Why is Veeky Forums so cringe inducingly republican when it comes to taxes? You seem pretty liberal until estate tax or taxing the elite comes up. Seems like for a board of liberal NEETs you would be in favor of redistributing wealth. You dont really believe that hard work and determination is enough to become a billionaire do you?
Why is Veeky Forums so cringe inducingly republican when it comes to taxes...
>You dont really believe that hard work and determination is enough to become a billionaire do you?
No but we don't believe that taxation is an effective solution for income equality or will yield positive results for the economy.
/pol/ leaks into all the boards.
which is ironic since conservatives in general aren't smart enough for business or science, but you'll find them trying to discuss it anyways.
How would more education funding not help? Give me an answer that isnt >hurr durrr gubment sucks
Because unlike the other shit boards some people on Veeky Forums actually have money or pretend to have money.
Nobody on Veeky Forums is worth a billion. And id bet good money none of them are worth a million. Much less enough of them to make their right wing tax policies make sense
>id bet good money none of them are worth a million.
I'd take that bet.
A million isn't as hard as it used to be. The foreman of the tool shop I work at is worth 1.5 and I live in a rust belt shit hole.
Shit, I'm 26 and have 150k in the bank, not inheritance, and I was a C student. All it takes is some reading and some dedication.
This is the shit im talking about. Faggots put a hundred k away and think theyre hot shit and start dreaming they have a shot at being the 1% "if they just work harder". Unbelievable m8
judguing by , you'd think that this board is mostly visited by children/childish people...
I didn't say billionaire.
That's a whole different animal than being a millionaire. My point was that a million actually is achievable if you put your brain to work.
Becoming a billionaire is achievable if you're a very lucky sociopath.
Taxes should not exist. This is a business board faggot.
Great example of what im talking about. Everyones raised on mr rodgers telling them they can be whatever they want to be and they think theyre one break away from luxury until they die in squalor
Why do liberals think it's okay to spew these retarded opinions and then cry about /pol/ the second anyone calls them out on it?
Jokes on you. I'm state capitalist.
But yeah, we'd be better off if we had better education. China, Germany, and Japan are examples were you chimp out on education funds and get results.
not even conservatives would claim /pol/
that shithole is literally the bottom of the barrel.
though I know a lot of liberals that would fit right in there because schizophrenic conspiracy theories.
there aren't any conservatives in business though. You're either conservative and too dumb to run a business or you're smart enough to run a business and convince conservatives to lower your taxes, cut regulation and let you rape the occasional secretary.
Probably because the arguments for these taxes are pathetic.
All you're really saying is that it's okay to take from one person because they have more than another.
And as for your billionaire "argument", that's just saying that because you can't become one through hard work, you should appropriate the assets of those who are.
More education funding would help? Sure it would, but that's not a justification for fucking people on losing stock trades, Bernie.
These are the sorts of arguments a third grader would make.
Doing god's work user
this is what happens if you disagree with /pol/
they spam your thread with off-topic bullshit
saved. jeezus our government in incompetent.
Plus there is nowhere in the constitution that says you have to pay taxes.
>take from one because they have more
But its not from just one. Everyone pays taxes. The elite just pay far less in proportion to most
Literally every thread about taxes the same autist posts these pictures
if it keeps him from raping children and shooting federal employees I say let him.
on the other hand if it's the only think keeping him from killing himself maybe I should report it.
hard to say.
>But its not from just one
Your whole argument, from estate taxes to "free college", is that you should be free to distribute money however you wish, regardless of how it was obtained.
>everyone pays taxes
Laughable. As in, most of the people you're defending pay a laughable amount of taxes.
Now go ahead with your "Nuh-uh, the poor guy who pays $50 in taxes pays more than Buffet, because it's a greater percentage of his money" argument.
Why do you believe you can tax billionaires and it will affect them in the slightest?
>this is what happens if you disagree with /pol/
>they spam your thread with off-topic bullshit
You disnt seem to read any of what he posted
Too tough huh?
I dont think you know what semantics means
I was going to disagree with him on poor people paying taxes but then they pay sales tax and gas tax and property tax so I just skipped it.
>government corruption exists
>therefore, taxes (and perhaps government itself) shouldn't exist
that's some extreme, retarded, childish logic that only a dumb person could think. how about you fight corruption instead of simply crying about it?
sage this shit
>You disnt seem to read any of what he posted
I read it the last time he spammed a thread with it.
examples of the government getting in trouble for wasting money are just as good of evidence they police themselves for waste as they are that they waste in the first place.
Nice bait...
The concept of redistribution of wealth completely contradicts economic freedom and the incentive system that has made Western civilization so historically, unequivocally prosperous,
The herp derp socialists "feel the bern, pay for muh education" cucks still thrive
they're redistributing currency, not wealth.
you can give poor people all the money you want, it's not going to make them richer. Half of americans have a negative net worth. It's really just a matter of time before they realize they fell into a trap and they start to do something about it.
'giving' them money holds off the revolution by keeping them vested in that currency, even if they technically don't own any and probably never will.
>they pay sales tax and gas tax and property tax
I somehow doubt the property tax part, but the point is that rich people pay all those taxes too, as well as income tax, which large numbers of the poor don't pay at all.
I know exactly what it means. You're attempting to prove I claimed taxes were taken from just one person, which is a blatantly misleading statement. Using my exact wording to try to prove it anyway is arguing semantics.
And I still haven't heard you defend how "More education funding" justifies singling out a specific group of people to screw over with punitive taxes (as in, on losing money).
that wasted money goes to private companies. someone benefits from them, they are the beneficiaries of corrupt govt officials.
if you think a complete "free" market would be better... you are completely missing the point, and of course don't understand humanity
I don't defend govts, but, clearly, having corporations running the show would be much, much worse. a govt is supposed to be a compromise, a sort of equilibrium.
the govt already protects your private property anyway. it also builds your streets, so that you can transport the shit you sell to the dumb retards that throw their money at you.
>taxes are socialism
Every time
But its not singling out a group. Everyone contributes. The elite just contribute far less proportionately. I already said this you dolt
>fucking specific groups of people via taxes is ok, as long as I help others out
Bernie bots, people.
Disproportionate, unruly marginal tax rates that is
The college scheme you cited relies on taxing specifically stock traders.
But I guess that's not singling out a group.
What a fucking idiot.
How is it disproportionate to the wealthy in any way by any metric?
Sheet mane. I pay 0.2 annual income taxes I deserve muh free edumucation
I didnt cite any stock related or college scheme. Im talking about taxing the elite in a broad sense as an idea not a specific law
Why would you not want people to be better educated? That literally helps every person in society indirectly
>he thinks rich people pay taxes
this is how we know you're not rich.
what OP is saying is it's ironic how poor people like you fight so hard to cut rich people's taxes. Almost like you're being manipulated to vote against your own interests.
I'm not complaining, mind you. I'm relatively wealthy and I think people like you are the bee's knees. Just not sure why you do it. Maybe you think you're rich. Probably you think you will be someday.
>incentive system made western civilization so prosperous
You know capitalism and economic freedom are relatively new right?
Have you really fallen for the propaganda?
We have alwayS been at war with east Asia?
You ought to consider who these sort of government programs negatively affect. Nobody strives to innovate, investment, be more productive just so they can donate a larger portion of their income to others.
You Bernie cucks are hopeless, please go back to /pol/.
Yeah, that's what that senile old fuck said too.
So please explain. Many poor people pay no income tax, while the rich do, as well as paying all the other taxes the poor do. Are you still going to claim the poor pay more?
And btw, singling out "the elite" is the definition of singling out a specific group.
Estate Tax only applies to 10M+ wealth or some shit.
I'm sure the kids will be fine with 2 billion instead of 4-6B.
Are you implying that by raising the education standard in this country that it will have negative comsequences? Literally wtf are you talking about. Supervillians?
>people like you
>I'm relatively wealthy
You can't make this shit up.
Full retard.
Enjoy suffering the remainder of your life after you complete your sociology degree.
I think you're forgetting that it's okay to steal from people, as long as they have enough money.
>taxation is theft?
>100% of our workforce being educated
>no property tax on mcmansions
Which do you think is better for economy?
Your argument s are very strange.
>taxation is theft
You mean that it can't be if mandated by the government?
Pretty narrow definition of theft. If they decided a 99% rate was appropriate, you'd make the same argument?
99% marginal rates are not a always bad.
Yes i believe the poor pay proportionately more of their net worth to taxes. This isnt a radical idea
>The elite pay income tax
You cant honestly believe this. When do you think the last time gates filled out a w2?
Go live in a society that doesnt collect taxes. Tell me how that goes
>99% marginal rates are not a always bad
Thanks for the chuckle.
Thanks for proving that you'll just be pedantic when you can't win an argument.
Have fun railing at evil rich people.
I'm out.
How am i being pedantic? Im asking you honestly do you think the elite pay income tax?
obvious no property tax is better for economy. 100% of workforce will never be educated, but I assume you mean they will have paper degrees from colleges whose coarseload is gradually diluted (even further) as they have to hire more and worse teachers to accomadate the influx of free students.
productivity would crumble, people with master's degrees would be too proud to work at Target, but they wouldn't find work elsewhere due to now 100+ people applying for every job and they all have degrees.
no property tax meanwhile=more spending, more business startups, more investing. overall good stuff.
The fact that you sat and tried to defend a stance education is detrimental to the economy makes me realize how fucking stupid you are and how pointless it would be to even try to argue. Wow
oh no, did you just discover that the wealthy look down on the working class in general?
get rich, then we'll talk
I was referring existing US policy of funding K~12 ed with property taxes.
And specifically to your argument of incentives.
Property taxes are not tied to income. They dont effect incentive to produce.
Please atleast attempt to read my posts before reciting your talking points.
he's kinda got a point.
in the US we're starting to see the first "No Child Left Behind" kids entering the public, and you have to admit poor Americans have never been dumber and rich Americans have never been richer.
I don't know if the country actually produces anything anymore but it's a great time to be fleecing sheep.
Marginal tax rate of 99% on your billionth dollar and up is not a 100% bad idea.
It may not be great. But its not bad.