Freedomland gas prices
Its 2.17 where I live
I pity yur/o/s
my company pays for my gas so i couldnt care less desu
looks like sending yurep to the brink of collapse was worth it
I think the lowest place I've seen is $2.59 for 87. Socal is amazing
2.19 now, was at 1.59 a few months ago for 87 here in Baltimore
tfw paying $1.09/liter in BC Canada
Place literally stand for bring cash
I love being American
around 2:70$ in seattle
itrs ok though, we make more money than most.
This, living in LA paid little over 3 bucks for premium
>2.30 a gal
>they want 2.90 a gal for 93
>not an americuck
>gallon would be around 2.2 dollars
its ok
I wish i was a homeowner. If i had a charging station for an EV i would never purchase an internal combustion vehicle ever again.
>live in Commifornia
>Paid $2.899 for 91 octane
>mfw the rest of this blessed country enjoys better gasoline for cheaper
Why even bother own an all 'murican V8 in this shitty state?
they did it to themselves. They made their bed
>tfw owning cheap tier GM 4.3 V6 isn't cheap
man, fuck this state
we can't even own GTRs
Because only normies bitch about gas? I got my license when it was $5 a gallon and my car got 12mpg.
You barely have to drive anywhere in CA. Almost my entire existence is in a 5 miles radius.
This, SD gas prices are shit
But I like driving, user. I drive distances to fun roads. Not everybody is you, dink.
is this like a single guy that lurks every board and posts like that as an alternate form of avatarfagging?
>You barely have to drive anywhere in CA
And it still takes you two hours of burning your dino juice in traffic to get anywhere.
>Because only normies bitch about gas?
I can also bitch about CARB regulations and all of the mods I can't do because of it. Refer back to my comment about having a V8 in California.
so do I.. just not every fucking day.
and $2.50 is cheap as hell for CA.
gas in nebraska might be a dollar cheaper but you're driving twice as far to get anywhere.
Washington is like fucking $2.70 for 87 in some places now.
No car enthusiast follows emissions laws, lmao.
Traffic is a myth. It's just as bad in any other city.
It's about 1.89/2.09./2.29 for 87/89/93 in Austin right now. Some stations are literally retarded though and charging much much more than other ones just down the street...
>mfw get 36mpg
>1.8 4 banger
>commute far for work
>full tank gone in almost 3 days
>25$ to fill it
>im still complaining of gas prices
> 169 for 93
Roflmao, 98 is 140 in Australia
ahhh yes
the good old a vs r meme
hope you bait a lot of murrifats user
north west?
also why is diesle cheaper, especially on the interstate, isnt the point supposed to be ripping you off, literally every state i stopped in along i80 was 30 cents cheaper to the dollar than regular unleaded
actually its not that, more that ppl are driving electric or hybrids, thats why washington has been trying to pass a driving milage tax for the last few years, you'd think they'd start by lowering the gas price first
Washington passed a .12 cent a gallon gasoline tax when fuel prices started dropping.
6.5$ per gallon for 95 average
6$ for diesel
recent reports show the countries average pay being at 450 usd :)
I paid 1.06 per litre for supermarket petrol yesterday, which if I've done my sums right it's almost $7/US Gallon
how far is your commute?
I have a 1.6 4 banger and get slightly worse MPG than you, and I made my last tank last like 300 miles
>Tfw $2.51/gal for premium in Hawaii
Holy fucking shit, lurk more desu
baka desu senpai kill yourself newfag
Leave now and stay go plz
This board is for dinosaur juice and it's associated combustion devices
>living in Europe
>not converting your car to LPG
Actually, that's good. We need gas cucks to keep our prices low.
>things just happen sporadically and cause and effect is a commie hoax
LPG makes it cost a bit less than when you drive a diesel, but atleast you dont have a tractor under the hood. my future cars will be lpg
Average cost of 1km per fuel type in Poland:
>Gasoline: 0.4zł
>Diesel: 0.24zł
>LPG: 0.17zł
Good god, it's around $2.60/gallon for regular where I live (NY, not city), a little over $2 a gallon over the border nearby in Connecticut.
I'm seeing 2.49 in central socal.
>You barely have to drive anywhere in CA. Almost my entire existence is in a 5 miles radius.
Right because California is one big grid locked city. Retard
>the rest of this blessed country enjoys better gasoline for cheaper
New York here.
We don't.
here, guessing you're in the Hudson valley region? I'm further west in the southern tier bumfuck nowhere and shit's just as expensive, it's ridiculous.
It's 2.19 here in WI
Was 1.49 in December.
Don't think I'll ever see it that cheap again
It's $1.20/liter here in the lower mainland.
Euro here, can't even deny im not jelly.
>costs 40 bucks to fill up my truck
>go to honolulu twice and to waimanalo once from kailua
>1/3 tank left
although it's my fault really for driving something with shit gas milage
>tfw italian
>tfw 1.41 €/l
This is a nightmare right?