Oh hi there wagecucks. Better go to bed soon. It's getting late you have work tomorrow. You don't wanna be late...

Oh hi there wagecucks. Better go to bed soon. It's getting late you have work tomorrow. You don't wanna be late, the boss will be mad at you.

Are you worried about having enough time to work on your car tomorrow wagecuck? I'm going to wake up and casually work on my car, taking my time. I hope you have enough time on your half hour lunch break to shovel your calories down your throat wagecuck, I will be enjoying my meals.

Tick Tock Wagecuck. Time is running out.

Is someone mad mommy didn't bring them their tendies fat enough?

Why are you so upset?

Reasonably sure I can accomplish more in an hour and a half than you can in a day.

And even pay for my food.
And your food.
And our roads.
And fire dpts


>be wagecuck
>make money
>buy nice things

not too bad

>be wagecuck
>try to save up for a car
>end up spending money going out with tindersloots and getting my dink zukked

Maybeh Al-Zuk Yadeek

>has to prostitute to afford his tendies fix.


i only wagecuck for 6 months a year

bretty sweet tbhfam

got 6 vehicles on the road and one in the workshop

im so mad rn

Calm down wagecuck. You shouldn't spend your short few hours outside of work being mad.

Someday when you grow up and get a job fluffing for gay porn, there will be no such thing as summer vacation

One of the best lines from that movie

That was such a baller movie.

>be in summer school
>teach walks past right during the scene with the chick on channel nine

>"user are you kidding me"
>other kids in the class have to explain it's just Office Space, not porno

What do you do and can I get in on it?





sincerely an almost graduated engineering student

Electronics engineerung student working a full time job 9k/yr reporting in.

No, fuck you. I only live for the hope of getting a gen 2 and/or 5 Viper

nigger what

>Time is running out.

for what?

Jokes on you faget I don't get breaks

Its considered a little under average pay here. 4.2$/hr, 8 hours a day 5 days a week.

i cant be a wagecuck all my life because of this reason

>I hope you have enough time on your half hour lunch break to shovel your calories down your throat wagecuck

Fuck you buddy, I get an hour lunch

>4.2 dollars per hour
what shithole country is this?

>Croatia, Yurop

The only thing holding me here is college.

I enjoy my job

Being a trust fund babby/pseudo NEET.

I get an hour paid lunch with free buffet. Casino work has it's perks.


Piss off, bus rider.

State worker here. I get paid 70k a year + 25k benefits to be a NEET.

One of the best movies ever. I sign up for all kinds of random shit using the name Michael Bolton because of that movie

No, you fucking don't. stop lying and grow up wagecuck

I could sure get more frogposting in without that pesky job. ... live that dream... can we switch lives?

Jokes on you cunt, Im at home because there's nothing to do at work, and I work on Salary pay. So I can wrench on my car, and still get paid. You god damn Cuck.

It's amazing how many responses threads like these get

If this honestly upsets you just think about who the real loser is in this situation

Oh look, a troll.

Fucking welfare queens.