How the fuck are you going to pay for your new car by driving Uber when you only get paid $5 an hour?

Complain to all your passengers about how little you make.

Driving 8 hours a day 7 days a week is $560. Are you going to sleep in your car? How are you going to pay for food and the auto repairs?

At least you got a car out of it amirite?

Wow I had no idea Uber pay was so shit
>Not that I would finance a car with the intent of paying for it by being an app based taxi driver
>1st day and you pick up some drunk fuckhead and they throw up in the back


You get paid based on a model similar to taxis, there's people who pay for rent in overpriced LA just doing uber.

$5 per hour x 8 hours per day --> $40 per day
7 days per week --> $280 per week
Subtract your food, drinks, housing, clothing, utilities from that.

It's no wonder people wanted to unionize but Uber and republicans have blocked that here. It's a fair wage to keep running an efficient company with reasonable costs for the customers. Their explanation why Uber should not be unionized here sounds good to me.

By driving for more than $5 an hour for Uber. That's how.

>You get paid based on a model similar to taxis
No. Taxi rates are regulated by the municipality they operate in. Sure they can vary, but they are capped and not based on the vehicle at all.
lol middle schoolers

by getting a different job and letting those uber prices rise.

Do any of you stupid fucks actually believe for a goddamn second that uber pays below minimum wage?

It's not walmart, they actually have competition and if they tried that bullshit lyft would pay $5.50 an hour and nobody would drive for uber anymore.

If it wasn't worth it no one would do it.


Lol. The shittiest entry level job at Walmart now pays 10 an hour. They are bumping pay to desperately stem the rate of turnover. The Walmart where my wife is a pharmacist had a 90% 12 month turnover last year.


Some loweses are like that, the one I worked at in waynesville NC had very low turnover. We all got like $12 an hour though. The store manager there has that place running top notch.

Working in HR for Walmart must be a complete shit show.

I got to have a 10-15 minute conversation with the store level HR lady at my wife's walmart once, and I sort of legit felt bad. She was saying they basically have no new people they can hire.

Everyone in the immediate area either 1.) Already works at the store 2.)failed the drug/background check 3.)Has already been fired from Walmart and is ineligible for rehire.

That walmart is literally recruiting people over an hour away to try and fill positions it's so bad

why is Uber popular in cuck states where you cant conceal carry in your car?

you're literally asking to be robbed

also since you're not even making half minimum wage, it'll take years before you have enough disposable cash to invest in security measures like a safe polycarbonate barrier between your cab sections, various cameras with enough storage for your entire shifts for evidence, ect...

But that's the troll-ee part. You AREN"T making only $5 an hour.

they take over 50% when you could pick up people on your own for 100%

Also as an independent contractor you have to figure out your own taxes.

>blaming republicans
Obamacare has decimated the job economy. No one wants to hire full time to avoid paying the mandatory health insurance for full time workers. Many companies can now cheap out by hiring loads of part timers or in Uber's case, Independent contractors which aren't considered employees of said company. Government of both sides ignore because it still counts enough to lower unemployment statistics. People don't have to unionize for fucking Uber, all they have to do is stop driving for them. All a union would do is take more fees and give you a certain date to go on strike (which is when you stop working for them) it's the exact same result.

Tax isn't 50% as a contractor

The tax rate is 15.3% for either employee or independent contractor. It's more work for you to figure out as an independent contractor. Maybe there is state tax differences but my state doesn't do income tax.

>they take over 50%
How do you know?


How do you only make $5 per hour with Uber? I drive for them sometimes and average $14 after fuel costs. During surge I get into the $18-$25 range regularly. Are you driving a big SUV or stuck in one of those places where they only pay 25 cents per mile or something?