>Play Cloaked Huntress on turn 3 >Empty my hand of secrets >Have no cards left >Opponent plays around my secrets >Forced to concede because no cards
Colton Kelly
Ben Brode gets questioned on video about the Firelands Portal and Arena balance
>Brode: I guess we can NOT make more powerful commons for Mage and Rogue, and make more useful common cards for the shit classes like Hunter, Priest, etc
>Brode: Except I don't think that's the solution, what if I change the way I code arena (Which I don't know if I even can do), or the way that draft in arena works (Which again, I don't know if I can do), or what if arena gets replaced by another play mode, or what if we solution it when new technology comes to Blizzard in some years
>Next question please
Xavier Ross
>kripp complains about pack rng >next pack is death slut >next next pack is golden duust >first pick in new run is legendaries
Jacob Hernandez
Violet Illusionist will be great in some warlock decks
>no health penalty for life tap >play cards like flame imp and pitlord with no health cost
Carson Reyes
Forget about dead classes, do you think its gonna be possible to create working dragon/beast/murlock meme deck?
Adam Cook
or you could play a better warlock deck
Anthony King
>people think the card that doesn't die to fiery waraxe is the same power level as the card that does to fiery waraxe uhhhhhh explain this to me shielders?