Who /EatDrinkSmokes/ in car here?

who /EatDrinkSmokes/ in car here?

Eat and drink but no smoking.


I smoke a pack a day but never in my car or anywhere inside for that matter. Shit is fucking gross.

Eating I won't unless I'm on long road trips but drinking is fine as long as it's a can or bottle with a top.

you'll be old enough to buy em someday junior, buck up

>hey look kid smoking is a cool adult thing

Car, drinks only. Truck no smoking.

Bottled drinks, that's it. Not that I have time for anything else why driving anyway.


Yep. DRIVE THRUs BUILT AMERICA. Please support McD's.


When I'm with a girl sometimes I open up champagne from my champagne cooler (I own an aston martin).


Romeo y Julieta cigars, and Weed. The cops never pull me over for smoking weed because I have a "medical condition" that only lets me drive when i'm under the influence of cannabis.

I almost always bring a drink with me (Dr. Pepper).

I occasionally eat in the car, but I don't like to.

And finally, I smoke quite a lot of cannabis in my car, very often, but I don't do tobacco unless it's the wrap of a blunt.

I eat and rrin ñ

so if cop stops you and you aren't high he can ticket you?

If I'm parked
If it's covered with a lid or cap
Don't smoke so nah

Eat in the daily but not in my nice car
Drink yeah, but nothing alcoholic, just be careful not to spill anything
Smokin is fukken gross and it makes me cringe every time I see someone smoking while driving.
>Way to knock 20% of your cars resale value right down the drain fukken addict

try not to do any of that because its my car and im resposible to clean it up and i like my interior to be spotless

In regards to OPs image, you don't want to see the underside of my seat ;)

I don't do any of those in my car but I'll let a friend drink something bottled if they've already got a drink. No food but I'll only allow smoking if it's a long trip and they keep the window open

I vape in my sti ;-)


drink and smoke
don't usually eat while driving

Eat and drink and smoke weed no ciggy butt brain in my car, just stoners

I've also pissed and shat myself in it.

I eat, drink, spill slurpee all in my car.

Honestly if I won the Powerball I would still go through McDonald's drive thru in my Veyron.

I have piss bottles in my car

Addicted at 20, worst decision of my life. Expensive, makes me jittery and scatterbrained when deprived, and turns me into a social pariah when smoking in public. If you're not addicted, don't start.

Today's generation is lucky that smoking isn't cool anymore.

I fapped while driving one time.
came in a jar
when the topic of how quick are you (in bed) comes up I say 85 is my best

>nobody eats in my car, it's a 2006 325i with a cold air intake that makes it basically an M3
It's always the shitters in depreciated luxury or leased econoboxes that don't eat in their car. People that can actually afford their own car eat in it like normal human beings.

Eat all the time in my car. Usually just throw trash in the passenger seat well, clean out occasionally.

Drink quite often. Regularly road soda it if I'm down by my house away from town. Coffee,water everything.

Smoke. Shitloads. I usually have a brown going.

No ciggies tho.

How many people did I just piss off? I

yeah, i eat and drink in my car

just no smoking, because that shit really stinks.

Not while driving no but I don't care what people do in my car as long as
>they ask first
>they don't make a mess

disgusting human being gtfo