Would anyone here be interested in making a guaranteed 20% profit in 5 months?
Would anyone here be interested in making a guaranteed 20% profit in 5 months?
With what magic ball?
Becoming a high interest lender
Go on...
Loan a person $2500. Have them pay you back $3000 in a few months. Theyre doing something similar on reddit. I was wondering if Veeky Forums had any interest in doing something similar
It sounds stupid honestly unless you check credit ratings or have some type of mafia to enforce it.
I was just gauging the interest. There are people making a killing on r/borrow thought maybe Veeky Forums would want to duplicate. Seeing as its perfect for neetfags. Im farming karma at the moment
>There are people making a killing
>What is defaulting on a loan?
I think we're using different dictionaries, famalamalinglong.
Is it actually working? I'm looking and it looks as if most people are getting paid but at the same time it looks like it would only take a few screw ups to lose profit.
Ive browsed the site the majority of them are confirmed paid at over 30% gain. Im sure youd lose a few but then paypal would cover that
Most of them are using paypal to cover the one or two defaults
If theres a way this could fail im sure not seeing it
Dam i thought i might get at least one of you interested. This is a lot better rate than etfs or cryptos. My plan is to offer 30% on 4 month loans. Ill double my investment in a year. Only real flaw is i dont think this could scale up very far but its perfect for a beginning investor like me with just a couple grand to burn
If you can deal with people it's fine but otherwise it´s a ripoff.
How is it a ripoff? Guaranteed 20%+ in a few months
>20% in 5 months
no thanks, i make that in a few days
t. cryptoshill
I don't see how it's guaranteed?
How are you going to collect on it when they decide to not pay some dude they got money form over the internet?
Are you going to just sell it off to a debt collector?
Using paypals buyer protection. So i guess the profit isnt gauranteed. But youre just never in any danger of losing your investment.
Ok you have my interest, please explain how exactly paypal covers this? Doesn't paypal offer next to zero protection in purely financial transactions? Do they even have the option for loans? Or how is this structured under paypal's system?
>falling for literally payday advance scams
Paypal doesn't cover loans you mong. Anybody who gets a loan on reddit and even pays the retard who lended him a penny should be shot.
Would this be considered socialism?
>take money
>leave town
Let's find this guy!
>false or stolen info
>out $2500 and no way to find him
It's a trope for a reason
lol OP you stupid
Peer-to-peer lending (through the internet no less) is anything but guaranteed. What happens when the loan defaults? As far as I know, no one on here has a personal collections agency. Nor does anyone have have the ability to rekt the borrower's credit. Sure, you can sue the opposing party in theory, but that seems like a ton of work (flying to the other party's state/country, trying to prove that it was actually a loan, etc.). And 20% interest is an illegal usury amount in many jurisdictions, so suing wouldn't even work in many places.
>Theyre doing something similar on reddit.
Defaults on /r/borrow are around 30%.
That's because the opposing party doesn't realize that loans are not protected on Paypal. The first moment you lend someone a few hundred dollars and they tell Paypal it was a loan, you're fucked.
I'm about to make some easy money off these retards
Thanks for the tip op
I've got a get-rich-quick scheme!
>Have $100
>Loan out $1000
>Now have $1000
> Loan out $10,000
> Repeat forever
Heh, what an obviously crooked system!
Oh, wait...isn't this how our financial institutions work?
Paypal sides with the buyer 99.99% of the time. In this case that would work out excellently for the loaner
>send dude $500
>he doesnt pay back
>complain to paypal that you never recieved your item/service
Paypal has 6 month buyer protection. These micro loans fit snugly in that. Like i said it wont scale up bery much. But if you have a few grand you wanted to begin invest you could easily double triple it
Thats one example of hundreds. You know that tho
>It wouldnt be $2500
>Paypal would refund it and just debit his bank account
You guys and be skeptical all you want. Its not a magic money making system. But it has value and i thought one or two of you would like to know
Please google what a ponzi scheme is
What the fuck are you talking about
Cool, lend me 5k and I'll return 10k in a year. My PayPal is [email protected]
Enforcers are cheap and plentiful
Paypal doesn't dispute loans, all the reciever has to day is respond and say it's a loan. Furthermore you only have 45 days to file a dispute, so they can make one payment to you and then take your money and go.
For anyone who doesn't understand what's going on:
>Trolls claim they're making tons of money lending money
>Try to convince desperate gullible people to also lend money
>The trolls plan to take the loan money and never pay it back
Basically just more shitposting.
That's literally what banks already do through fractional reserve lending, friendo.
>Hurr I'm going to break the legs of some anonymous person on the internet that gave me fake information and made off with thousands of my monies.
>Even if I did know their details my "enforcer" definitely isn't going to pocket my cash after taking it back. That would be mean.
>Pay Pal will reimburse me despite returns on loans aren't even a thing with PayPal because they want people to use their "working capital" program.
But you make sure to get their real identity. I'm not OP. If the enforcer steals your money the solution is simple, refer to the second part of my post
Going bankrupt hiring "enforcers" to enforce renegade "enforcers" - the post.
The enforcers take a %, not upfront. So if anything goes wrong, just throw more enforcers at it.
>I lent some guy on reddit $2000
>he took my money and ran
>spent another $1000 on investigators and "enforcers"
>they didn't manage to get any results, still have to pay em though
>sue them for negligence
>lose, have to pay costs
Am taking this to the Supreme Court next, gonna break even eventually brehs
>suing the mob
Question: So redditors are lending people money for loans that paypal doesnt protect?
Where can I get one of these "loans"
Nothing outside of 180 days. Thats all paypal covers
So when you send the money you check the box that says its an item. Out of everything that could go wrong paypal siding with a seller is not one of them. Theyve built their entire business on customer protection
Ok cool. Thanks for the post?
What legal docs are used? Is this a promissory note?
>Would anyone here be interested in making a guaranteed -100% profit in 5 seconds?
The money is transferred through paypal under the guise of a merchandise sale
Literally nobody has given me a decent reason not to move forward. As soon as my karma is high enough im sinking a few grand. Itll take at least 90 days to start
Read your own post you fukin mong. Your passing money through paypal in the hopes the reciever never tells paypal its a loan which is against their guidelines. Hope you have a proof of purchase for the exact date you sent the money with the exact amount. Oh and it won't be suspicious at all if that person has sent a few small payments to you as well. You're literally retarded, but please do proceed. I hope it's you who ends up loaning me money so I can take your money. Which you clearly don't deserve to have in the first place.
I dont think you understand how paypal is structured. Theyve built their entire business model on buyer protection. If you send someone money saying its for a model train or whatever and 2 months later the seller says "naw he was just giving me that money" who the fuck do you think paypal is going to side with? Have any of you ever dealt with paypal before? They side with the buyer 99.99% of the time. You could order something off ebay right now and say it never arrived and i guarantee you get a refund if they dont spring for delivery confirmation
You can all be smug and condescending if you want. Its an neet and easy way to make a few grand i just thought id share
>buyer protection
>you didn't buy anything
I've had paypal for 7 years, I know how they work. When you file a dispute they ask you to ppst any proof you have. You'll have none, but guess what the borrower will have? Emails proving it's a loan, and because that violates paypals terms of service there is legally nothing they can do. Why you cannot comprehend this is beyond me.
Its 180 days. Not 45
>Guaranteed 20%+ in a few months
it's not guaranteed you fuck.
Unless you highly diversify, one default and that's 25% of your money, and your earnings for a year wiped out
I have never once been asked to file proof for a refund. How would you even file proof that you dont have something are you retarded? Take a picture of empty space? The most someone trying to scam a loan could do is send screenshots of a subreddit. If youve truly ever dealt with paypal as a seller youd know something that flimsy is going to be laughed at. Like i said act as smug as you want you just sound retarded. Just do a quick google search about paypal siding with sellers
Read the thread
You have no reading comprehension. I said proof or purchase...you know a fucking receipt? Going to be kind of odd when paypal notices the "seller" has never sold anything before. All the person has to say is it was a personal payment, which is true, and you're fucked. If this was "guaranteed" there wouldn't be so many people losing money. That screenshot up top is a perfect example of cucks getting pwned. Even if you manage to get paypal to side with you, you lost a few dollars from paypals fees and you had your money tied up in nonsense for months.
I really hope you do it though
What reciept its an online transaction. All you get are email confirmations. Have you ever used paypal?
Dude use your brain for a moment. I know its tough but bear with me. Lets say i post a listing for a laptop and someone buys it with paypal. I never send it. Do you honestly think paypal would let me keep the laptop and the money if i just said "hey it was actually a loan not really a laptop". Do you really think their buyer protection is that flimsy?
Back to class
Maybe you should read the thread.
Everyone keeps calling you out on being a piece of shit and you continue to plea ignorance.
go back to >>>/reddit/
When you buy something online you get a receipt. Have you ever used the internet before?
Ahh I love you scumbags
Guys, I own a merchant cash advance company and I advance money to businesses for a living. Some things to consider. On the consumer level, the government steps in.. Read about Operation Choke Point. On a b2b level, less so. But there are still many challenges. An advance is a purchase of future sales, therefore not a loan and not considered usury if the "factor rate" is above 18% annualized. This addresses the usury part... That's why I asked about what legal docs are in place. Apparantly none outside of Paypals legal. Let's talk collections. In the MCA industry, Collections happen on a daily basis via third-party processing companies. The benefit of collecting on a daily basis is that your are able to compound your returns by reinvesting the money you were collecting. That's not happening in this case. Know if the person receiving the money chooses not to send any money back… You have nothing you can do. Now I don't think in the MCA in the street it's much better… Because it's not, but at least we have legal contracts in place and can legally sue them and maybe get something out of it. I can go on… But the biggest flaw I am reading in this thread is the fact of whether or not the receiver will have any interest, desire or intention to return the money plus the profit. I wouldn't do this, and I lend money at high risk for a living.
the libertarian/muh gold standard meme is played out get pozzed fag
The dumbest board on Veeky Forums cant make sense of a relatively simple idea. Shocker. Everyones only complaint here is that they think paypal will side with a seller that has no delivery confirmation. Thats absolutely retarded
Its not a ponzi sceme. You dont know what that word means
I had a situation come up where I need a fast small loan. I was just googling paypal loan and found this post. I also seen the reddit board. If you want to do a loan via PayPal let me know your email please. I will email you and let you know anything you know about me. I am really in a bind. Thanks.
lelelelel top kek.
"Just throw more enforcers at it." wow I haven't laughed that hard in a while thanks bro
so many things.
first of all, nobody's a seller or buyer. there is a sender and recipient.
and the whole point is they won't side with anyone in this case. the seller has no delivery confirmation or proof of any item even being for sale and will actively want to tell paypal this was a personal loan. the buyer has no delivery confirmation, no order information, no item listing, because there was never an item being bought.
paypal will side with no one, you will be unable to collect.
Wait so I can just make a reddit username and get a loan? I'd love to rob some reddit faggot for cash. Id use fake info and shit
>retard angel investors entering private loan industry with minimal knowledge of contracts ans verification charging way above market value on loans
>garuanteed 20%
Why haven't you guys made money robbing Reddit blind?
It's literally the easiest thing in the world.
Are most of them diligent or are they easily tricked? How can I get around using my real name and address? My real name is on my paypal.
Lol you guys are fucking faggots who have never used paypal
>Have $100
>Loan out $1000
>person can't pay it back
>suddenly have $900 debt + interest
>repeat forever
>kill urself
oh wait...isn't this how faggot user's like works?
instead of a 25% chance to lose everything why not just invest all your money in safe triple AAA bonds and get 2-4% monthly?
Theres only like a .01% chance youd actually lose your investment