anyone have screenshot of the new craftable outfits on tamer?

Doesnt GW2 do this as well?

A lot of games do.

Great fun

no. What you buy on GW2 cash shop is bound to your account. You can buy as a gift though so technically you can sell them if you trust the person to pay you.

You can convert in-game currency into premium currency in GW2

The difference is GW2 is purely cosmetic and convince, at least the last time I played.

You can literally buy gems and exchange them for gold in GW2

Tera also lets you sell store bought items.

Even WoW technically lets you do it through the token system, pets, and whatever else I'm forgetting.


that's probably the first outfit I'll buy next week

Why's that? You a chef irl?

Why buy a normal looking jacket when you can look like a cheap two dollar whore in lace and silk

Well yes but you cannot buy outfits and sell them on market.

Most game let you RMT now since the demand is there and it's much safer than goldseller. It also usually make cash shop more acceptable in general and feel less forced to pay.

Gems = Outfits and more

I don't know

wew lad

Why so greasy looking

are rangers any fun in this game? just made one to mess around on and wanted some opinions

I love oily bitches.

Any class can be fun. I think rangers are fun but I also think all the classes I play are fun.

I think they feel very awkward personally. but it's probably because i never stuck to mine.



Make your own goddamn decision.


daumcuck scum



So lets say I could play this game without paying the 30 bucks(Friend gives me an account) and plan to spend no money on it. Is it worth playing through as a single player game to explore and crap and not take it seriously?


Im so tired of reading bitching about this P2W shit.
My guild went and changed our emblem to that stupid shit today and I might quit.

This fucking game was "Pay to Win" out the fucking gate. The fucking korean version had outfits on the market before we got the fucking game. Oh and there's that fucking warning before you open your outfit box. Come the fuck on you broke dumbass niggers are you really so worried about fucking outfits getting sold? That fucking value backpack is more pay to win than this shit. Some fucking handful of rich noobs might get ahead of you in a game? If you are some autismal 58+ and still dont have an outfit or money for gear I don't know how you pulled it off, if one of these rich noobs kills you it's your fucking fault, not daum because they do what the koreans say, or the koreans. This game is already dying, and these days its more of a business dying because thats what gayming has become. Let them do their last big cash grab who the fuck cares.

Thats actually the best way to play this game IMO. If you can get into a small relaxed guild or have a friend or 2 join in that's even more fun.

Sounds like you convinced me. Any classes I should avoid?


Gotta play in a casual guild where nobody gives a shit.

now that it's p2w when will it go f2p?

The sad part is I thought I had.


join sardine



Anyone here on EDAN want to put together a random scrolls group? I got like six/seven but all are different.

I just logged off to go to bed.

it's the middle of the night in na lol




TOLD YOU SO etc etc etc
Never trust Korean Jew.

lol bye puritancucks

whats this i hear about reduced taxes

Well, that decision killed every incetive to even log in.

So if this game does go with cash to silver update I'll play normal till awakening but as soon as that hits I'll get my awakening to duo or tri then go to calp to kill erps and rpers. and be perma red till all my gear goes below +15.

selvä, no se on sit just niin

forgot image.

Literally who

Yeah I was in that guild, what about it?

>implying rpers and erpers arent faggots who abuse safe zones
>implying rpers and erpers are on edan

Just found out about this game, where exactly do i get it?


Fuck i thought it was F2P. Guess I'll buy it in a couple of weeks then.

There are guest passes for a week if you wanna try out.

>thinking server merge won't happen a month after game going max p2w
Good try kiddo.

Pearl store items on the marketplace aren't going to stop me from having fun.

>Players might be allowed to register maximum of 5 Pearl Shop Items per week on the Market Place

Yes, and?

They've gone from saying that there will be a 5 item limit to there might be a 5 item limit. I probably should've posted a side by side comparison to make it easier for you.

Ah. Hahahaha

>he fell for the ArcheAge 2.0 meme

There is a Pearl Store item that costs 1500 Pearls that give a lot of bonus and lasts a month I believe, one of the bonus is a 30% reduction on the tax.

You can also get a Loyalty version of that item but only lasts a week.

It only lasts a day.

Or that, I think I saw one that lasted a week but must been the Daily Login Event one ...

Also it seems it only applies when you pick up the cash, the main selling point of that item is the dye system since its unlimited access when its active but then it defaults to whatever you had.

What this MMO does that FFXIV/BnS doesn't?

Is the Explorer's package any good?

doesnt have alien midget furry waifus

Good combat system/Open world

And even hotter chicks.

Not really if you don't want another guest pass. You can buy the pet for cheaper than the extra 20 you're paying for explorer's.

oh well time to beg my e-friends to give me a pass if they buy it
Forgot to ask, is this game populated? considering I don't hear much talking about it

Uhh it's losing players as we speak but it's a good single-player experience and if you join a casual guild you'll have fun too.

NA or EU?


Put up an email and I'll send a key to you. Not sure if it's still working though but we'll see.

It literally says on the account page if it's been used or not.

It's not my key bro.

What are you guys going to play now? I'll be going back to FF XIV or GW2

[email protected]

it worked, cheers


you better post your characters

or I'll post mine

When do we get dark elves?

Not soon enough.

I just skimmed a bit on the installation guide, correct me if I'm wrong.

If I want to play this game freely, I have to use VPN (lag/unreliable connections) and play on Japanese server with Japanese patch.

If I want to play on KR server, I have to buy some account and then download shit.

if I want to play NA ver, I have to buy this game for $49.99. Then I have to deal with the cash shop.

Is this correct?

the cheapest package is 30, and the cash shop is the same on the other versions. VPNs are also just fine to play with if you get the right ones.

Another sword class?

its just another whore waiting to be impaled by warriors greatsword

Man it was announced when I started playing and since then there's been no word at all



damn even the npcs left... they must hate p2w too.