How do I make money in a "developing" slave state?
How do I make money in a "developing" slave state?
Other urls found in this thread:
bumping from hungary
thinking about selling magical anti-immigrant relics
or importing self defense weapons
Import / dropship etc
Slavs have cell phones and internet yeh?
just like anywhere else, just don't step on any important toes
t. bulgarian
I didn't know dave ramsey browsed Veeky Forums
What the fuck are you guys even doing?
You all get tons of free EU money, arent retarded when it comes to immigration and youre close to very rich nations.
Why arent you growing faster?
>magical anti-immigrant relics
might work if bacon flavored
btw this surprisingly works:
Please get your shit together guys. Western Europe is working on its suicide, someone needs to fill the void.
I'll give you an example:
There's a bigger country town not far from the village where my grandparents lived
There's a concrete roadway for cars and bicycles in a good condition that connects the two towns
They've just built a bicycle road next to the river that no one uses for €4million
They stole all the money they could so the road is now falling apart
Probably they will withdraw another million to repair the road
and that's just one small project, now imagine what's going on in the whole country
I seriously considered being a politician, people don't give a shit about what the government does until we don't go to war
You make business with your Turkish neighbor, me.
You need to go to the IT hub of the balkans and eastern europe that has a lot of very well prepared and educated work force.
Come to Romania! Get bitten by a gypsy bat and make money.
My trips tell the truth.
I, too, want to be a techno-vampire
We have Turkey Bulgaria Romania Hungary here
Let's think about a lucrative business that involves (legal) logistics
I guess you could look at what's working in other countries that's up until now is barely known in your country. Or you could try improving infrastructure by opening shops up for everyday needs (like bakeries, coronerships and such) in little villages that lack any shopping opportunity. Or you could take advantage of lower labor costs and produce wares for the west like furniture or jewelry or whatever those imperialist western devils want to throw their millions at.
I bet there's a lot you can do.
Ok. I am on it
I think about Euro monies like Horizon 2020.
Crate value before asking for value.
Sounds like good ideea. Any bulgars and serbs here ready to make a balkanic business ?
Pump and dump slaves
Anyone else want to invest in these following EU nations:
-Czech Republic
I feel like all of them are low immigration, classic liberal, well governed nations that are entering into true first world nations very soon.
Anyone have an BeCauSE tracker fund?
I mean, I am the representative of a construction company ready to do business.
I used to have an idea about making a facebook for subrentals, and then AirBnB came up.
So I'll just propose my second stage plan: refurbishing and renovating old houses / gentrification to create affordable neighborhoods for students and young people (definitely anti-commie blocks)
This is just to get the convo going btw, hit me up with ideas
in a nutshell, this is true. "how do I make money" is different form "how do I create value"
There are treaties and exchange agreements betweennations and the eurozone has a lucrative innertrade market which is exclusively reserved to member states therefore capitalziing on an essential product which can't be duplicated and sustainable in the long run carries your momentum towards an era of enterpreneurship.
When you consider yourself as a single worker, your options are fairly limited to your skillset in the sale of your labour which is a limited commodity. The key is certainly differention and what your bring to the table, a cog in the machine.
You could think of the EU as github (although this extremely exagerrated) where input is need within larger projects and you gotta identify those and have a palliative hedging approach while remaining bold and cutting edge, so cut the chase and do your homework.
Create value before asking for it, God helps those who helps themselves.
This user knows what he's talking about.
Here's my two cents: Startup map of Europe. It speaks for itself.
Idk. Economy sucks. Population is shrinking.
The population pyramid is leaning towards the geezer part.
What would you dropship?