How big returns can you realistically get in daytrading if you know what you're doing?
If you can't get more then 12 % or so, why would you not just invest in a low cost index fund?
How big returns can you realistically get in daytrading if you know what you're doing?
If you can't get more then 12 % or so, why would you not just invest in a low cost index fund?
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Noob faggot here. Where do I invest in a low cost index fund?
What country do you live in?
I'm a swefag, here we use Avanza and Nordnet, who offer free indexfunds.
I'm from czech republic
crypto cuck here, i constantly get 1% to 5% per day with trading memes.
>If you can't get more then 12 % or so, why would you not just invest in a low cost index fund?
12% per year is granny tier in my books
1 to 5% per day compounded over a ear means that if you stsrted with like 100 dollars tou would have a trillion dollars by years end
The entire crypto market cap wouldnt support your gains at that level after like 2 and half months
Maybe he means 5% of his original capital
How do you identify pump and dumps before they happen?
you have to understand my friend.. Im trading with just a few thousand dollars here, and Im not a millionair.. I use the profits to fund my lifestyle of not being a wage slave. so i have constant expenses. do you expect me to live off eating mud and worms, while i let my money sit around?
I constantly post my meagre profits on this board to show anons that 5% daily is quite normal for someone with a bit of trading knowhow to make legit money.
I started off with a few hundred dollars and now im in the thousands.
your point stands, but 5.4 billon is hardly a trillion. you're off by 3 orders of magnitude.
to be quite honest, i miss 99% of the pumps,, I make most of my profits, buying dips and selling the rebounds. I dont have a crystal ball to tell which coin will pump or not. I just look at the chart.. sometimes you can tell when a coin has been stagnant for a while, and you just buy it and wait for a pump. High volume pumps are my favorite, like XMR because you can always catch the news on Reddit and Veeky Forums
I trade safely so i can even make profits on a downtrend. Not gambling like some of you assume
You need to google your local interwebs. You definitely have investor message boards/forums of some sort.
In my tiny country it's usually done through regular consumer banks who also have a brokerage service. There are also international companies who offer these services to EU citizens.
Compare fees of various brokers and pick something that makes sense for your situation. If you have a large amount, you want to find something with fixed trading fees. If you have a small amount, you want percentage based fees.
You don't usually have index funds available in EU, but there is a large supply of ETFs which are essentially the same thing in your case. Find some world index etf with a small expense ratio and stick everything you have into it and leave it be.
You don't make 5% over a longer period of time. You might post your profits but what about your losses?
i barely make losses since i seldom margin trade. The loss threads you see are from anons who trade on margin and lose all their money.
its very hard to lose money if you dont margin trade, since you can profit even on a downtrend. I only margin trade when i feel super confident. and i dont make a constant 5%.. sometimes i only make 1%.. but losing money is rare for me since im immune from dumps, since i seldom margin trade.
let's say you average about 2% a day. I could give you the 100 Bucks you are clearly missing because of your 'expenses', and in a year it would be 137k. You can even keep half! ;)
You don't make a constant 2% over a longer period of time.
>let's say you average about 2% a day
doesnt work that way, it has become harder for me to increase my coins over time.
When all i had was 0.3 BTC, i constantly got 20% per day.. It was easy to ride the low volume pumps to 100% profit.
Now, with several bitcoins, i am having a hard time even getting 5% per day.
I think Diminishing Returns is taking effect. It is not exponential. only to a certain point.
once you reach a dozen or more BTC, the only way to make more money is to ride the high volume pumps, which dont happen often Thus, diminishing your returns.
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Would there be anything to look for in the order books? Any irregularities whatsoever that would serve as a giveaway?
higher than average buy orders usually mean a pump.. but alot are also fake, and they get pulled away fast without buying anything. Alot of whales like to troll and play on peoples FOMO. Dont get too excited, but its definately worth checking out.
also dont think about buying pumps all the time.. even if youre late to the party you can always short a pump (if available) and make profit
Ok thanks for the advice user
I day-trade forex.
Made an average of about 10% a day over the last week.
Every now and then I take a 30% hit though.
incase you have alot of BTC you can try pumping
ive inadvertently pumped several shitcoins before, if you have just 20BTC, you can pump on your own, without waiting for one
Its fairly common knowledge, but heres how: Buy several thousand worthless coins like PINK, NOBL, or some other stagnant low volume coin.
Place a big buy wall to induce FOMO. And sell your shitcoins after it pumps.
There are risks involved with pumping tho.. If another whale with alot of surplus coins can see your buy wall, you could get dumped on.. Be sure to have your buy wall far behind the actual price, and try to make your wall look natural. Not jagged and lumpy
Be the one doing the pumping
>It's in BTC
Why? How do you even know how much money 0.00000323242135346002040 BTC is unless you use a online converter every 5 seconds?
i can tell how many dollars its worth just from experience.
you get used to converting decimals to dollars after a while
OP here. How do you learn daytrading?
Nej nej nej, håll dig borta från Avanza Zero. Didner & Gerge Aktiefond / Spiltan Investmentbolag är bättre. Och investera inte 100% Sverige heller, >vad är riskspridning
from trial and error.. i lost alot of money before i could get a hang of it. im not even that good. just making tiny profits here and there.
I didnt do any research before getting into cryptos.. Just learned the hard way
>12% from an index fund
impossible in this economy
1% a day every day isn't even 5x a year.
Also crypto liquidity is shit so you can only make a hundred bucks a year.
explain how is liquidity shit, when i can cash out any time i want
Its just like Forex, but with imaginary coins
With penny stocks or any crypto there is a certain daily liquidity of people actually trading. Most retail traders won't see it outside of penny stocks.
You must have buyers and sellers. If you try to buy or sell too much at a time there simply aren't enough other people to meet you at that price.
You might be able to sell 1 buttcoin a day at $4, but if you try to sell 20000 buttocoins at once you're not going to have more than one buyer at $4 and will have to sell the other coins at a cheaper price.
cryptos have higher volumes compared to penny stocks. For Example: BTC has 9 Billion dollar, Ethereum has 1 Billion dollar, Monero has $100 million dollar market cap respectively.. its easy to sell them. you will never run out of buyers. They are very liquid. Heck I even have some DOGE and I can convert them into USD in a few minutes.
I dont know where you get the 9 billion daily usd numbers but the volume and liquidity for cryptos, even for btc is ridiculously low for any kind of serious trading
>Heck I even have some DOGE a
>1% a day every day isn't even 5x a year.
Your math is truly awful.
>12% a year
>0.03% per day
>why don't people just buy index funds?
Lol Veeky Forums
market cap is different from volume. Market cap is in the billions, but daily volume is in the millions.
I only trade a few hundreds to thousands of dollars worth daily. It doesnt affect the volume.
I doubt you can affect it either.
Gentlemen, I recruit for the official biz chatroom.
we help eachother make money in the stock market. (as well as non stock investing)
anyone looking to join?
Is it discord? Is it private?
and yes.
not the public shit hole one.
the organized layered one.
What about Skype group?
Skype looks more convenient
we're talking around 60 people, all in different channels.
at the moment, our format is as clean as it gets
discord has a mass voice chat as well
I'm in the public shithole one currently. I just lurk and watch the charts to try to learn what's going on.
Could i be so frank as to ask you what times you are trading? I have a 9/5 job Eurozone times, whilst also trying to get into some midday trades/power hour on NYSE. Starting to orient myself towards crypto since its my understanding trading occurs 24/7
these are two trades anyone could have grabbed onto. its really hard to get any profit when things slow down or when a whale decides to dump.
Say you get 2% a day by trading your whole stack, you'd get +80% in a month. However, if you lose big, -10%, five of those thirty days, you are below where you started. In crypto you can get 20% swings and lots of weirdness. That's a lot of small trades to get ahead. If you don't have a mechanical way of deciding your trades that you can practice or test you are really up there gambling.
i dont have a routine.. i treat it as a hobby.. i trade when i feel like it.
yeah anyone could do these trades, i love when a whale dumps, more dips to buy
you only lose big on margin trading (you win big too). Its very hard for me to lose 10% since i usually wait and buy the dips.. a coin needs to really crash to almost worthless, for me to lose money. doesnt happen
>for me to lose money. doesnt happen
Veeky Forums, everyone.
thats cute, user.. heres another $20 i made
at least im posting proofs..
>$20 i made
Glad those kneepads are working out.
thats $20 per trade. I do many trades every day
Stay cucked, my friend
>thats $20 per trade
You'll be a millionaire in no time.
Slurp away, famalam.
haha salty as ever.. a profit is a profit, you mong
>its very hard to lose money if you dont margin trade, since you can profit even on a downtrend
You just fucked up. Profiting on a down trend is through short selling on margin alone. You don't know what you're talking about.
>doesnt know how to buy dips and sell the dead cat bounces
While i do agree about shorting, its not the only way
>doesnt know how to buy dips and sell the dead cat bounces
I suppose you don't earn money with writing
I shorted XMR a while ago.. im not about to short it at 150k sats. Just Buying dips and selling the bounces for now. At least i post proofs
Show us your balance, you faggot.
like i said earlier. i only have a few bitcoin.. i never said i made millions off this thing.
just a few dollars here and there.
why dont you post your trades, user
it beats being a wagecuck
nice quads btw
Kneepading much?
dont doubt the power of Kneepads
it is possible to make 20-100% per day trading futures but once you start trading too many contracts you will probably have to expand to other markets. at the start though it's pretty ridiculous. good brokers offer 400-1k margins and you can easily make 200+ in 1 trade per day, once you know what you're doing of course.
I am looking to join.
I'm fortunate you're the only one using "gentlemen," it made finding your posts easier.
Do you have room for one more? I've been hopping around chat groups since 2015 and I've yet to find one with any seriousness.
You can reach me at my throwaway: [email protected]
>beats being a wagecuck
Yeah, that must suck.
You have my sympathy, user (assuming that's your lot).
not really
you should trade crypto's alongside a job.. sure you'll miss out on dumb shitcoin PnD's btu that isn't the way to make longterm money in crypto anyway.
It's best to have a lot of money in coins that have a future and hold on to them long term.
These coins are:
ETH, XMR, AMP(maybe).
Just need to keep up to date on news for shit like DAO hacks etc lolol
You read books or articles that are introductory ans then after that you go out and do it yourself just like any hobby or applicable skill, but now you can lose money so don't fuck it up asshole.
Also if you can't beat the market just hire someone else to do it that can, you might have to pay a fee but it's probably the amount that you wouldn't have made anyways and use the time that you save to study some more and practise some more, if you really suck ass then do something else, it is not for you.