Memefoam disaster

Fuck SeaFoam. I believed the meme and look what it did to my spark plugs in just 20 mins.


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Okay champ, tell us what happened so we can laugh at you.

Put SeaFoam in after installing new plugs.

PIC related in OP: my completely ruined plugs.

Memefoam, the worst meme on /o

The fuck is SeaFoam

It's not a meme.. anyone who knows even the slightest bit amount mechanics knows it's fucking snake oil.

Of course it is. Have you ever read the bottle? They claim it can do pretty much fucking everything so of course it's all bull shit

Just like WD-40

>Put SeaFoam in
Where? How did you do it? Give us more detail ya dumb hunk.

wd40 is a lubricant and water displacer.
you CAN use it for everything.

its just a detergent, it does have cleaning properties, it's not a fucking miracle though.


I remember seeing this same photo but in a different thread a week ago

you aren't supposed to go to the beach and literally put sea foam in your car

>plugs totally, 100% dry
If anyone here falls for it
who am I kidding
there are already people here dumb enough to use seafoam, why not believe this tripe?

I hate that shit so fucking much. It's next to useless yet every pleb likes to claim it's the greatest. really love showing people how shitty it is compared to a real penetrating oil

This is a troll post. You can see the plugs outside of the combustion chamber are well rusted.

This forum has a regular troll poster and thread derailer (troll posts, pics laughing girls, swirled pictures, yellow laughing heads) and he had attacked ocean sea foam earlier as being a rust agent. So this thread is a more evolved version of his earlier troll post.

Oh also
>seafoam somehow got into the top portion of the plug
>you know, the part that has nothing to do with combustion

And yet it will fully dry in about 6 seconds, lubricant my fucking ass

What's a real penetrating oil in your eyes?

WD40 is a degreaser.

Someone posted this picture literally 5 days ago after pulling the spark plugs out of their F350


90% of this board is shitposters. It's not just one guy.

It's not meant to stay wet.

>Buying a gasoline 1 ton truck

Calling bullshit. Never used SF but everyone knows it works internally added to fuel or oil. I think they do make an external cleaner as well but you said you "put it in". That being said, the only part of the plug that would come into contact with SF are the insulator tip and ground electrode. Your pic shows the outside of the plug with "damage" which would not happen in any real world circumstance. Also, your plug gaps are all over the place. Those are not new plugs faggot. Nice try.

Loyd's works pretty good and isn't flammable so it's great when your also using heat. Liquid wrench is also decent but I find Loyd's works better and I can buy it in 20L buckets so it's pretty cheap

>not memefoaming your car every oil change

Just use Marvel Mystery Oil. It's ATF with a cool mason's logo on it.

No but it should leave an oily film which it does not. Fucking garbage just completely evaporates in seconds

Marvel is legit if you use it for things it's supposed to be used for. For what it's worth, MMO and Lucas products are the only additives I have ever had legit (as in worked at the job for 20+ years) mechanics recommend

Marvel oil completely dissolved my head gasket in just two weeks.

Don't recommend.

>using additives
You guys are fucking stupid why don't you just fix the problem.

I swear this board is full of half assed bare minimum 'car guys'.


This. Dont buy snake oil guys

The idea behind additives is to prevent the problem, very rarely do they actually cure an existing problem

the plugs are rusted above the thread so nice thread op

SeaFoam completely annihilated my lawn mower once.

Filled entire tank with seafoam as per directions. The pistons melted and completely fused with the cylinders.

how many pistons did ur lawnmower have

It was a 3 cylinder Mitsubishi that was only produced for a short period in the 80s.

Still really pissed it ruined my rare lawnmower.

swap a 4g into that shit

No one who knew shit about engines would ever consider using seafoam.

If you want to get rid of carbon then just take the manifold off and clean it. similarly take the head off and clean the ports, valves, and chambers.

Don't half ass retard it by trying to use some snake oil additive. Your $3000 shitbox isn't going to gain even half a hp.

r-ing the pic of that guy that thought sea foam was expanding foam, and literally sprayed expanding foam into his intake

Meh, just use water mist. Why waste all that time removing and scrubbing shit? Learn to work smart.

>work smart
By doing something pointless? You're not even going to make a dent in any significant carbon build up, if it existed, with water mist. You need a decent solvent.

A better idea is to not worry at all about carbon in your shitbox.

thats your problem, you're supposed to use UrethaneFoam

are you sure you didn't use muriatic acid instead of seafoam?

It's not pointless. It's also very effective. Steam is an excellent carbon cleaner. Try youtube for examples.

if you can get the water hot enough to turn to steam it will clean very well.

I just got the joke.

These are plugs pulled from decade-sitting f150 i think. there was a thread a while ago you fucking retards

>wd40 is a lubricant
No it's not.

worked pretty well last night with your mum

I didn't :|

Penetrating oil rapes the shit out of paint/bluing though, found that out the hard way.

All of it goes in my fucking eyes when i try to spray something under the car

I'm calling complete bullshit this is bait fucking hard as fuck

>WD40 is a degreaser.
It's a fucking water displacer just like it says in the name.

THIS. user posted how he bought a truck that had been sitting x amount of years and those were the plugs yet it still ran.

how did the outsides of the plugs get dirty too?

So you ran the thing on seafoam alone?

You're a dubass, don't blame the foam...

I put a jdm import engine in my miata. Lifters cluttered like a team of roofers on first start-up. After running half a can of seafoam through the intake, it quieted down to a purr. Seafoam isn't a cure all but it sure as shit ain't snake oil.

You filled the entire tank with nothing but seafoam?

I'd bet if you read the can it'll say you can do that, it probably cures cancer too

Shop in a can.

I used seafoam once and my wife called me almost immediately after saying our miscarriage child just showed up at our doorstep

Shit works



It says to add x amount of seafoam per gallon of fuel

>yellow laughing heads
you cheeky faggot, you know what it's called

I saw it too. An old f150 iirc

underrated post

I'm pretty sure all the chambers had a lot of carbon/rust/grease that solidified from years of being stationary. Seafoam seemed to get a lot of that gunk out. Also, seafoam in intake to quiet lifters is in a Mazda tech bulletin.

>muh super special lawnmower that you've never heard of

you are some special kind of hipster faggot

Plusgas is fucking based

It's not a lubricant you fucking dolt. It's a solvent

it's a team of stooges that paid to shit up the board

It seems to do a good job of removing carbon buildup, which would presumably help your valves seat better if nothing else. How is that snakeoil?

it does too many things at once
things that should really be done in stages for reasons that I would hope are obvious

its cool till you get round to hardening the valve seats
some times just want the car running in the mean time

This. A friend of mine used it on a bike chain once, and ended up worse off. Jammed tight. Had to go buy some proper oil for it.

Shit's great for miscellaneous de-gunking, though. Almost totally fixed the sticky accelerator on my old car, since the issue was just 15 years of shite on the mechanism.

I ran the tank to empty on my 97 Civic, and poured 4 bottles of SeaFoam into the gas tank as per directions on the can.

It only started once briefly and has never run again since. Totally fucked the engine, white smoke was blasting out the sides of the hood.

Memefoam is the worst product and I can't believe it totalled my Civic. Sold it for scrap metal the next day and bought a Vespa.

>be me
>current year
>wagecuck weekend is here!
>excited to seafoam my miata
>do pic related with the foam of our lord
>tfw I remember I'm a no-car bus-riding faggot
>come back into my neetroom to huff black ice and anime post on Veeky Forums

At least my qt 2d waifu doesn't have water retention like sekt.

Can someone post a pic of what a properly seafoamed car looks like?

It states to start with 2oz of foam per gallon and never to exceed 50%, you're just a dumbshit.

I don't think its a magic product, but I do think it does clean at least a little. Putting it in the oil caused it to go pitch black in a few days. I do half can in oil, half can in intake, then drive for day or two and change the oil.

how does seafoam even work
you just pour it into thr gas tank and it cleans all the tubes?

Lookup Chrisfix seafoam video on jewtube. It actually does something. He uses a snake cam to take before and after pics of his piston heads.

It cleans the inside of your engine
It literally simulates blowing a head gasket and steams the carbon out of your engine...I've seen it used a lot on small engines and cars I've never seen it rust spark plugs like OPs but I've seen it lock up and bend rods in a 12-1 compression b20 that shit was loud

muh kroil

for real though, love Seafoam. Any time I buy a new honda, run that shit through it. Cleans shitty idles up right quick.

No one in their right mind would use this shite.


New plugs
>100% rusty on the outside

Good job bruh you got a reply

2nd the kroil, have yet to try 50/50 acetone and ATF

>It actually does something.
Plain water will do the same thing.

The correct way to use SeaMeme is to dump a can into the transmission fluid. This will renew worn clutches to almost factory condition.

Old Go Kart track maintenance trick.

>Seafoam did this
>Decades of rust outside of plugs
This is such a bad lie I can't believe I'm giving you another chance to lie.

That mix is the nectar of the automotive gods. Between that and Marvel's, I got an engine unstuck on a car that had been sitting for over 23 years.

from the word's of a wise Russian, i'm pretty sure he was, Ballistol is the way to go

I can fully say that Marvel Mystery Oil is the fucking bees knees

If you fucks weren't half retarded you would seek information instead of making up bullshit. Here's the MSDS sheet for seafoam.

If you haven't ever seen one of these before, it's a sheet that lists the chemical composition of a product in rough percentages so that poison control knows whats up when lil timmy drinks a bottle. You can find it for _everything_.

Seafoam is pale oil, naptha, and rubbing alcohol. Quit with all the "snake oil" bullshit and don't let shit you don't know stay a mystery.