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first for honda a shit

Fuck off kkk.

all i see here is honda killin it, and no yamaha. zuke, ktm or kawi to be seen


Din du nuffin wrong.

get a new webm

Damn, handled that beautifully. Props m8

But user, I like Muh honda. It's always been good to me.

if this is a dbt lurker/poster thats impressive that no crashing was going on.

how is yzf600r for first bike?

i want a sportbike but dont want something that will kill me from an accidental twitch of the wrist.

I got my motorcycle license a couple years ago when I was 19 thinking i was gonna get into bikes. Buddy let me learn on his ninja 500 and then let me ride it til he sold it. all in all about a month of riding 2 years ago and about 1000 miles.

So i at least know how to ride but haven't ridden much and havent pushed myself much and most of it was 2 years ago. Buddies all getting bikes again and one let me take his sv1000 up and down the street and got me hooked again.

Anyway found this yzf600 with 14k miles good shape for 1800. Its here in town and lowest guy said he would take is 1600. I checked it out today but wouldn't let me ride it without cash in hand. So think i might try to pick it up tomorrow.

Opinions on it?

Damn was expecting you to eat shit once you hit the deep stuff.


I have been riding badly for 6 years and thats the best I have so far.

its another r.-ddit thread

he even samefagged the first reply

>uninstalled kik since it was raping my battery
>never saw meet thread

Thanks for the heads up on the upcoming meet. I'll have to reinstall.

How tf did this guy not crash? Amazing.

There really heavy but as long you dont mess with it and take it slow you'll be fine.

i rode with a guy on a thundercat. it looked like fun, but looks really old. it'd say its' not a bad 1st bike


>Talking to video from 2013

>first bike

Here's where you went wrong.

Sportbikes are meant for people who know what they're doing, and if it's your first bike you probably don't.

If it's got more than 80hp or so (and the brakes to match) then it's not going to be a good idea as a first bike.

Get a 650 twin or something to cut your teeth on and once you've put a decent amount of mileage get a sportbike. It's not like you'll lose a huge amount of money on it because learner bikes usually don't depreciate (unless you crash them, obviously.

It's not that they're super twitchy or anything, it's just that they're so easy to go fast on. And when you're inexperienced it's stupid easy to go from sanic fast to OHHHH SHIIIIIT in the space of a second.

Your first bike isn't your last, remember that. You can always sell and buy something else.

i actually really like its looks. It's not as weird looking as new sportbikes but i also dont think it looks like it's designed after those 90's styrofoam cups. I think its a good inbetween.

I only sat on it today, i could tell its a big porkier than the 500 i rode. Otherwise my buddys all have 600s/1000s and say theyre just meh bikes but should be good starter bike. I feel like it might keep me more occupied than a ninja 250/500 would?

well it wont be too fast since everyone has shitboxes but heres the thread



ninja 650

Don't get a 250.

Yup, just posted my highway 123 idea. Seems to be a bit out of the way from what others have suggested though. Might bring my car. Not sure. Thanks for the link mane.

>very mid-range powerband

a yzf600r is not a super sport at all


>my face when Honda markets the CBR650F as a beginner bike but I'd rather just ride a 300R then get an F4i and still come out ahead even without selling the 300
I can't tell if I'm a genius or an idiot

the funny thing is none of those bikes are really any less potent than a thundercat

I actualy find it pretty bulky and ugly m8. Unless youre a weak manley stick with a smaller lighter bike.

Also take a look at these bikes.

a little of column B, and a little more of column B

I know. Just trying to give him some more options even though they are the most unoriginal possible.

I hope that shitty user with the streetfightered cbr600f is kill.

>le edge

>Your order at Revzilla has shipped!

I don't think they look bad. I don't think they look great.

I've ridden a friends for shits and giggles mainly because he wanted to swap for my drz during some rides.

They're a bit underwhelming. Looks kinda like (older) supersport, riding position is close to one as well. Then you realize how heavy they are. The bike isn't big. It's mostly in the frame. They have a bit better low/mid range than other 600s. That said it's still pretty slow then you get up to 8000-9000 rpm where you expect it to really wake up because it's an i4 600. But it doesn't. It'll go fast don't get me wrong, but it'll be fairly mellow for a i4-600 getting there.

All that said for a new ride it has more than enough power to get you into trouble. However I also think it'd be a perfectly manageable first bike and a good alternative to getting a smaller cc starter bike that you'll get bored of in a month or two.

forgot the main reason I was even going to honestly recommend it - $1600 if its in good shape is a pretty damn good deal for a first bike. The thunderkitties are also pretty bulletproof reliable.

I'd say it sounds like a great deal

we'll see if anyone is interested in 123.
how technical do you get on your bike? roughed up gravel/dirt service roads good?

shitbox you still ride?
i thought you were kill after your vfr incident

I don't endorse horrendous shitbikes

>biggest problem with this idea is how many F4is have been turned into horrendous shitbikes

I'm not looking to blast the fuck out of my header and fenders. I can bring my 640 though! That thing will go anywhere.





I'm thinking the gas leak would probably be fixed by a good carb rebuild.
The brake level is 9 bucks for a new one, 18 dollars to make sure they match.

I'm thinking that the fact a person would have to do some work on this bike to make it good is why no one is jumping on it. How much do you think I could sell it for if I bought it and fixed the shit that was wrong?

yeah. I never really stopped.
I did ride a lot less as I got more back into cars again the last couple years. 2013 I probably rode 20k-25k miles. 2014 maybe 5k. Last year probably 2-3k. This year I've really gotten back into it.

well on the 4th im planning on riding in the cle elum area with a couple buddies if yo uwanted to head over there.
planning on fire roads and exploring trails we find along the way.
all DS bikes


That weekend I'll be at a weekend long going away party for a friend who is moving, but yeah I'm down to do some exploring.

Have a look at this

post some moto memes




flying pigs?

>tfw is damaged or defective and you have to eat return shipping

revzilla can stick it up their collective ass

ic. so u have a drz now?
gotten arrested since the vfr thing?


and run?

>implying I think honda a shit
honda a good choice for a motorcycle.

the cars except for a few exceptions are for cucks though.

>tfw I'm the dad


and ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun


Fuck off nobike!

nobike faggot get out




>one minute apart
stay cucked angry user, at least post some REAL motorcycles, brother.

>all this plebbit

someone make a new thread

have my 06 drz400sm i've had a year now and lil over a month ago i bought my 08 b-king.

Got pulled over for wheelies once on the drz last week otherwise haven't had any bike related cop issues since the wreck. Been pulled over a couple times for small things in my race car but no tickets.



Mad nobikes

more gs500 comic pls

Those shitty tribal tattooes are the worse part of the picture


I wish I had the fortitude to be a neo-luddite

Cruisercucks m8

""""""Land of the free""""""

>mfw i only own carb'd vehicles


That wont make have a bike, stay mad nobike.

Not really no. I know plenty of ppl with shit tattoos who ride all kinds of bikes


leave the red-dit here

I don't think fuel injection is stealing all your personal information.

They are pretty smart now though.

Do you think 6 axis IMUs report back to the NSA?

>no cum covered faggots in the truck.

mfw I've used that line before.

>turning right
>other car going straight
give way

>turning right
>other car turning left
give way

>turning left
>other car going straight
give way

>turning left
>T intersection
>other car turning right
give way


>turnign left
>X intersecion
>other car turning right
right of way

>both cars turning right
top of the t gives way to me

>going straight though
>other car comeing strait from right
right of way

but most of all stop trumps give way

>he actually did it the absolute madman

>wa meet

Date and where?

GS500 fags m8.

>this amount of autism

one of my family friends is, but then again he's fucking rich and can afford to have someone just read all his emails and voicemails back to him. dude doesn't even own a computer, but he dailies convertible W12 continental convertible and has an escalade, a 550i Xdrive and a beautiful house.

here you go, brother
>also indian a cool, no beef there that's a real bike.

You cant blame Gs500 fags m8, they were born that way.

I like sending unburned gas out my tailpipe

>Buttblasted gs500 cuck

Had my first shift as one of Her Majesty's Royal Motorcycle Post Delivery Officers today
My route goes past the vet and I get to make friends with all of the puppins

every time I want to take my sisters bike to work it starts to rain and gets about 5 Celsius

what is this shite?

>Calls other people autistic
>save pictures of girls from the internet.

Indian cost to much yo

actually i am filter user

honestly though, some dealercuck is trying to charge this much for a springfield.


actually I'm pretty sure saving pictures of girls off the internet is what normal people do.

Then again I have no idea what normies are up to.