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You mean cutecest!
Daily Reminder that if you use a Straight Sword in these games, you're not as good as you think you are. Infact, you're a casual shitter using the Very Easy difficulty weapon.
Stomp's concept sounds good but you're right that it only works against idiots. I think as a way to balance it would be making stomp a perseverance buff that lets you tank so long as you have it on your hand/don't use your offhand. The buff should work like a defensive warcry and last 30 seconds which gives you iron flesh but without the weight penalty. Stacking it with iron flesh would be pointless with the weight penalty and switching it like sunlight ss would cancel it like gentle prayer. A simple add-on like that could change everything.
I actually think WKGS's WA is WAAAAAY more useful than stomp, maybe still the second worst but definitely not as close to stomp as one might think. If you know your opponent is trying to roll into you for example, the R1 WA is pretty useful. However, R2 WA is much closer to stomp usefulness due to the fact that I'm p sure you can roll out of the "stun" and I think it has batshit poise
You can't, it's similar to O&K/claws where it stumbles upon leaving the ground
No, I mean femboi's boipussy filled to the brim and reduced to a wet sloppy mess by his older brother!
>charge getting out-armored by a 1handed spin
wow, I knew this game was bullshit, but that's a bit much
Post music, guys
>seeds world
>gets fuck up to one hit away from death
>add ironflesh to it
That would definitely help in terms of HA (getting poisebroken out of stomp is both possible and fucking stupid), however we are still left with the giant ass endurance drain+ easy to dodge problem. A lot of people say the GS/ Cathedral Knight GS stomp variant is worse than FUGS/BKGS, but I think its better due to its rollcatch potential. Anyway, not quite sure it would "change everything" but I see no reason it shouldn't do that (besides the obvious "why would From ever do anything to help ultras)
I've been running the Profane Greatsword and, yeah, stomp is pretty bad, but when you do get it to connect, boy does it feel good.
And can anything that feels that good, truly be bad?
He's not the host, and he's fighting the most disliked player here, what else do you expect?
It's a fightclub
>Not noticing its a fucking /dsg/ FC
go to bed silly
Unnerving music!
My broken armor fashion doesn't even show up that well
At least it was fun to try, but using 2 rings for it kinda blows
i started to play ds3 yesterday and holy fuck that worm in the smouldering lake was fucking awesome
nigga shooting lightning beams and shit
Yeah, but then you realise that it has to stay in one place and basically a turret because From didn't have the resources (or desire) to give it any mobility.
>2 rings for broken armor
wtf are you doing
Anyone on PC wanna coop at all?
>and he's fighting the most disliked player here
Sure, where you wanna coop to?
Don't ruin it for him.
God knows the first playthrough when everything is new and cool, is the most fun you'll get out of DaS3.
Havel's in order to carry AGS and Gotthards
Untrue Dark for not-fucked up Blessed Weapon and armor reflectiveness
I'm in NG+ and waiting to go to NG+2, was asking if anyone wanted to host
Yeah, you're right... I just never liked that worm...
I like the theory that Alonne and Iron King's story is essentially like Guts vs Griffith. Alonne leaving him after the undead hunts/power indulgence and the Iron King attacks his keep for treachery. It makes the theme sound heroic and tragic.
>not just hardswapping
if you're gonna be a tryhard cunt at least do it the right way
I don't backpedal in the middle of a fight just so I can swap weapons, that shit was gay in DaS1, and is still gay now
So they changed horsehoof ring
Are the Pyro/Miracle/Sorc Achievements across all characters, or do they need to be done on a single character?
Ah, I don't have any characters to host at the moment.
Yeah, it's not great.
Just like the rest of "Izalith" and the Demon Chalice Dungeon.
But it was all really cool before you gave it any thought whatsoever.
I don't understand what this is trying to show
fuck off havel, if arty's lockon switched it could have cost him the fight
You usually cannot combo into UGS 1HR1 or 2HR1 after a regular kick.
However, a Horsehoof kick will give out a "getting hit" sound and allow for a followup with Ultra weapons. Great Axes, UGSs and Great Hammers can hit people out of kick stagger, the first two can hit even with an uncharged R2.
This happens fucking constantly to me, yet people will still run behind/around hosts/other phantoms and call it "tactics"
Favourite PvE builds for DaSII?
I feel like starting a new character, but I don't know what to build.
>Straight Swords are easy mode
>Magic is easy mode
>Heavy weapons are easy mode by virtue of being able to stun lock and deal massive amounts of damage per swing to many enemies in these games
What are the hard mode weapons then, dex weapons?
It's almost silly how bad stomp and its follow up attacks are compared to perseverance both pve and pvp. Also the Cathedral UGS's stomp attacks first spin doesn't often confirm into the second and has less range than the vertical swings AND I believe it takes even more stamina than the others on top of everything.
>be me, myself
>DS3 DLC is still not announced
The spin stomp variant is the worst one by far.
It consumes more stamina that the golfswing, has the longest startup, the least reach and the lowest damage. It's also the only version of stomp that doesn't have complete, continuous hyperarmor covering the stomp itself all the way through the followup. There's a small gap between stomp and followup with no hyperarmor, but only on the spin followup.
>Be literally me
>stopped playing this game because there's nothing fun to do in it anymore
Considering you find Alonne's stuff inside of Brume Tower, that's most likely not the case. Besides, it's more or less established that Alonne left when Old Iron King started going crazy, and that Old Iron King was killed by the Smelter Demon not long after.
So whats the general consensus on DaS2's place on the timeline? Or is it some different land entirely?
It doesn't matter
So, roughly speaking, most areas in DaS3 map onto DaS1.
For example, Anor londo is obviously Anor Londo, Farron Keep is allegorical to Darkroot and Oolacile (if not literally them), Smouldering Lake is literally referred to as being the last remnants of Izalith. Most of the major locations that we visit in 3 relate in some way back to an area from the first game.
With that in mind, what area do you suppose the Profaned Capital is supposed to match up with?
after 1, before 3
were they gay?
New Londo?
Some user pointed out a few threads ago that the fissure of light in the background of the Capital is the same as the one in Things Betwixt.
Ohh that sounds good. Hope it's true.
Fucking from, how could they be so retarded with the ultra class. Not even from a pvp stand point, I can't think of a boss that has a long enough opening to allow a stomp attack and its stamina recovery not mentioning that the damage barely surpasses a charged r2.
Is it fun posting that image in /v/ saying you have no friends when you have /dsg/?
or is that pic a new meme I'm unaware of
>place on the timeline?
is right, there's no point in trying to narrow it down at all because there aren't many fixed reference points in the series' history.
>is it some different land entirely?
Drangleic is a kingdom to the North of whatever continent/ world Lordran/ Lothric are on.
It's easy to just ask someone something and then fade into obscurity with this new information :)
i posted a picture of, literally, myself. The is no memery going on
References to DaS2 are far and few, since the game physically happened on an entirely different timeline
Berke spotted
someone has been spreading pictures of you do you want me to delete my copy
>physically happened on an entirely different timeline
What about all the things in DaS2 that reference DaS1?
Explain your reasoning.
And what do you mean by "timeline"?
There are plenty of references to DaS2 in DaS3, so that suggests that DaS2's events happened in DaS3's past.
The fact that DaS is demonstrably aslo in DaS3 distant past puts the timeline at DaS - DaS2 - DaS3.
DaS1 was the first, and depending on the ending to that game, either DaS2 or DaS3 happens afterward
Linking the Flame leads to DaS3, while letting it die leads to DaS2
No, I enjoy memers seeing the beauty my literal self, I appreciate your offer though, friend
>Straight Swords are easy mode
>Curved Swords are easy mode
>Great weapons are easy mode
>Polearms are easy mode
>Any kind of magic is easy mode
>Only things I approve of take skill, because I am the authority on skill in a Souls game
I'm glad no one in their right mind listens to crybabies like yourself, else they'll be stuck in a never ending loop of doing increasingly dumb shit and not having fun for the sake of appeasing total strangers.
HexDex with no more than 20 Vigor.
How much does it even matter given that literal centuries pass between the end of one game and the start of another?
I understand why you'd think this, but if that was the case, nothing from DS2 would be in DS3.
Hmmm, no. There's nothing that supports a split timeline theory. The fact that there have been multiple linkings and at least one age of dark by the time we get to DS3 seems to indicate that a fuckton of time has passed, enough for Dark Souls 2 to fit in without issue.
Since time is convoluted, couldn't time have just bent and twisted and moved some things from an overlapping timeline into another?
I imagine the FUGS just appearing in midair and landing on and killing some unsuspecting hollow so Tsorig can find it and use it against you
Vendrick's shield is in DaS3 as well
When I first started DaS2 I was just under the general impression that Drangelic was the same land as Lordran, but that just cant be the case anymore. It still seems weird the lack of culture and tradition in Drangelic though, since all humans came from the same place and would probably know about the Lords.
Are the throne of want and the kiln of the first flame the same thing
I find DaS2 very confusing if you can supposedly link the first flame or choose a dark age from the throne and have it not be the kiln
There's numerous countries throughout the world (even in DS1 you had places like Astora, Catarina, the Great Swamp, etc.), kingdoms rise and fall (Forossa, Mirrah, Alken and Venn, Olaphis, etc.), and knowledge becomes lost over time. That's why nobody in Drangleic knows anything about Lordran.
The only real reason why DS3 makes so many direct references to DS1 is that Miyazaki directed both, and had a chance to link his two works together. He was never involved in any of the "lore" in DS2 so he only made passing references here and there to it.
When you go NG+ in DaS2 can you just open Shrine of Winter door at the beginning of the playthrough with your already existing 1 million soul memory?
Drangleic is referred to as Drang now. The leic part is supposed to mean lake, as you reach the land through the lake in the beginning cutscene. It means that Drang has been dragged away to its own universe, like a dream from Quella, the spirit tree.
You see the spirit tree has its roots and branches, much like the arch trees, and these roots and branches connect Lothric to Lordran and the Kiln of the first flame.
If I make a weapon RAW in SoTFS, can I still buff it with spells and miracles like Crystal Magic Weapon and Sunlight Blade?
No, it starts counting the souls starting at the beginning of the playthrough, and it increases by 1 million per cycle, so you need to collect 2 million souls starting from Things Betwixt.
What if Aldrich's visions of an "Age of the Deep Sea" were of Bloodborne? Kos supposedly came from the sea and was washed ashore later
What spirit tree?
Yes. Same goes for all infusions, in fact. Dark Souls 2 exclusive, that.
Is owcs worth the str investment for a dex/luck character?
That seems like a stretch to arrive at the theory you got, but is maybe accurate given the trip that the opening cinematic was. I really wish the gods in DaS2 werent even present or at least expanded on just a tiny bit because adding them in only convolutes things.
We all know that dragons are cucks, but what about giants? Are they Chads? They cucked Vendrick pretty hard desu.
Is this a good enough build to get me back into DS3?
Vendrick defeated the giants.
I'm stuck in dark souls 2. How do i progress past lost Bastille? I can't beat those sentinels and all the enemies are dead except the ones behind that gate. So yeah what now
I've made a STR character, then DEX, now what
Clear No Man's Wharf
You git gud and beat the Ruin Sentinels. All of their attacks can be dodged or blocked, learn their patterns and separate them out. If you were able to fight and beat Capra Demon and Ornstein and Smough in DaS1, the Ruin Sentinels are nothing.
The first one is a freebie since you can just fight him solo at the top and the other two won't bother you until you kill him, then they jump up one by one and you can just beat one down until the other joins him and then drop down for more fighting space. And if you can't even manage that, then summon a phantom for easy mode.
>Playing the DS2 remaster
Got it for $9 dollars on sale somewhere.
>Doing some co-op stuff, sunbroing it up.
>Brazil has invaded.
>As he's running down the stairs, he vanishes and appears near me.
>No thanks, I've done my time in launch DS1, don't even engage, leave the game.
>Get like 40 group spam invites from meme groups. ???
>This goes on for like 40 minutes.
>Send him one (1) back.
>He blocks me
How come no one ever told me how good the remaster was. I left DS2 behind a while ago when it was shit but all the subtle improvements here are really good. It's well worth my 9 dollaroons.
Use blunt or magic damage against the Sentinels, they're super weak to both of those types of damage. Besides that, if you talked to Licia, just past the Dragon Rider, she'll relocate to the just before Heides Tower of Flame, right outside Majula.
Talk to her and get her to rotate the path for somewhere else to go.
It's just that even in DS3 you travel to the kiln in the last part and it's an entirely different reality. It's not that much of a stretch to see that DS2 can coexist with the other games this way, and trees play a big part in this since they hold the world in a way, like when you go underground in DS1 and see the archtrees. Or in Bloodborne where every tree in the hunter's dream had its own hub, though it's not directly related. It's a good example. The kiln in DS3 looks like a giant tree too if you look at it from the bonfire, now that I remember.
What's the best "big guy" fashion excluding Gundyr's?
Because you should have tried it yourself and formed your own opinion, instead of listening to tripfags who are wrong at least 99% of the time anyways.
But Vendrick beat he Giants. Vendrick's more of a Chad if anything, considering The Last Giant is just broken and defeated in the bottom of a cave
Alright then, quality is rather low, but I'm just showing how it's done. You can see you only need to space and R1 with an occasional roll.
This is a +7 Ghru spear on a NG+2 character (not 40/40 either).
So keep in mind you'd deal far more damage and have more reach with better spears, but even this is doable.
Don't really need much strategy with these guys.
Shield enemies would be more annoying to deal with but nothing impossible, you usually just backstab them. If you want, I can show how I'd deal with the shield pontiff knight, but I'm rather tired, so I'd rather just sleep.