is investing in vanguard mutual funds the easiest way to make money?
Is investing in vanguard mutual funds the easiest way to make money?
Yes. All passive index funds are because all you do is put money in there and sit on it.
Probably should deposit a certain amount each month as well.
would it be a good idea to base my long term financial strategy off of this principle?
>taking advice from 4chinz
Yes people do this. Many call it saving for retirement.
well i mean just index funds exclusively. is Veeky Forums full of a bunch of autists that think they are investing gods because they trade penny stocks and buy bitcoins?
sorry new
>is Veeky Forums full of a bunch of autists that think they are investing gods because they trade penny stocks and buy bitcoins?
Yes very much so.
Index funds are great. I'm not working full time yet (student) but I'm going to put a large chunk of my income into them, and still hold the odd stock that I think will do well.
t. made 15% in 18 months on an index
t. also made 15% in 2 months on a single stock.
t. fellow student
teach me your ways
I can guarantee you 20% in 5 months
Assuming you're a yank (I'm not) just buy a bunch of Vanguard ETFs and forget about them. You'll make just as much in the long run as people who actively manage their shit or day trade. Student loans here are interest free, so I've been able to do a bit of investing while studying without having to worry about getting fucked in the ass by repayments. Investing can be as easy or as hard as you like. I choose easy.
There are no guarantees in life, friend.
>retard status = investing in penny stock pharma companies you know shit about besides the first few articles on google
>smart status = investing in vanguard index fund and making 10 percent returns every year putting money into it every month and using DRIP
>genius status = smart status + knowing technical analysis and researching companies to invest in.
Pic related been at it for 2 months. The tears of pharma penny stock biz traders are delicious
18% in18 months?
Which index fund?
>mfw vanguard does not include my country for non-us investors
Check your domestic stock exchange for synthetic ETFs benchmarking S&P500.
Unfortunately us outside the U.S have to use something like an online broker to access those funds
You want a split between mutual funds and bonds depending on the risk you are willing to take.
yes but it's still, just cause you're diversified it doesn't mean nothing bad could ever happen. God forbid this happens during. your retirement years.
Only an idiot would buy the s&p 500 once and hold it. The smart move would be dollar cost averaging throughout those 25 years to get an average price much lower than the high at the end of graph, thereby making a substantial profit
>literally using the great depression as an argument against buy and hold
literally implying we aren't trading at all time highs with bubbles everywhere. And PE ratios very high.
the us economy is literally depression proof
You're right, completely forgot about that, my mistake.
>Literally implying all time highs aren't the vast majority of historical s&p500 days
Literally implying the fundamentals of the USA economy make sense in terms of how the market is trading.
>they trade penny stocks
i read pony stocks
i need to sleep
if you already have money you can use index funds to make some more money. if youre not already rich, they wont make you rich. its all about what youre looking for
You were doing good until you mentioned technical analysis.
And to OP, yes, mutual funds are a gift from the investing gods
>muh Tee Ayy
Presently? No, because mutual funds are contingent upon interest rates. Since the FED has been holding off on raising interest rates, all my my mutual fund accounts have been fucking stagnant. The only "passive" cash I've been seeing is via higher risk stocks.
You dont make money from mutual funds. That's where you park your money. Stop dreaming of making it big and do something with your life.
>all my my mutual fund accounts have been fucking stagnant
Small-cap value index funds are up 12% YTD.
Mid-cap index funds are up 13% YTD.
Long-term government bond index funds are up 14% YTD.
Try investing in a diversified fund portfolio. You can't just toss it all into VOO and expect great things.
I'm sorry to hear that user-kun. I recently (like 2-3 months ago) started a basket of mutual funds and here is how they look currently. I have some active ones too and direct shares, but index trackers are rock solid in terms of how reliable they are