/hsg/ hearthstone general

>Still not Thiccrande in Hearthstone

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wolframalpha.com/input/?i=time left until 7 pm pdt

first for priests bitching in every thread

Ben Brode gets questioned on video about the Firelands Portal and Arena balance

>Brode: I guess we can NOT make more powerful commons for Mage and Rogue, and make more useful common cards for the shit classes like Hunter, Priest, etc

>Brode: Except I don't think that's the solution, what if I change the way I code arena (Which I don't know if I even can do), or the way that draft in arena works (Which again, I don't know if I can do), or what if arena gets replaced by another play mode, or what if we solution it when new technology comes to Blizzard in some years


>Next question please


Firelands Portal will be a good one-of tempo mage card

I propose the following changes to the General lingo.

The term "Mill" will now be know as "Milf"
>I milf the top 2 cards of your deck
>This is a milf deck
>Milfing the opponent

Also the term "midrange" no longer can be used when refering to Hunter, Warrior, Shaman or Paladin.
>My deck is face hunter or aggro hunter
>My deck is aggro shaman with big minions splashed for no reason

xd lul

From yesterday:

Charge becomes a battlecry effect. How much of an improvement is that?

>brann does not mean the unit attacks twice. The minion is already fatigued from attacking the first time.

Nah. Summon>huffer>select target.

fuck her, priest deserves a better hero yes yes

>waaaaaa hes trying to fix arena instead of putting a bandaid on it.
do you happen to be a young child?

someone should ask him about zeriyahs vagina

>tfw no Tirion
I don't have the top deck skill to play aggro/face decks well.

i defintely want to use it in my reno mage

i definitely want to use it in my reno mage

is the unicorn priest deck the twisted hogger with volazj after a thaurissan boost?

wow benny brodey


Samefag, and not even a funny one.

How do you pronounce volajz?

I think it's similar to Sajvz. In my head I say it like "vo-lights" (vo as in "vote")

>doesn't have topdeck skills
>plays a deck that's literally called call of the wild

They still cost 11 mana total even after one tick.

Though I'm tempted to try it. It probably ends with berserker into ghoul into execute into more balanced removal.

Voe - lahj - z
The end syllable kind of ends with a hollow juhz noise where your tongue doesnt touch the roof of your mouth

It's so unlikely now a days to beat Warrior as Rogue. God this is unfun.

What would that even do

The 1/1 copy summons 1 (one) gnoll with taunt after being hit.

Then your entire board dies or other typical priest shit happens.

people keep complaining about how shaman is not midrange but face

well, it depends. is it running 2 doomhammers and lava bursts? no? then i doubt it can be anything but midrange or control

is it running Steak and facless taunter? it could be midrange but if it has a pair of the other cards mentioned then it is the hybrid shaman. just as hated as face but with the added bonus of stronger midgame.

frankely, i play dragon shaman with totem golem instead of the 3/5 because of consistancy. other than that, my shamans are true midrange with WINDS, no weapons or bloodlust, and the only face spell is a single copy of lightning bolt

>people keep complaining about how shaman is not midrange but face
its one or two people and they are only pretending to be retarded.

How come I don't see anyone playing healadin anymore? Too expensive? Not good against zoo and warrior?

It was all over the place at the start of the expansion.

Ladder is full of zoo, dragon warrior, and hunter.
Playing N'Zoth paladin in such environment is bullshit.

List of common misconceptions of /hsg/

1. Midrange
Just because your aggresive deck uses beffy minions for the early or late game it's a "midrange" or "control" deck, 90% of the time your minions and all your resources go to face anyway, so yeah cupcakes, you're playing aggro. This is not Magic the Gathering where actual midrange decks exist and in great variety, in Hearthstone due to the lack of card variety we just have a perpetual aggro format with some small techs to try to go from Level 0 (being the deck to beat) to Level 1 (decks that try to prey on the deck to beat)

>Too expensive?
Paladin is one of my favorite classes but I can't even consider playing Control being f2p and all.

>Been playing since before naxx
>Done every tavern brawl at least once for the pack.
>No tirion or ragnoros. 3 Alextrasas.
a bloo bloo bloo.

>2 dupes=1 legendary
And what are you cryig about now

Too mana inefficient to play

>Too expensive?

Yes and is NOT WORTH IT.

Take it from me, an user that basically prostituted himself to money to play competitive Hearthstone.
It will only leave your ass sore (in the literall and figurative sense) and your soul broken.


What does it do wrong? I thought it was designed to carry into the late game and then win from there.

Have aggro and zoo really gone this far?

Too slow. Too controlly. Doesnt handle aggro qell. Only does well against super control match upz

>90% of the time your minions and all your resources go to face anyway
>we just have a perpetual aggro format with some small techs
at least try to maintain a reasonable position. hyperbole undermines your point.

Going to the lateame means you have to survive leeroyx4 PO, Double highmane double call of the wild, Rag Grom deathwing Onyxia, and 32 charges of doomhammer

How much until the stream?

>tfw no bf to cuddle with while playing hearthstone

are you a cute anime girl

Like 7.5 hours

I still can't wait though, the show matches are always so comfy

Remember to report off topic shitposts like these.

Is not hyperbole in a sense of the word.
Those are facts.

You will never trade your 7/7 into small minions, you use it to apply pressure by going face with massive damage early on.
Steak Here also makes your totems a small army to chip the face away from the opponent really fast, while having annoying sinergies.
For the LIFE BINDER also always goes into face and is your opponent the one that needs to assume a defensive stance to deal with her.
If you Call of the Wild on 8 you go face with huffer and the rest of your minions, because at such time due to the nature of your deck you will be about 10 damage away at most from winning.

>For the LIFE BINDER also always goes into face
Hello shieldbearer.

>You will never trade your 7/7 into small minions, you use it to apply pressure by going face with massive damage early on.
Some midrange Shamans run ZERO (0) 7/7s. Some run only one, for precisely the reason to mentioned. It is not a great minion to trade with, and when you do play it you do so to pressure their removal or to rebuild the board lategame.
>Steak Here also makes your totems a small army to chip the face away from the opponent really fast, while having annoying sinergies.
Steak send the totems in to trade while also pressuring face, but almost always sends the totems to trade unless we are ready to win. His first job is to leave behind a 2/2 totem after he dies.

>Rather than balance a broken system we want to rework it entirely
Sounds good to me
Of course they're entirely too incompetent to do it properly but the thought is nice

It's not off topic you fucking retard, its literally all about hearthstone



>tfw when i can't murder all the gays with my qt hearthstone bf

haha look how on-topic i am


Do you not know about HG?




I will translate what you're saying

>Some Shamans players cut objetively powerful cards from their decks in order to build their deck in an objetively inferior way
>Creating a game plan where they are playing the class and cards objetively wrong
>Resulting in subpar results almost all the time except when they get lucky once every 100 games

And all because they think that "midrange" exist on Hearthstone and that Aggro Shaman suddenly is "midrange" by adding a couple of subpar big minions....

ETA for cards reveal?

I thought we were having a discussion but you just want to post shit. Fuck off then.

>my enemies top decks after they run out of card
>bog creeper into kraken

>my top decks after i run out of cards
>mana addict into crazed alchemist

wolframalpha.com/input/?i=time left until 7 pm pdt

10pm EST

>4 AM

Im sincerely not shitposting user.

If you chose to cut absurdly good cards from your deck in order to add subpar card and try to play in a way that the deck and class wasn't intended, you're gonna get shit results.
That's not midrange.

Then you inevitably return to the point where you know you need the good absurd cards to win, but still like the big minions for X or Y reason?
That's not midrange either, your deck is just an aggro core trying to not be all balls deep with the illusion of good late game, but you never get into the late game anyway because the aggro part of the deck wins by turn 5 anyway.

Like I said in HS we have a perpetual aggro format where true midrange cannot exist. And I doubt we will ever be free from it.

The meta is heavily teched to deal with turn 4 7/7s, Execute Mulch Deadly Shot Hex PO.

It makes sense to cut one if you find that you're getting ichor executed too much and actually hurting your winrate.

>If you chose to cut absurdly good cards from your deck in order to add subpar card and try to play in a way that the deck and class wasn't intended, you're gonna get shit results.
You already show a fundemental misunderstand in how deck building works.

>opponent is priest in arena
>2 excavated evil
>2 holy nova
>mind control

Booty bothered desu

The thing i don't like about Mr. Raccoon is that the ladies don't look soft. They look firm.

>need taunt totem to win
>already have 2 totems
>dont roll taunt


so i finally have a rag and sylvanas, what decks can i make now

You're going into the path of

>Im not going to run good cards because my opponent can answer them

But then you have to run something in place of these good cards you just cut, and the new cards aren't as good and can get countered by the same responces anyway.

In a game with such high variance as HS you can't try to outplay the metagame, it simply doesn't work, you're better off playing the good absurd cards because it's preferible having the consistency they provide on your side and the chance to win easly with them when not answered.

in other words, its all down to rng.
and we all know how good of a system that is.
at least in magic there are cards that let you control your deck and what you can draw so long as you set it up correctly


Statistics have shown that even with aggro shaman, playing 477 on turn 4 actually makes your win rate worse in some matchups.

when night in karazhan releases is anything rotating out?

>tfw want to get to legend but too poor for dragon warrior and token druid

Dr. Graevling
Mr. Raccoon

just play zoolock or aggro shaman

dragon warrior? does that even use any legendaries?

>and can get countered by the same responces anyway.
at least try to hide your inexperience a bit better. you don't even know what the cards you're talking about do.

Sylvanas bothers tempo and specifically midrange, Rag works in control decks, so some sort of control deck.
Generally, Grom and Rag are in all of them. Then there's others, too.

Added on the Russian server.


post your server and tag dummy

they use a lot of brm cards and i never bought most brm because dragon decks have always been just a meme until now

Exactly, the lack of healthy tutors make the game much more dependant on the rng of the draw in the first turns, making aggro decks better by default.

In yugioh exist the opposite, the massive amount of tutoring and power plays makes the game revolve around dominance and controled unbrekeable fields from turn 1.

Magic got a middle field, but the lands rng issues also can fuck your entire gameplay anyway.

r8 m8s

Naeoro#2876 EU please, sir


rickybobby#1228 NA

is this for real? why would an aggro deck have such heavy legendaries?

Because it's not an aggro deck.

giant tempo potentional for huge swings

Because they got tricked into the midrange meme.



Legendaries are only twice as much. Value!

just buy packs until you get the goldens you want

>caring about gold cards
>not just disenchanting every golden card you ever get

>tfw i was thinking of making a golden Zoo deck because there's alot of commons, i like Zoo, and i thought commons would be 100 dust/per

6 hours to go!

What good priest cards do we get to see? More 9 mana spells, 10 mana creatures?

6 mana spell: kill all minions except those with 4 attack