League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra!
Best waifu and best freljord!
Best ice cream too!

>Everyone hates this skin because of ahri shitposters.

I know those furries are fucking annoying but this looks like a pretty neat skin.

xth for brutal, violent rape without contraception.

Which one of you nuggets is this?

I know you're here.

>that face and proportions

where are your standards nigga

>shitters mad that best girl is getting another skin

I like Ahri and I like the skin. I don't play Ahri because her gameplay does not really resonate with me. I have this gameplay issue with most characters across most games.

I have to project my latent violent thoughts and fantasies onto the things I play and Ahri and her kit does not serve as an effective conduit for that. I want to rip, tear, and crush. This is part of why I'm looking forward to Kled.

>someone asks for invite to normal game
>gets mad at me when I disagree on a dragon call and approach to the game (splitting vs grouping) and does his damndest to get team to quit in a perfectly winnable game

you know who you are

Ekko and Lucian are the only two niggers in this game so far, thus Riot has to keep them cancer so that they will always get picked during LCS games and prove how diverse and progressive the game is

yay arcade mf chromas :)

>Arcade Ahri

Well that was unexpected. Even if they nerfed her tits.


I had to do it

>Being surprised that Riven is hideous

Literal ugliest girl.

Lissfag when are you killing the threshfag like you did with the jinxfag and ashefags?

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>playing as talon top
>mid veigar feds the shit outta her 0/9 by 15
>i already killed their yasuo twice
>she and yasuo dive me under tower
e q AA R elise , ignite yasuo while he takes turret aggro
>survive and get double
>elise gets salty and calls me "tg noob de merde" (kel frenchfaggot)
>i type "outplayed :^)"
>she proceeds to hunt me down the rest of the match
>always escape or get a kill and escape
>she's tilted af
>she and anivia camp in a bush
>they wait for me and kill me (take down anivia with me)
>she types "outplayed"
>i type "obviously
, 2v1 and i got a free kill , you need to improve f a m"
>Tilts harder
>ignores baron and keeps hunting me down
>ashe and her wait for me in a bush nearby
>ashe r uses her arrow , i use youmu's Aa w then e r ignite aa elise , elise kills me she's still alive but my drakhtarr's proc
>"Double kill"
>my team cleans up the rest of their team and get the nexus
>"gg outplayed :^)"
>"im g-gonna report you noob"

post mains
Arcade edition

Yes hello?

christ, was old fiora's face always that ugly?




stop calling girls with human faces furry

Hi, my name is

Ahri deserves to be worshipped and admired like the qt fox she is.


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Man I havent played riven in a while but i dont want to be that guy, even if it is a normal

Literally what


If it has any animal parts its furshit.

No exceptions.

>heels on Riven

Xth for male twink Ahri

is she waluigi


tl,dr destroyed a fed elise and made her rage

They had an opportunity to do Secret Boss Urgot or something, but we got Corki. Ahri was leaked weeks ago in some Chinese announcement

>having taste this solid
you sound like the man for the job, sir. ahri is lucky to have a stud like you.

what's it like to be objectively wrong for the sake of shitposting?

How to kill Swain
He just 1v5'd our team

You have to choose one to love and carry your child

Annoyed Talon. Enjoy~

I'll do more tonight! Need to take the kids to the park. c:

>chroma pack for shockblade zed
>it's tied to the recolor skin just so people have to buy a shitty recolor to buy 3 more shitty recolors so they can get the one recolor they actually want

sorry to break it to you like this, user, but it looks bad.
especially when evelynn's face is in the same image

>Being able to carry anything, much less a child
wew lad

I choose Rekkles, cutest lesbian in LCS

Not sure about the other but at least one of those is a man and hence not fertile.


here, have another

that's all I can spare though I'm afraid

>Not wanting her to break her ankles every time she Q's


Boss gangplank
Boss illaoi
boss karthus
are my guesses as to who they are what are yours /lolg/

you can't inseminate a trans woman

How? You have crowd control out the ass. You should have no problems keeping him locked down. Apply grievous wounds and there you go.

Shockblade's his best skin though

Shockblade zed isnt just a recolor you fucking retard

Okay mate

Riot still not doing a power rangers themed skin for Shen, Akali, Kennen, Zed, and Syndra.

Gangplank in a gorilla suit would be pretty awesome not gonna lie

They both are.

chroma news


We’ve unpacked chromas so you can buy them individually. You can still buy them in bundles, though, for a discount.


Chromas will be priced at 290 RP each, and will also be available in discounted bundles for the collectors out there. For those of you who love a chance to spend IP, we’re also introducing recurring IP sales which will take place twice a year. The first IP sale goes from August 25, 2016 to September 8, 2016 and includes all chromas launched before August 2016.

Post One for all matchups, we both got gnar

(you) can have another one too, just to make things fair between us.


I kek'd at the thought of Gangplank running around in a gorilla suit with a giant banana for a sword.

technically, just like how 5th age taric was never just a recolor

>French premade starts chimping out because our jungler banned Fiora after the preselect
Oh boy

>you can spend IP on chromas

Fucking FINALLY. Pink Zac here I come.

>Having children in 2016

Aurelion Sol


>use all your cc on Swain
>meanwhile their AD and top dps the shit out of you
Don't think that's the brightest idea

>tfw you will never slap irelia ass while she teases on how pervert you are

>tfw fuck up and completely throw the game

I flash protobelt ult zhonyasd but forgot the ult

If you literally look at the skin, it is completely different, and it has sound effects and VFX
If anything SKT zed is the recolor

Diver update when.

>We will never have Elite Beat Agent Illaoi

>when you hit your triforce powerspike

>290 RP
>IP sales which will take place TWICE A YEAR

how jewish

just like the old 5th age Taric

* ᴮᵘᵗ ᶰᵒᵇᵒᵈʸ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ

>when the triforce hits you

>when you finish randuins afterwards

You just crashed my browser

thank you very much!

/lolg/! Help pls. How do I play Kayle top? Is she reliable to climb to gold___ with?

Not sorry.

rate h-haha

>when you hit the level 11 powerspike
Fuck me, hot monkey dick top is really fun.

I bet you were one of those bullies in school that steal people's lunch money

>800 + 4.8 total AD damage ult
how does he get away with it?

>even the memes are stale and shitty now

Season 6 will literally do down as the worst year of a game in history.

This thread needs more porcelain.

Post porcelain.

Alabaster and marble are good too.

Best Master Yi build?

Bloodrazer > Bork > Youmoo's or something else?

Xth for Katarina
best girl

You bet I was.
Now hand over your LP or else.

20 armor pen runes and rushing youmuu's

>Mfw the enemy botlaner effectively has 10 armor

>God Tier
Winter/Christmas/Snow Day
Lunar Revel
Urf/April Fool's
Dark Star

>Weeb Tier
Super Galaxy

>Good but not enough of them Tier
High Noon
Deep Sea

>There's a point where we should've stopped Tier
Pool Party

>Never should have existed Tier
Beast Hunter

>Is it even still a thing Tier
Crismon Elite
Order of the Lotus
Death Blossom

>Never getting more Tier

>Obvious Tier

>Haha Tier
Lucha Libre

>We tried Tier

xth for Jinx and the good things that come with her.

>god tier:
emerald taric
battlecast prime chogath

>great tier:
varus skin
blood moon elise

>ok tier

>shit tier
vladimir in general

I'm gonna go to principal Lyte and complain about you
[Spoiler]B-But here you g-go[/spoiler]

Bloodrazor > Youmuu's > Dead Man's Plate > Sterak's > Rageblade

Lucidity or Berserker's

>tfw I've been running 20 flat armor pen on ADC's for months now
Took a while to get used to last hitting, but jesus christ does it feel good.