How much capital do you really need to start a business?
How much capital do you really need to start a business?
$50 for a business license where I live.
I need a license too?????FUCK
Anywhere from free, to billions of dollars.
Depends on the structure of the business
Yes there are going to be dozens of different government entities that are going to swarm you. The local city and or county governments are going to want you to get things like business permits and business license and business insurance. And the city and state governments will require your sales tax registration permits. And depending on what you're doing they're going to want you to get other kinds of permits and or licenses and certifications and inspections. And depending on what you're doing they'll require you to do it with the right kind of zoning. There are some strict city governments that dont even allow internet based home businesses to run in a area zoned residential, and there are some homeowners associations that are strict like this too. And the state government is going to want you to go through the procedure to to become legally incorporated as a business and you'll have to get a lawyer to form legal structure and file the documents like articles of incorporation and bylaws or operating agreements. And the state is going to want you to maintain a registered agent at all times. And the IRS is going to want you to file for your tax registration and its complicated enough its best you hire a CPA and or lawyer to do it right or the IRS will fuck you up. And if you deal in cash as in physical banknotes, you'll have to go through a ton of paperwork with your bank and the IRS and your state government and if you dont cross the Ts and dot the Is correctly in this paperwork they will confiscate everything. And if you have any nexus in any other state's youll have to repeat this whole entire process to form a foreign corporation in their state as well. Other states will consider you have a nexus in their state if a significant amount of your income are from entities that have a nexus in their state, or if you hire anyone in their state, or if you visit their state for more than a few weeks.
Welcome to the home of the free, land of opportunity.
Thats why everyone ignores these stupid ass laws.
Its just a shit test to put people off. Only start following the rules when you turnover $1000000+
If you haven't done your research then why the hell are you even asking?
>Thats why everyone ignores these stupid ass laws.
>Its just a shit test to put people off. Only start following the rules when you turnover $1000000+
This is true. Pretty much every startup in silicon valley got to where they are by skirting around the laws and doing stuff illegally. Couple of recent examples come to mind AirBnB and Uber are illegal.
Wel it depends on the industry. If you want to mow lawns, then all you'll need is a mower and a weed whacker. If you want to start a car company, then you're going to need a design, raw materials, and labor to make that company a reality. The former has lesser start up expenses, while the latter has a tremendous start up cost. You should be more specific and ask yourself how much capital does it take to start a ____ business.
depends on the business. give details on what you're thinking and we can help you
Despite how vague and un-researchedOP's question is, there's been some seriously constructive posts in here
Bottom line is:
1. What kind of business is it? What do you have access to in terms of equipment or resources already?
2. Before you even start trading you'll need to at least have paperwork ready for all licences, permits, and be registered as a business
depends on the business
Depends what you do and severity, dont want the long dick of the IRS anywhere near your sphincter
>govt claims to want to help small businesses
>9000 flaming hoops to jump through courtesy of daddy gummint
I know someone who opened a food related business and hoooooooooly shit what they put you through. You'd think, oh, I just need a health inspector to check it out, NOPE. Government regulations strangle small businesses. I mean look at the cost of a liquor license, $100,000. Who can afford that? It's ridiculous. I hope Trump cleans it up and makes it easier for people to start businesses. Look at the current state of affairs where every industry is increasingly monopolized. That's a result of high barriers to entry, most of which come from government dicking us over. It's like paying bribe money to the mafia, you think you're clear for the time being and they come around with their hand out again for more, "oh you still need x y and z licenses and q, p, r certificates and a, b, c inspections and these ten piles of paperwork filled out. If you make a single mistake go back to start.
>Only start following the rules when you turnover $1000000+
Even if they won't look at you if you're a little guy, they can go after you for shit you did years ago. So when you do make it big they retroactively come to fuck you over.
Cuckmerica land of the free
>AirBnB and Uber are illegal.
No one ever says a major thing is illegal unless they don't know what they are talking about.
Uber operates illegally in a lot of cities. In Melbourne they originally started doing business through a legal loophole which was later closed to specifically make it illegal but they didn't stop doing business.
the businesses themselves are probably ok.
the work their users are doing is almost always illegal.
yeah, it's illegal in my town because both the company and the drivers need special licenses to operate. I'd guess they're not meeting legal insurance requirements either, so expect insurance companies to sue Uber drivers that injure people while illegally operating a taxi.